Webelos Activity Badge: Citizen

Citizenship Relay

Two teams line up facing each other with a wide space between them. Mark or identify a line down the middle of this space. The leader asks each player a question about the Declaration of Independence, the Star Spangled Banner, the President, Vice-President, Governor, or other fitting subject. The team to respond with the first correct answer moves forward a step. If the answer is incorrect, the question is asked of the other team. The first team to cross the center line is the winner.


Divide into teams. One team picks out a place on a US map, calls out the name and challenges the other team to find it in four minutes. If the other team gets it within the time limit, they get one point. If they do not, the other team scores the point. The game ends when one team has earned five points.

United States

Have the boys make a list of as many states as they can remember. After five or ten minutes, the one with the longest, most accurate list wins.

Our Flag's History

Visit your nearest library for books regarding the history of our flag. Get a copy of the BSA's Flag Book for information on the proper placement of the American flag at Pack meetings and assemblies. Be sure to check out the proper folding and use of the American flag. Check out these web sites for additional information:

Our National Anthem

Find an article or book on the history of the Star Spangled Banner. Who wrote it, when, and where? Do you know where the flag that inspired this song resides now? This song is sung before most US sporting events and when the USA wins a gold medal in the Olympics. Find the words and sing the song in your den. Here are some web sites to check out:

Webelos Activity: Citizen

Citizen Questionnaire(most answers are found in the Webelos handbook)

  1. The Vice President of the United States is ______. The Governor of my state is ______
  2. The flag of the United States has ____ stars in a field of the color ______, with _____ stripes of ______and ______. The stars in the flag of the United States stand for ______; the stripes stand for ______. When raising and lowering the flag on a flagpole, the flag should be raised ______and lowered ______.
  3. I respect my country's flag because ______. The flag should especially be flown on these special days: ______, ______and ______.
  4. The Star Spangled Banner is our ______. It was written by ______in the year ______. This poem was later set to ______.
  5. Some rights of a United States citizen are: ______, ______and ______.
  6. To save our resources, I can: clear ______, plant ______and fix ______.
  7. My friend is a good citizen because ______.
  8. The government provides:

P __ L I ______F F ______R S

F __ __ E F I __ __ T E __ __, and the

M __ L __ T __ __ Y.

9. My family pays for the government by: ______.

Do You Know our Flag and the Pledge of Allegiance?

Circle the best word to complete each statement.

  1. The word "pledge" means a {promise / bird}.
  2. When we pledge allegiance to the flag, we are promising to help keep the country {happy / free}.
  3. Being loyal to our country means we are willing to help with our country's {problems / presents}.
  4. Allegiance means being {kind / loyal}.
  5. {Betsy Ross / Abigail Adams} helped design and sew the first American flag.
  6. The American flag has {20 / 13} stripes.
  7. The first American flag had the stars in a {triangle / circle}.
  8. The American flag has one star for every {state / country}.
  9. The pole on which the flag is hung is called the {staff / state}.
  10. The blue part of the American flag is called the {field / staff}.
  11. The American flag should be held {higher / lower} than the state flag.
  12. The flag should be raised {fast / slowly} and with respect.
  13. If the flag gets dirty it must be {burned / laundered}.
  14. The American flag should be folded {in a triangle / like a tablecloth}.
  15. To respect the flag one should salute and {stand / sit} when the flag passes.

Webelos Activity: Citizen

America's Symbols Quiz

  1. The right hand of the Statue of Liberty holds a torch. What does the left hand hold?
  2. Which is taller, the Statue of Liberty or the Washington monument?
  3. What words are inscribed on the ribbon held in the mouth of the eagle on the Great Seal of the United States?
  4. In the Great Seal, what is the bald eagle carrying in its talons?
  5. What denomination of currency has the Great Seal printed on it?
  6. How many people can fit inside the head of the Statue of Liberty?
  7. What is the official U.S. motto?
  8. Francis Scott Key was inspired to write the "Star Spangled Banner" when he saw the flag still flying over what fort?
  9. Name the four U.S. Presidents whose images are carved in the Mt. Rushmore memorial in South Dakota.
  10. The Declaration of Independence says that all men are created ______.

(Answers: 1-Bill of Rights2-Washington monument3-E pluribus unum (one out of many)4-arrow symbolizing war and an olive branch symbolizing peace 5-the $1 bill 6-40 7-In God We Trust

8-Ft. McHenry9-Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, T.Roosevelt10-equal)

States and Stripes

The stripes on the United States flag represent the thirteen original colonies. Unscramble the letters for each of those original thirteen states below.














(Answers: Virginia, New Jersey, New York, Delaware, Massachusetts, Georgia, Maryland, Rhode Island, Connecticut, North Carolina, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire)

Webelos Activity: Citizen

November, 2001- 1 -

1. If you meet the President, you call him:

a.your Highness

b.your Excellency

c.Mr. President

2. The President and his family live in:

a.Blair House

b.the White House

c.the suburbs

3. The first President to live in the White House was:

a.J Adams

b.G Washington

c.T Jefferson

4. We celebrate birthdays of which two Presidents in February:

a.Washington & Lincoln

b.Jefferson & Adams

c.T.Roosevelt & F.D.Roosevelt

5. During the War of 1812, when Madison was President, this famous song was written:

a.Battle Hymn of the Republic

b.God Bless America

c.The Star Spangled Banner

6. Twenty-seven Presidents have studied:




7. The two big political parties today are:

a.Republicans & Democrats

b.Federalists & Whigs

c.Conservatives & Liberals

8. The U.S. National Anthem was written by:

a.G Washington

b.F Scott Key

c.B Franklin

9. The law says Presidential elections must be held on:

a.the 1st Monday in October


c.the 1st Tuesday in November

10. We hold Presidential elections every:

a.two years

b.four years

c.six years

11. The United States is made up of:

a.13 states

b.37 states

c.50 states

12. The parties pick their Presidential candidates in:

a.Presidential primaries

b.county, state, then regional conventions

c.by secret vote

13. If a president dies in office, the next president is:

a.the Vice President

b.elected by the people

c.the oldest Senator

14. If you want to run for President, you should:

a.go jogging

b.take a nap

c.make speeches

15. When flown with state flags, the U.S. flag is raised:

a.1st, lowered 1st

b.1st, lowered last

c.last, lowered 1st

16. The only man to be elected President four times was:

a.A Lincoln

b.F D Roosevelt

c.U S Grant

17. The President's wife is called:

a.the First Lady

b.the Queen

c.Mrs. President

18. The U.S. flag's stripes are colored:

a.6 red and 7 white

b.7 red and 6 white

c.6 red and 6 white

19. When properly folded, the U.S. flag should be shaped like:

a.a circle

b.a square

c.a triangle

20. On Memorial Day, the U.S. flag should:

a.be flown at half staff

b.be flown at full staff

c.should not be flown

21. Out of the 50 states to join the union, Nebraska was:

a.among the original 13



22. It is law that all school children say the Pledge of Allegiance each day:


  1. False

November, 2001- 1 -

Webelos Activity: Citizen

Famous Americans

Match each number to the BEST person below.

1. Olympic athlete2."Give me liberty … death"3.Declaration/Independence

4."I have a dream"5."I have not yet begun … fight"6.Early women's rights leader

7.Alamo8.Father of our country9.Kitty Hawk

10.Light bulb11.Gettysburg Address12.Lightning

13.Steamship14.Star Spangled Banner15.Spirit of St. Louis

16.Telephone17.Father of the Constitution18.United States flag

19.Midnight ride20.American Red Cross21. Frontiersman, trapper

___Abraham Lincoln___ Elizabeth Cady Stanton___ Alexander Graham Bell

___ John Paul Jones___ Benjamin Franklin___ Martin Luther King, Jr.

___ Betsey Ross___ Patrick Henry___ Charles Lindbergh

___ Paul Revere___ Daniel Boone___ Robert Fulton

___ Davy Crockett___ Thomas Jefferson___ Thomas Edison

___ James Madison___ George Washington___ Francis Scott Key

___ Wright Brothers___Jim Thorpe___ Clara Barton

(Answers: Col 1: 11, 5, 18, 19, 7, 17, 9Col 2: 6, 12, 2, 21, 3, 8, 1Col 3: 16, 4, 15, 13, 10,14, 20)

Know Your States

Here's a fun game/quiz based on the spelling of names of states.

1.Which state has a "ton?"9.Which state has "ore" in it?

2.Which state starts with a "pen?"10.Which state is an island?

3.Which state has an "Indian?"11.Half of which state is "land?"

4.Which state has a tuck in the middle?12.Which state starts with "ten?"

5.Which state has a "ham?"13.Which state greets you with "Hi?"

6.Which state is "cut" on the end?14.Two states are a "miss." Which ones

7.Which state has a "tan?"are they?

8.Which state is a "color?"15.Which four states are "new?"

(Answers:1-Washington2-Pennsylvania3-Indiana4-Kentucky5-New Hampshire

6-Conneticut7-Montana8-Colorado9-Oregon10-Rhode Island

11-Maryland12-Tennessee13-Ohio14-Missouri and Mississippi

15-New Hampshire, New York, New Mexico, New Jersey)

Webelos Activity: Citizen

The Meaning of the Pledge of Allegiance

For each row, circle the word which means the same as the word on the left.

PLEDGE / Polish / Family / Promise
ALLEGIANCE / Puppy / Loyalty / Garden
REPUBLIC / Plants / People / Airport
NATION / Country / Cereal / Building
INDIVISIBLE / Unity / Paint / Can’t be seen
LIBERTY / Market / Lesson / Freedom
JUSTICE / Promise / Simple / Fairness
SYMBOL / Partner / Flag / Bird
CITIZEN / Suit / State / Person
LAWS / Story / Rules / People

(Answers: promise, loyalty, people, country, unity, freedom, fairness, person, rules)

Memorizing the Pledge of Allegiance

We say the Pledge of Allegiance so often that the words just roll off our tongue. But to look at it, could you insert a word that's missing? Give it a try. Try every line once without reciting the pledge in your head. How many could you get? Then go back and fill in the rest while you recite the pledge. Now number each line in the correct order.

  1. ______One ______under God
  2. ______And ______for all
  3. ______Of the ______States of America
  4. ______Indivisible, with ______
  5. ______I ______allegiance to the flag
  6. ______And to the ______for which it stands

(Answers: 1-nation2-justice3-United4-liberty5-pledge6-republic

Order: 5-3-6-1-4-2)

Webelos Activity Badge: Communicator

TV News Report

Cut out a TV set from a box and set it on a small table. Each Webelos has to "report" a news story that has just come in. Using a simple sentence, the news anchor must play up his story using his hands only or using extreme facial expressions to get his story across to the viewing public. Do/Can they understand what he is saying? Stay tuned!

Communication with a Blind Person

How would you go about describing something to a blind person? For instance, how would you explain a horse to someone who has never seen one? Try this exercise: Blindfold the Cubs and give them each a pencil and piece of paper. Then describe to them an animal and ask them to draw what they think they hear. Remove the blindfolds and see if they can guess what animal they have drawn. Hint: don't use any key words. Example, if you are describing an elephant, don't use the word trunk.

Body Language

This game as described in the Webelos book is a lot of fun. Add some pizzazz to it by dividing the den into teams and have them guess the message - like charades.

Communication via Computer

Many homes now have a computer that is connected to the Internet. Ask to have a meeting at one of these homes. Prepare a list of good WWW sites to visit for Cub Scouts and Communications.

Visit a Radio or TV Station

Local television and radio stations offer tours of the facilities and the den can even be on hand during a live broadcast. Be sure to contact the station you want to visit at least a month in advance. Planning ahead is a must!

Telephone Etiquette

You can ask the boys to demonstrate proper telephone etiquette using a real phone set, but make it fun by making the tried and true paper cups and string phone. Use waxed dental floss for the string to make a really good connection. Now they can practice their phone courtesy with another boy literally on the other end of the line!

Invent a Code

The Scouts will enjoy inventing their own code. But first, introduce them to a simple code and show them how it works. Check back issues of Boys Life magazine to find a good code to introduce them to, or use one from the following page. Once they're comfortable with that code, let them create and use their own den code. Prepare by listing all the letters of the alphabet and the numbers 0 - 9 on a couple cards. The whole den can help create the code by taking turns to designate a simple but unique symbol for each letter or number listed. Be sure they write the same symbol on both cards. Then have each boy write a simple message - three words is good. Then pass it to the boy on his left and let each boy de-code the message.

Webelos Activity: Communicator


Webelos enjoy being able to communicate in code - it's like knowing a happy secret. Codes are used all over the world. When you send a telegram or a cable, you are sending a kind of code written in a short way. During wartime, codes are an important way for sending secret messages. Even the brands on cattle and markings on a plane are a kind of code. Codes usually have two parts. The first part is making the code, call "encoding." The second part is called "decoding," which tells the person who receives the message how to read and understand it.

Codes using MS-Word

Type in a message in Word in a readable alphabetic font. Then highlight the message and change the font to a non-alphabetic font. This is an easy way to convert a message into a code. Be sure to make and distribute the "key" to the code. Here's an example:

Key:A - B - C - D - E - F - G - 

H - I - J - K - L - M - N - 

O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - 

V - W - X - Y - Z - 

Code:Message: Do Your Best

Rail Fence Code

Suppose you want to send the message "Louis likes bean soup." In the Rail Fence Code, you encode by dropping down every other letter:



Then, take the bottom line of letters and put them next to the top line of letters. You'll come up with a coded message: LUSIEBASUOILKSENOP which you send. When your friend wants to decode the message, he just counts the number of letters, divides it by two, and places the last half below and between the first half.

Box Code

Make a 5x5 grid as pictured and label the columns 1 - 5 and the rows 1 - 5. Insert a letter into each box. One box will contain two letters, but the other letters in the message will help the decoder determine which letter to select. Using this system, the row number followed by the column number indicates the letter needed for the message. For example, "O" is 34. The fun part is that you can use any extra words, pictures, and letters to hide your code inside. The following looks like a grocery list but is really the code for "Send Help."

November, 2001- 1 -

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
1 / A / B / C / D / E
2 / F / G / H / I/J / K
3 / L / M / N / O / P
4 / Q / R / S / T / U
5 / V / W / X / Y / Z

Dear Grocer:

Please accept my order for the

Following and deliver at once.

43 cans of sardines @.15

33 boxes of cereal @.14

23 packages of napkins @.15

31 cans of peaches @.35

November, 2001- 1 -

Webelos Activity: Communicator

Anagram Fun

Can you decode these words, phrases and images?

November, 2001- 1 -












7. i i





  1. 10SNE1



11. I AM



13. RAC





1 1 1 1




November, 2001- 1 -


  1. Good Afternoon8. Double Overtime15. Misunderstanding between friends
  2. Four Wheel Drive9. Tennis Anyone?16. Right in the Middle of Nowhere
  3. Big Man on Campus10. Pie in the Sky17. Once Upon a Time
  4. Pheasant Under Glass11. I Am Underpaid and Overworked
  5. Baby Bopper12. Garden Hose18. Right Between the Eyes
  6. Jump in a Lake13. Car in Reverse19. Parakeet
  7. Eyes Bigger Than Stomach14. Lost in the Mail

Webelos Activity: Communicator

Cub Scout Alphabet Soup

Using the letter of the alphabet displayed, fill in the answer for each clue. The first one has been done for you.

  1. The "Jungle Book" name of an important Cub Scout Leader is Akela.
  2. When they are old enough, Cub Scouts can join a troop of B______.
  3. The title of the leader of the Pack is C______.
  4. The title of the Cub Scout who is the number one den helper is the D______.
  5. One Cub Scout elective activity which could include wiring a door bell is E______.
  6. Every Cub Scout shows respect to this patriotic item that is used in opening ceremonies, the F_____.
  7. The Webelos activity badge that includes the study of rocks, minerals, mountains and earthquakes is G______.
  8. A physical journey that Scouts big and small enjoy in the outdoors is a H_____.
  9. This substance is found in instruments we write with: I___
  10. Kids like to see how far or how high they can do this physical action: J_____
  11. One way to move the ball in football or soccer is to K_____ it.
  12. This is the noise we make when something is funny or we are happy: L______
  13. This is made by voices or by instruments: M______
  14. A familiar information source that contains many articles and is often recycled is a N______.
  15. People from many nations around the world take part in the O______ events every four years.
  16. These play characters are fun to make and are used in some skits: P______
  17. The Cubmaster expects Q______ when he give the Cub Scout sign.
  18. During races or relays we move our legs quickly and this is called R______.
  19. The act of making musical sounds with words is another word for S______.
  20. When the Cub Scout sign is given, we must stop T______.
  21. A shirt, neckerchief and slide are part of the Cub Scout U______.
  22. During the summer, we often take time for a family V______.
  23. When a Cub Scout is 10 years old, and in the 4th or 5th grade, he can earn the Cub Scout rank of W______.
  24. The musical instrument, a X______ sort of resembles a piano.
  25. Today is Y______ tomorrow.
  26. A Z_____ is where lots of wild animals are kept for visitors to view.

Webelos Activity Badge: Family Member