Dominique Verpoorten

Professional experience

Highlighted in grey: items directly linked to education and training.

2005 /

Attaché, LabSET, University of Liège

–Ulg's project manager for iClass, a large European project involving 21 international partners (Integrated Project funded within the 6th Framework Program of the European Commission) and aiming at developing a European innovative e-Learning platform. The project entails daily research work.
– Trainer within DES Form@sup for issues related to ergonomics applied to distance learning.
– Tutor of DES participants both for online course development and thematic work on professional identity.
– Research work on tutorship issues, leading to a "mini website" on this issue.
– User interface adviser on Labset's Website and in-progress Walloon e-Learning portal.
– Designer of a training on pedagogic efficacy of PowerPoint slide-shows delivered to a large development aid agency of the European Commission.
– Resource person for 3 students in psycho-pedagogy (one on a dissertation, two on a "stage").
2003 /

Content Manager – DAD / Centre d'Informatique pour la Région Bruxelloise

In charge of the definition, production and quality control of the contents to be displayed within the "Région bruxelloise" portal.
2003 /

Analyst – DAD/Belgacom

Participant in the "El Nino" project intended to find out the most important issues in the development of a revamped version of Belgacom Website. Specific mission: benchmarks and interviews on three distinct users categories that the site targets in priority. The three sections are to be restyled according to the conclusions issued from the analysis of the data collected.
2003 /

Trainer in CMS (Content Management System) / ADT Tyco

Training: "Managing the main functionalities of a CMS based on open-source technologies".
This training has been given three times in English. The 10 attendees, coming from Belgium, Switzerland , Hungary, France and Holland were employees of ADT Tyco Europe, a company specialised in business and residential security products and services.
1999-2003 /

Secondary school teacher, Institut Sainte Ursule, Forest

One day per week, 3X2 hours social sciences delivered to pupils in a secondary school. Some courses were delivered to 6th grade, potential future "primants" at university.
2002 /

Consultant for the AGERS Website – Communauté française

In charge of an audit of the current website and of recommendations for its improvement.
2002 /

Project Manager – Parc d'aventures scientifiques (PASS)

Cordination of the interdisciplinary team (business analysts, Web usability and indexing specialists, designers, IT) involved in the development of the new PASS Website.
2002 /

Website animator – DAD/European Commission (Netdays)

Full responsibility for feeding (through research and writing), managing the helpdesk, animating (contact with candidates, moderating discussion forum, answering questions) and translating (5 languages) the "Netdays" Website supported and financed by the European Commission.
2001-2002 /

Trainer in copy writing – DAD/Belgacom LearningAcademy/CED Samsom

Training: "Writing for the Internet and the intranet - Communicational writing practices and Web usability principles".
This training has been given 4 times at BelgacomLearningDevelopmentAcademy and 14 times at CED Samsom, a Belgian subsidiary of the Dutch publisher Wolters Kluwer. The number of attendees was between 10 and 20 each time.
2001-2002 /

Project Manager & Chief editor – DAD/BIS-NIS

Chief editor for the Bis-Nis project aiming at delivering, in three languages, electronic newsletters dedicated to 8 Benelux industrial sectors.
1998 - 2003 /

Webmaster and copywriter - DAD

Responsible for DAD's Website and internal publications (News, Netwatch, Netalert, case studies, brochures). These tasks, carried out mainly in English, implied an advanced practice of the search on the Internet.
Consultancy for Internet copywriting to the benefice of Fortis Business, Relay, Directel, Eduline, BMW, Walloon Region, Skynet.
1998 /

Communication adviser - Cabinet of the Federal Minister for Communications

Adviser at the Cabinet Di Rupo within the context of the "Assises générales de l'information" (preparation).
1996-1998 / Journalist – La Libre Belgique
Journalist at the new media section (Cyber-Cahier) of the Belgian French-speaking daily La Libre Belgique. The job has implied an intensive use of the English language, in Belgium and in press trips abroad: among others 4 press trips in the United States. Consultancy in the set up of the Website
1996 /

Journalist – Belgian IT magazines

Free lance journalistfor the magazines Inside Internet, Industrie, Mobile IT, Telecom & Office Solutions…
1995 /

Researcher – UCL/European Commission

Researcher in a research program lead by DG XIII on training to the multimedia and learning theories, in the Department of Philosophy and Law (UCL).
1994-1995 /

Journalist – BFM/Way Press

Journalist for the press agency Way Press International (Dimanche Hebdo) and for the radio BFM Bruxelles.
Education and training

2003-2005: Cycle of co-trainings in higher education, LabSET.

2004: Knowledge Space Theory, University of Graz (Austria).

2003: CIDESup (Certificat d'introduction à la didactique de l'enseignement supérieur), Ulg.

2003: "Structured project management", ETP.

2002: "Enterprise and the press", Amperstand.

2002: "Teaching in heterogeneous classes", by Marie-Claude Grandguillot, trainer in IUFM (Institut universitaire de formation des maîtres).

2000: Dutch training course, CERAN.

2000: "Searching on the Web", Webdiggers.

1997: "Diplôme de complément", Institut supérieur de catéchèse Lumen Vitae. Final dissertation : "Using biblic pericopes in pedagogic modules". Great disctinction

1996: Master in Communication, UCL, great distinction.

Dissertation: "Pragmatique et apprentissage. Contributions à l'édude des phénomènes de raisonnement cognitifs en situation à caractère dialogique".

1994: Degree in Communication, UCL, great distinction.

Dissertation: "Coordination des représentations cognitives dans l'échange verbal. Une étude des principes proposés par H.P. Grice, D.K. Lewis, J. Searle, D. Sperber & D. Wilson, P.Livet".

1993: AESS (Agrégation de l'enseignement secondaire supérieur), UCL, distinction.

Public lessons: "The development of moral judgment".

1993: Degree in political sciences, UCL, great distinction.

Dissertation: "Science, scientisme et science-fiction : une incursion de la science politique en territoire de para-littérature".

1992: Bachelor in philosophy, UCL, distinction.

1982-1988: Humanities, Saint Roch Ferrières, option Latin and Greek.


-French: Fluent

-English: Fluent



-Verpoorten, D. (1997). Transmission des savoirs et régulation. In D. Delhase, D. Verpoorten (Eds.), Quels paysages juridiques et socio-éducatifs pour les autoroutes de l'information, Chastre : EDIFIE L.1.N, 451p.

-Quels paysages juridiques et socio-éducatifs pour les autoroutes de l’information ?, D. Delhase, D. Verpoorten (Eds.), Chastre : EDIFIE L.1.N, 1997, 451p.

-Wijnants, M., Verpoorten-Villars, D., (1997), L'indispensable Internet pour l'étudiant, Bruxelles, Best Of Editions. Tirage : 8000 exemplaires.

-Lips, B., Maqua, A., Folon J., Verpoorten-Villars, D., Vade-mecum "…du numérique au multimédia", DGTRE, 1998


-MacIntyre, Alasdair. Le patriotisme est-il une vertu ?, p.287-310, in : Berten, André (éd.) ; Da Silveira, Pablo (éd.) ; Pourtois, Hervé (éd.). Libéraux et communautariens. Paris : PUF, 1997. 412 p. (Philosophie morale).

-Sandel, Michael J. La République procédurale et le moi désengagé, p.255-274 in : Berten, André (éd.) ; Da Silveira, Pablo (éd.) ; Pourtois, Hervé (éd.). Libéraux et communautariens. Paris : PUF, 1997. 412 p. (Philosophie morale).


-Londres, 1 mars 2004, LabSET's pedagogical position for iClass project, présentation interne au projet iClass.

-Graz, 25 mai 2004, 8LEM -The "Metacognition" Learning Event: Focus on Confidence Degrees, présentation à destination des partenaires pédagogiques.

-Saarbrucken, 6 avril 2004, The 8 Learning Events Model, présentation interne au projet iClass.

-Saarbrucken, 9 juillet 2004, iClass research at a turning point, présentation à destination des partenaires pédagogiques.

-Bruxelles, 24 août 2004, Linking Learning Events and Learning Styles in an experiment, présentation croisée avec Institute of Education (UK).

-Barcelone, 8 septembre 2004, The 8 Learning Events Model and the IMS Learning Design specification, présentation lors d'un événement organisé par le projet européen UNFOLD.

-Paris, 10 janviers 2005, The 8 Learning Events Model and the creation of Generic Pedagogical Scenarios, presentation interne au projet iClass.


-President of APFEEB (Association pour favoriser une école efficace en Belgique).

-Complete curriculum in diction, declamation and dramatic art at the Academy of Verviers.

-"Rhetoric"in Indonesia within the AFS intercultural exchange programme.

-Green belt in karate.