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(Department of Kriya Sharir)
Name: Dr. Sangeeta Gehlot
Designation: Professor & Head
Qualification: BAMS, MD (Ay), Ph.D
Area of Specialization: Kriya Sharir
Publications: 33 Research Papers
19 Articles
15 Chapters in books
03 e-Books
02 Books edited
Fellowship by All India Sharir Research Institute Lucknow
Life Membership:
1. Indian Academy of Yoga
2. Association of Ayurvedic Physicians of India
3. Association of Physiology and Pharmacology of India-2011
Phone : 09453218571
Date of First Appointment: 5-10-2004
Other Information:
List of Important Publications:
1. B.S.Gupta, Sangeeta Gehlot, G.P.Dubey , ‘Effect of Simultaneous Oral Administration of Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) and Vacha (Acorus calamus) on cognitive functions’, Pharmaco-Psycho-Ecologia; 1994: 7,245-248
2. B.M.Singh, Sangeeta Gehlot, Management of Malnutrition: An Ideal Approach: Ayurveda and Yoga (An International Journal of Life Sciences, special issue on Ayurvedic management of Nutritional Disorders (Malnutrition), Volume 15: 9-14; 2005
3. Sushma Tiwari, Shinjini Singh, Kishor Patwardhan, Sangeeta Gehlot and I.S.Gambhir. Effect of Centella asiatica on Mild Cognitive Impairment and other common age-related clinical problems. Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures. Vol.3, No.4, December 2008, Page 215-220.
Available at: http://www.chalcogen.infim.ro/Tiwari.pdf
4. Vandana Verma, JS Tripathi, Sangeeta Gehlot, A Critical appraisal of the assessment of Deha Prakriti - The Indian Journal of Bioresearch July-December, vol.72 No.2, Page No. 114-120,2008 Ayurveda volume Published in 2009, ISSN No.0971-0027
5. Kishor Patwardhan, Sangeeta Gehlot, H.C.S. Rathore. Problems in Graduate level Ayurvedic education in India. University News. Weekly Journal published by Association of Indian Universities, New Delhi. Vol.47, No.49. December 07-13, 2009. Page No.19-21.
6. Vandana Verma, JS Tripathi, Sangeeta Gehlot, Pathophysiology of Stress and Psychosomatic Disorders in Ayurveda :Aryavaidyam, vol. XXII, No. 4 May-July, 2009, A Quarterly Journal of the Arya vaidya sala-Kottakal, ISSN No. 0970-4086
7. Trupti Jain, Sangeeta Gehlot, Mohan Kumar, Virrudhahar- An important cause of Diseases, Aryavaidyam, vol. XXII, No. 3 Feb-April, 2009, page no.180-183, A Quarterly Journal of the Arya vaidya sala-Kottakal, ISSN No. 09704086
8. Kishor Patwardhan, Sangeeta Gehlot, Girish Singh, H.C.S. Rathore. Graduate level Ayurveda Education: Relevance of Curriculum and Teaching methodology. Journal of Ayurveda, NIA, Jaipur. Vol.3, No.2, 2009. Page 73-82.
9. Sushma Tiwari, Kishor Patwardhan, Sangeeta Gehlot, Principles of gerontology and geriatrics in Ayurveda The Indian Journal of Research ‘Anvikshiki’ Published by MPASVO Journals, IndiaVol.4, No.1. January 2010 Page 50-55 ISSN:0973-9777
10. Sushma Tiwari, Sangeeta Gehlot, S.K.Tiwari Critical review on Ayurvedic perspective of exercise in diabetic mellitus and hypertension review article published in Medha, International journal of multidisciplinary researches. Volume 2, No.3, 18-24, Oct-Dec 2010
11. Kishor Patwardhan, Sangeeta Gehlot, Girish Singh, H.C.S. Rathore. Global Challenges of Graduate Level Ayurvedic Education: A Survey. International Journal of Ayurvedic Research Vol 1, Issue 1, 2010. Page 49-54.
Available at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2876920/?tool=pubmed
12. Sushma Tiwari, AK Sinha, Kishor Patwardhan, Sangeeta Gehlot, I.S. Garnbhir, S.C.Mohapatra. Prevalence of Health Problems Among Elderly: A Study in a Rural Population of Varanasi. Indian Journal of Preventive and Social Medicine. Vol.41, No.3 and 4, 2010.
13. Sangeeta Gehlot, B.M.Singh Concept of Ojas: A Scientific Overview , The Indian Journal of Research ‘Anvikshiki’ Published by MPASVO Journals, IndiaVol.4, No.1. January 2010 Page 61-665 ISSN:0973-9777
14. Sushma Tiwari, Sangeeta Gehlot , Critical analysis of Prakriti in Ayurveda: A review,The Indian Journal of Research ‘Anvikshiki’ Published by MPASVO Journals, IndiaVol.4, No.6. January 2010 Page 8-13, ISSN:0973-9777
15. HH Awasthi, Sangeeta Gehlot. Anatomical consideration of vata dosha in AyurvedaThe Indian Journal of Research ‘Anvikshiki’ Published by MPASVO Journals, IndiaVol.4, No.6. January 2010 Page 1-3 ISSN:0973-9777
16. Vandana Verma, J S Tripathi, Sangeeta Gehlot Comparative study of stress response in healthy individuals and certain psychosomatic conditions and its relevance in assessment of Prakriti, Medha, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Researches, Page No. 7-16, Vol.-2 No.- 2, July-Sept 10, ISSN No.:0975-0886
17. HH Awasthi, Sangeeta Gehlot. Study on neuro-physio-anatomy in Ayurveda with special reference to jnanendriya, Page No.36-39 Medha, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Researches, Vol.-2 No.- July-Sept 10, ISSN No.:0975-0886
18. Sushma Tiwari, Sangeeta Gehlot, SK Tiwari. Consequence of walking on anthropometric measurement in diabetic individuals as per prakriti published in The Indian Journal of Research Anvikshiki PP 15-19 ,ISSN – 0973 – 9777
19. Trupti Jain, Mohan Kumar, Sangeeta Gehlot, Experimental evaluation of Viruddha - Ahara with special reference to equal quantity of Ghee and Honey published in Ayurveda Sameekshawa volume II part VII, page no. 135-13 A publication of Department of Ayurveda Srilanka 2011.
20. Rahul Bankar, Sangeeta Gehlot, Vipassana meditation – A scientific overview – The Indian Journal of Research Anvikshiki PP 15-19 ,June2011, ISSN – 0973 – 9777
21. Sushma Tiwari, Sangeeta Gehlot Centella asiatica: A concise drug review with probable clinical uses published in Journal of stress physiology and biochemistry Vol 7 No.1 ,2011, pp 38-44,1997-0838
22. Kishor Patwardhan, Sangeeta Gehlot, Girish Singh, H.C.S. Rathore. Ayurveda education in India: How well are the graduates exposed to basic clinical skills? Evidence Based Complimentary and Alternative Medicine, Volume 2011, Article ID 197391, 6 pages doi:10.1093/ecam/nep113.
Available at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3095267/?tool=pubmed
23. Sangeeta Gehlot, BM Singh, Sushma Tiwari, How mother’s life style influence on Fetus: Asian journal of Ayurveda and modern medical science, Asian Journal of Modern and Ayurvedic Medical Science | ISSN 2279-0772 [ONLINE]Volume: volume1,number 1 |publication Date: Sunday, July 01, 2012,Published by Mpasvo [article url http://www.ajmams.com
24. Dr. Manoj Kumar, Dr. Sangeeta Gehlot, Systemic effect of Tephrosia purpurea (Sarapunkha) on G.I.T -An Experimental Study International Journal Of Ayurvedic And Herbal Medicine 2:2 (2012) 328:335 ISSN-2249-5746, Journal Homepage http://interscience.org.uk/index.php/ijahm
25. Sushma Tiwari, Sangeeta Gehlot , SK Tiwari, Effect of walking(Aerobic isotonic exercise ) on physiological variants with special reference to Prameha(Diabetes mellitus) as per Prakriti in Ayu.-An International quarterly journal of research in Ayurveda Vol33.Issue No.1(Jan-Mar), 2012
26. Sushma Tiwari, Sangeeta Gehlot, SK Tiwari, How walking is supportive in prevention of hypertension as per prakriti, published in Indian journal of research Anvikshiki,2012, 6,7-14, Advance access publication,6 Dec, 2012
27. Kavita Patel, Sangeeta Gehlot, KK Tripathi, Effect of Aerobic Exercise on Anthropometric and Metabolic Parameters in Obese Type-2 Diabetics with reference to specific body constitution.(Prakriti)- International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy3(5), Sep-Oct, 2012, Page No. 659-663,DOI-107897/2277-43430516
28. Rakesh Roushan, Sangeeta Gehlot, IS Gambhir. Response of Centella asiatica in the management of age related problems among elderly with special reference to cognitive problems as per Prakriti-International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy 4(2), March-April 2013, Page No.163-167,
29. Ravi Shukla, Sangeeta Gehlot. Response of Paschimottanasana and Kapalabhati on Anthropometric Parameters in obese individuals as per Prakriti, International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy 5(3), May-June 2014, Page No.256-260
30. Vandana Verma, Sangeeta Gehlot. Review on concept of Srotasa, International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy 5(3), May-June 2014, Page No.232-234
31. Sushma Tiwari, Sangeeta Gehlot. Effect of walking on ECG (Electrocardiogram) parameters in Hypertensive individuals, International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy 5(2), March-April 2014, Page No.145-148
32. Sushma Tiwari, Sangeeta Gehlot. Overview of Vyayama(Physical Exercise)-Journal of Biological and scientific openion Volume2(6),2014, page No.359-362
33. Vandana Verma, Sangeeta Gehlot. A critical study of concept of Virrudha Ahara, published in Medha, International journal of multidisciplinary researches. Vol-5,No.1-4, page no.50-54, 2014
Books Authored / Edited
1. Kishor Patwardhan, Sangeeta Gehlot, HCS Rathore. The quality of Ayurveda education in India: A survey. Publisher: Lulu. Com. ISBN: 978-1-304-48764-3.
2. Sushma Tiwari, Sangeeta Gehlot, S.K Tiwari, Effect of exercise (walking) on physiological variations as per Prakriti in healthy and diseased conditions Lambert Publications ISSN No. 978-3-659-10804-4
3. Kavita Patel, K.K.Tripathi, Sangeeta Gehlot, Effect of exercise on T-2 DM patients of different body personalities, Lambert Publications ISSN No.978-3-659-18649-3
4. BM Singh, Sangeeta Gehlot. Commom Annavahasrotastha Vyadhi(GIT Disorders) in Children, ISBN No. 978-81-7637-28-0, January 2013, Published by Chaukhamba Orientalia, Gokul Bhawan Maidagin Varanasi
5. BM Singh, Sangeeta Gehlot, Kishor Patwardhan, NS Tripathi, PS Upadhyaya (Editors). Pathophysiology, prevention, diagnosis and management of the disorders of Pranavaha Srotas (Respiratory System) in children. January 2015, Published by Chaukhamba Orientalia, Gokul Bhawan Maidagin Varanasi
Chapters in Books
1- Ayurveda Ka Vikash Kram: Chap 39: 638-650; 2006
2- Sharir Ka Etihas: Chap 14: 227-246; 2006
3- Upanishad, Purana, Ramayana, Mahabharat, Brahman Granth, Grihya Sutra, Smriti evam Kaautilya Arthshastra mein Ayurveda : Chap 25: 585-589; 2006
4-Acupuncture, Acupressure, Chumbak Avam Reiki Chikitsa In ‘Sanskrit Vangmaya Ka Vrihad Itihas’: Chap 24: 402-426; 2006
5- “Kaumarbhritya (Prasuti Tantra, Stree-roga Avam Balroga) Ka Itihas” In ‘Sanskrit Vangmaya Ka Vrihad Itihas’ Chap33: 548-563; 2006
6- “Yoga Ka Itihas” In ‘Sanskrit Vangmaya Ka Vrihad Itihas’ Chap39: 610- 617; 2006 published in Saptdash-Khanda, Ayurveda Ka Itihas; Published by - Uttar Pradesh Sanskrit Samsthan, New Haiderabad; Lucknow (UP), Edited by- Dr. Ramanath Dwivedi and Prof R.D. Tripathi; Ist Edition)
7.Kishor Patwardhan and Sangeeta Gehlot. Physiology of Hemopoietic System in Ayurveda. In: Vedavijnanabhasvati, Published by Department of Veda, Faculty of SVDV, BHU, and Vijnana Bharati. Chief Editor: H.R. Sharma (2007). Page 163-165.
8. Piyush Tripathi, Sangeeta Gehlot, GIT Physiology in Ayurveda, in Commom Annavahasrotastha Vyadhi(GIT Disorders) in Children, ISBN No. 978-81-7637-28-0, January 2013, Published by Chaukhamba Orientalia, Gokul Bhawan Maidagin Varanasi-221001
9. Sangeeta Gehlot, Piyush Tripathi, Effect of life style on GIT Physiology, in Commom Annavahasrotastha Vyadhi(GIT Disorders) in Children, ISBN No. 978-81-7637-28-0, January 2013, Published by Chaukhamba Orientalia, Gokul Bhawan Maidagin Varanasi-221001
10. BM Singh, Sangeeta Gehlot. Antique concepts of Breast feeding: A Scientific explanation, Recent advances on the role of Basic Sciences in Ayurvedic Medicine, page no. 83-91, 2014, published by Mahima Research Foundation and Social welfare, Karaundi, Varanasi
11. Aparna Singh, Sangeeta Gehlot. An overview of Srotasa in Ayurveda, A Scientific explanation, Recent advances on the role of Basic Sciences in Ayurvedic Medicine, page no. 195-206,2014 published by Mahima Research Foundation and Social welfare, Karaundi, Varanasi
12.Sushma Tiwari, Sangeeta Gehlot. Kriyakala in reference to Contemporary perspectives and its clinical applicability: An overview, A Scientific explanation, Recent advances on the role of Basic Sciences in Ayurvedic Medicine, page no.390-396, 2014 published by Mahima Research Foundation and Social welfare, Karaundi, Varanasi
13. BM Singh, Sangeeta Gehlot, PS Upadhyaya. Samskara(Sacrament):Text Book of Balroga-Kaumarbhritya,Page No. 463-499, published by Chaukhambha Orientalia,2015, First edition, ISBN No.978-81-7637-258-9(Vol-1)
14.Chandar Prakash Gunawat, Kishor Patwardhan, Sangeeta Gehlot. Physiology of Pranavaha Srotasa (Respiratory System) in Neonates and Children, Patho-physiology, Prevention, Diagnosis and management of Pranavaha Srotastha Vyadhi (Respiratory Disorders) in Children, Page No.51-66, published by Chaukhambha Orientalia,2015, First edition,
15. Sangeeta Gehlot, Sushma Tiwari, Piyush Tripathi. Lifestyle and Pranavaha Srotasatha Vyadhi (Respiratory Disorders) of Children, Patho-physiology, Prevention, Diagnosis and management of Pranavaha Srotastha Vyadhi (Respiratory Disorders) in Children,Page No.96-111, published by Chaukhambha Orientalia,2015, First edition
Other Activities
· Working as a reviewer for several international and national level peer-reviewed journals like AYU and Ayushya, JREIM
· Worked as a subject expert in framing the draft curriculum for BAMS, MD(Ay) Kriya Sharir in all the meetings under CCIM
· Member Selection Committee in Various University
· Participating as a resource person in ROTP, CME and several conference
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