developing fp7 research proposals
OnedayWorkshop –Tuesday 20 February 2007
Trinity Centre, CambridgeSciencePark, Cambridge, UK
The Workshop
The European Union’s new Framework Programme for research (FP7) was launched on the 1January 2007. This workshop is ideal for newcomers to the Framework Programme such as research managers preparing their first proposal for EU funding for a collaborative research project. It is also suitable for those familiar with Framework 4 or 5, lacking recent involvement in EU research and looking to update their knowledge.
The workshop will explain how research proposals are developed, how consortia are formed and topics chosen, as well as outlining the Framework Programme rules and procedures. It will be limited to 24 participants, to allow high levels of interaction and plenty of time for questions.
Workshop leader
Paul Drathof Singleimage has long experience in analysing Framework Programme documentation and presenting it in an easily understood form. He has lectured on EU research to audiences from every EU Member State, from the candidate countries, and from Russia, Belarus and the Ukraine. Paul has been involved in EU research programmes for over the last fifteen years, as proposal evaluator, project reviewer and participant or coordinator in more than ten EU funded projects.
Singleimage workshops have been held more than 50 times in twenty different countries over the last two years with audiences from every EU Member State. Over 1000 research managers and administrators have attended the intensive one- and two-day courses of lectures and practical exercises. Participants include:
- large companies, such as Airbus, BMW, BT, Cisco, Corus, EADS, Fiat, Hitachi, IBM, Philips, Motorola, Schlumberger, Siemens, Thales
- leading universities, including Oxford, Cambridge, Leuven, Gothenburg, Barcelona, Innsbruck, Oslo, Poznan
- research organisations, for example ESA, IMEC, EMBL, DLR, Cancer Research UK, INRIA, Fraunhofer, Karolinska, Czech Academy of Science
Cambridge Science Park
The Science Park is about three kilometres north of the centre of Cambridge. London Stansted is the nearest large airport.
developing FP7 Research Proposals
Draft Agenda
09:00 / Registration and coffee / 13:30 / Developing the proposal: The project vision; workplans, workpackages and deliverables; proposal preparation – who does what and when; gaining commitment; consortium management and decision taking09:30 / Collaborative research in FP7:
Scope of FP7, budget, rules and procedures
11:00 / Coffee break /
/ Coffee break11:15 / Getting started: Targeting your proposal; understanding the Workprogramme; EU policies; Technology Platforms and their importance; consortium structure, partner finding, joining other consortia /
/ Other opportunities in FP7: European Research Council (The Ideas Specific Programme); Networks of Excellence, SSAs and CAs; Joint Technology Initiatives; SME specific activities; research infrastructures12:30 / Lunch /
/ End of formal WorkshopBooking form
Please book one place at the “Developing FP7 Research Proposals” workshop on Tuesday 20 February 2007, price £300.00 + VAT (Total = £352.50), in Cambridge, UK.
The Workshop price includes attendance at the workshop, copy of Workshop materials, lunch and refreshments.
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