11 November 2004 - submitted to OBA Board Meeting for Consideration

Ontario Badminton Association “HALL of FAME”


1. SELECTION COMMTTEE: (10 MEMBERS, Yearly (renewable) TERM)

Composition of O.B.A. Hall of Fame Committee

1.1 1 - Chair…appointed by OBA President

1.2 1 -OBA Board Member appointed by OBA President

1.3 6 - OBA Regional Presidents

1.4 2 - Previous Hall of Fame Inductees (1 female and 1 male) preferably from different eras, appointed by committee chair


2.1 Nominations are to be made yearly and only if there are qualified candidates.

2.2 Hall of Fame candidates are inducted from one of 3 categories: Athletics, Coaches, and/or Builder candidates.

2.3 Junior athletic performance or titles are not to be considered.

2.4 Athletes may be nominated if deceased.

2.5 Athletes must be retired from adult national/international competition for a minimum of 8 years. During the years of competition, service or coaching, all nominees must have been a member of OBA Badminton, and a resident of Ontario for a minimum of 4 years.

2.6 Only Badminton Canada records may be submitted and used for comparisons. Individual or team records earned while representing Badminton Canada may be submitted.

2.7 Candidates who are not selected may be resubmitted the following year.

2.8 The SC may withdraw a candidate’s name from consideration for actions which do not support OBA Badminton’s ideals or is detrimental to the future of the sport or organization.

The SC must cast a vote to withdraw a name(s).

· Candidates will be dropped from the selection process if a majority of (minimum of 6) committee members agree.

· The candidate’s name may be resubmitted the following year.


3.1 Candidates must be retired from Badminton Canada national and international competition for a minimum of four years.

3.2 Athletic records earned prior to immigration to Canada are not to be considered or listed on nomination resumes. Only records where candidate represents OBA and/or Badminton Canada as individual or team member are to be listed.

3.3 Athletes’ nominations must list records from any or all the following categories:

· Minimum of 3 Badminton Canada Senior National Titles - years and event

· Thomas/Uber Cup teams - years

· Badminton Canada Open Championships titles - years and events

· World Championships, rounds of 16 or better

· Pan American Games, gold , silver, or bronze medals

· Olympic games, qualifying and medals

· International Championships won while representing Badminton Canada/OBA

· List any other athletic awards or honors in Canada

· Administrative or coaching honors are not to be considered for athletic nomination

· Junior records/titles are not to be considered.


4.1 Candidates must have been an active coach in OBA/Badminton Canada for a minimum of 10 years.

4.2 Coaches’ nominations must list records from any or all the following categories:

· Olympic coach, Badminton Canada national coach, Thomas/Uber Cup teams, or other international teams coached

· Submit coaches’ win/loss records

· List regional or club teams coached

· List names of junior or adult player coached

· List personal coaching awards or honors received

· Do not submit coaches’ personal athletic records

· Only list coaches’ records when coaching Canadian players or teams


5.1 Builder candidates are eligible for consideration anytime. However, the intention is to recognize candidates who have served over a significant length of time.

5.2 List OBA , Badminton Canada, IBF, and OBA regional service awards won.

5.3 List national and regional administrative positions held

5.4 Briefly discuss any special projects the nominee headed which had significant impact upon Ontario badminton.


6.1 Each member of the Hall of Fame committee shall select up to a maximum of 4 (2 female and 2 male) candidates who meet the eligibility criteria and the requirements.

6.2 When submitting the nomination ballot, the Hall of Fame committee member must list criteria with other substantiating data, which allows for a comparison of candidates.

6.3 Hall of Fame Selectors’ committee is not required to nominate candidates if there are no qualified candidates. However, the committee member must sign and return the nomination ballot stating, “I HAVE NO SELECTIONS!”

6.4 Each committee member is to FAX or E-mail his or her selections to the Ontario Badminton Office. Lists names alphabetically and by gender, and include all personal records of candidates. Do not use or telephone!

6.5 Members of Selector’s Committee shall not contact other members of the committee for campaign purposes.


7.1 Each Hall of Fame committee member votes for a maximum of 2 women and 2 men (do not rank at this time) from the provincial office’s original nomination list which was compiled from the SC nomination lists.

7.2 Candidates from the categories of athlete, coach or service are to be placed on the same ballot and are to be voted against one another.

7.3 To win the FIRST BALLOT and advance to the FINAL BALLOT, candidates must receive at least half of the votes for the committee’s responses.

· Example: 8 SC members vote, candidate must receive 4 or more votes, if 9 SC members vote, candidate must receive 5 or more votes.

7.4 If candidates do not receive a minimum of one half of the committee’s responses, their names are eliminated from the next ballot.

7.5 SC Fax or e-mail the four choices to the provincial office. Do not send to Chairperson!


8.1 Provincial Office sends out final ballot.

8.2 Each SC member is to select his or her top female and top male candidate from this ballot.

8.3 Do not rank or vote for more than one from the female list and one from the male list.

9. CANDIDATES ARE INDUCTED: (by end January)

9.1 Candidates are inducted when the following two processes occur:

When six or more SC committee members vote. If less than six SC vote, the induction voting will be invalid and not go forward until the following year.

· When the top (1) candidate on the men’s list, and top (1) candidates on the women’s list rank 1st on more than half of the committee’s ballots. If candidates receive less than half of the committee’s votes, there will be no induction for the year.

9.2 Candidates who do not earn enough votes from the final ballot will automatically be placed on the next year’s first ballot.


10.1 SC members are the only people who can change policy.

10.2 Changes in policy are to be submitted after the induction balloting and forwarded to the committee chairperson .

10.3 Chairperson is to compile changes and distribute to committee.

10.4 Chairperson is to vote along with the committee members.

10.5 Final approval to the changes must be made by the OBA Board of Directors. A change in policy becomes effective the following calendar year . A simple majority is needed to change policy.

11. LOCATION OF OBA Hall of Fame.


12.1 Collect and distribute all nominations, ballots and resumes from committee members.

12.2 Compile and distribute ballots to all committee members per instructions

12.3 Distributes SC ballots and nominations by FAX and/or EMAIL. Do not use mail!

12.4 To assure proper procedure consult chairperson prior to distribution of ballots to SC.

12.5 The provincial office will tabulate final ballot and points, FAX or e-mail results to “Hall of Fame” Committee Chair. The provincial office is to contact the Chair and check to see procedures have been followed prior to distribution of any material.

12.6 The final balloting results are to be forwarded to all SC members and OBA President (for OBA Board of Directors approval) prior to releasing the results to the general membership.

12.7 “Hall of Fame” donations: The Provincial Office will collect and log donations, place the funds in a special “Hall of Fame” account, pay all bills for services rendered, and mail a follow up “thank you” to all donors.

12.8 The Provincial Office, with the help of the “Hall of Fame” chairperson, will archive “Hall of Fame” records.

12.10 Provincial Office, along with the chairperson will compare and update sponsors’ and patrons’ list, and make sure lists are printed in all “Ontario Badminton Association” magazine issues, placed on the Web page.


13.1 A formal induction ceremony is to be held at either OBA Masters Championships, or at appropriate event.

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