THURSDAY September 24th, 2015 - 6:30PM

Attendance: Fr. Charlie Garza, Rey Blancarte, Susan Bonner, Johnny, Steve Fournier, Johnny Martinez, Angie Reynolds, Parish Business Manager and an Ex Officio member of our Pastoral Council: Judy Tixier-Fyall; Susan Curran – Finance Council Representative.

Prayer: St. Martin de Porres.

Adoption of Minutes from Aug 20th, 2015: Motion to approve by Susan, seconded by Johnny, and passed unanimously.

Unfinished Business:

Feedback from Meet and Greet at Masses Aug 22/23

o  Suzanne; no negative feedback, meet and greets good but not well attended

o  Steve; no people asked any questions

o  Rey at Spanish mass: couple of people asked questions

o  Johnny Sunday 5:00 no people asked anything still thinks they are good to have

Ministry Heads Meeting – Tues, Sep 29th, 7:00pm church – attendance, overview of the meeting

o  Susan will meet with Father to talk about agenda

o  Request all council show up for the meeting

o  If anyone wants to bring anything up to ministry heads, please prepare ahead

o  Susan said more than half of the ministry heads should attend and all will be represented

o  We are not going to set up specific ministry heads for each pastoral counsel member, we will all be available to any ministry head that needs us.

o  Good idea to have an RSVP when sending emails out… it makes people feel more a part of the parish

Ministry Fair – October 10 and 11 masses:

o  Judy will prepare a hand out with information on all ministries

o  Every group (18) wants their own table;

o  Diagram to be drawn by Susan to designate location of each ministry

o  Bring tables up Saturday

o  No need to have the fair at the Spanish mass (already done)

o  Use the circle for the tables

o  Donuts and cookies etc under portico

o  Angie will buy the food/drinks

o  Judy will do a ministry guide book for the ministry fair

o  Balloons for the event (Steve)

o  Who will give pulpit talk about ministry fair (Steve will find them - AJ?, Javier, Mary Pomeroy, Natalie Fuselier, patsy, )

New Business:

Divine Renovation Introduction/books

o  Father gave everyone a book (Divine Renovation) would like all to read

o  Emphasis on chapter 7, but please read all

o  Homework…read chapter 1 by next meeting

Rezoning of Property across from the Church –RR 12/Post Oak

o  The property had recently been rezoned from Residential to General

o  The new owner's plans are to use the old stone house as a lounge / bar
and to have 7 mobile food trailers on the property. This required special
exceptions for setbacks and fire lane widths in addition to
conditional use permits for the food trailers and for the bar. The owner
also wanted to be open until 2:00 am.

o  The Diocese of Austin wrote a letter to the Planning & Zoning
Commission objecting to the application request, conditional use permit,
exceptions, waivers and variances. Michael Monaghan wrote a letter as
well requesting denial specifically over the concern for parking.

o  Fr. Charlie, Michael Monaghan, Judy Tixier, and Rey Blancarte
attended the P&Z meeting on 9/22. During the public hearing Fr. Charlie
spoke on behalf of the parish specifically over concerns for the
proposed use on the narrow lot, parking, traffic congestion, and accidents
that have already occurred at that location. Michael spoke as well.

o  The P&Z tabled the exceptions and voted no on both the Conditional
Use Permits for the bar and food trailers. The City Council Meeting is
scheduled for October 13. Fr. Charlie will let the PC know if this is on
the agenda and if we need more people there.

Other new business

o  Financials will be put in the 4th Sunday bulletin

o  My Parish App is going “Live” this weekend

o  The wooden box for suggestions is completed and will be put in this week

Next Meeting: Oct 15nd, 2015 at 6:30 PM.

Closing Prayer

Meeting Concluded at 7:58pm