Management Department

Scholarship & Creativity Day Schedule

May 4, 2011

Morning: Simons 3rd Floor, Afternoon: TRC Board Room

Simons 310 - SJU

10:00Management Honors Thesis: Jared Sherlock

Effects of Exposure on the Ecology of the Magic Industry:

Preserving Magic’s Secrets in the Absence of Law

A Study in Business Ethics


The magic secret is a distinctive kind of intangible resource that defies established economic theory of intellectual property law.Exposure reveals the secret, and thereby destroys its value.The goal of this essay is to explore and frame significant problems within the enterprise of conjuring, and to illustrate how the magic industry has developed a particular set of informal norms and rules for violators, which go some distance toward protecting intellectual property in the absence of law.

Reader Committee:

Dr. Rick Saucier, Dr. Paul Marsnik, Prof. Terri Barreiro

10:45Research in Entrepreneurship: Tran Pham

Tradition and Modernization in Vietnam the Impact on Women.

11:15Eric Rego Big Idea Competition

“Top Pitches”

11:30 Management Honors Thesis: Mohamed Shafak Samsheer

Cultural and Ethical Reciprocity:

The Impact on Culture on Concepts of Ethical Business Leadership


The interaction of Culture and Ethics is becoming such a hot topic; that it will burn top echelon managers if they fail to decipher the subtle and sensitive issues encountered in a diverse workforce. Despite the dire need to address a paradigm shift in handling employees and operating organizations, not much empirical evidence on the subject ofcultural ethicscan be found in the literature. Managers often errwhen a curve ball labeledculture and ethicsintertwined is thrown at them since they are unfamiliar with the cultural background of those being supervised. Therefore, decisions are made without an awareness of how these cultural an ethical nuances affect the individual. This study investigates the influence of culture on concepts of what constitutes ethical leadership in business among United States citizens today. Issues of gender, ascribed vs. achieved status, and power distance are addressed in terms of what constitutes ethical leadership amongst business managers.

Reader Committee:

Prof. Wendy Klepetar, Dr. Paul Marsnik, Dr. Sanford Moskowitz

Simons 330 - SJU

Mgmt 314: Leadership

Application of Scholarship & Creativity Through Leadership

Faculty: Margrette Newhouse

10:10 “Comedy Show”

Jack Daggett, Travis O’Connell, Sam Pilney, Maija Schmelzer, Alex White

10:30 Punches for the Poor

Ben Hillman, Billy Lawrence, Berrando Mackey, Michael Smith

10:50High School Captaincy

Tyler Carlen, Tara Johnson, Adam Lommel, Sam Tillemans

11:10Clothing Drive

Aaron Barmore, Zach Marchand, Patrick Schroeder, Josh Weinzettel,

Barret Witzel

11:30Aluminum for Animals

Alex Budd, Alyssa Jenniges, Andrew Latzke, Sam Olson, Jennifer Paphatsalang

Simons 340 - SJU

10:00Society for the Advancement of Management

Case Study Research – Whole Foods

Shafak Mohamed Samsheer,Laura Deal, Michaela Foley, Blake Haller, Boyd Haller Faculty Advisor: Steve Schwarz

10:30Mayo Scholars Program

Product Innovation Assessment: Cardiovascular Disease Prevention

Ben Bitterman (Management), Dawid Chabowski (Biology), Jacob Moor (Biology), Sam Steffl (Management)

Faculty Advisors: Dr. Lisa Lindgren (Management) and Dr. Barb May (Biology)

11:00Marketing Club

American Marketing Assocation – Outstanding Chapter Plan Award

Tom Brekke (President), Liz Larson (Vice President) and Team

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Lisa Lindgren

11:30SIFE – Students in Free Enterprise

Regional Competition Presentation

Emily Masters, President and SIFE Team

Emily Masters (Senior), Samantha Stiehl (Senior) and Hannah Scott (Junior)

Faculty Advisors: Steve Schwarz and Dr. Paul Marsnik

Simons 3rd Floor Lounge - SJU

11:45-12:30Join us for Lunch!

Management Awards – Scholarships, Club Leadership, Research Success

Main Building – Teresa Reception Center Board Room – CSB

Mgmt 311 – Human Resources

Job Selection Project Presentations

Faculty: Marcy Young Illies

3:00-5:45Class Presentations – Selection Proposals

Barista atCentracare's Hospital Bistro

Blair Brookman, Sydney Klinker, Max Concha Berger, Mitch Voigt, & Ali Shadow

Clinary Services Assistant at Gorecki Dining Center

Ricki Holupchinski, Ben Rossow, Amanda Wesley, & Berrando Mackey

Certified Nursing Assistant at the SJU Retirement Center

Molly Jackson, Hayden Zimmerman, Brent Theisen, & Molly Jarrell

Elementary Education Teacher at Park Elementary

Becca Scholz, Sam Tillemans, Amy Mueller, Gia Rolle, & Abbie Neubarth

Career Assistant at the Career Resource Center at SJU

Lauren Wander, Mark Verdun, Sarah Krantz, & Gerald LeGarde,

Child Development Associate for Creative Kids Child Care Center

Bethany Luckemeyer, Thomas Kerber, Jessica Florek, Dan Iverson, & Nate Jans