Distance Elementary Education
Cohort Application Form
Application Procedures:
Complete ESU admission procedures & sendofficial transcripts to the ESU admissions office
Complete community college requirements
Attach copy of required passing CAAP or PPST test scores
Show evidence of core General Education GPA of 2.75
Show evidence of cumulative (overall) GPA of 2.50
Attach signed documentation showing completion of 100 hrs of supervised service work with
Complete and sign the entire Cohort Application Form
(Priority deadline for Fall entrance is Feb. 15th/Priority deadline for Spring entrance is Sept. 15th)
Show evidence of having achieved the required passing score on the Gateway Test
Attach INITIALED disclosure form
Attach transcripts of all course work (unofficial copies)
Submit all documents to your local advising office.
ESU Advising ESU Advising ESU Advising
c/o Butler Community College c/o KCKCC c/o JCCC
1500 Bldg., Rm. 141 Counseling office Counseling Office
El Dorado, KS 67042 Jewel Bldg., Rm. 3384 OCB 261 B
77250 State Ave. 12345 College Blvd
Kansas City, KS 66112 Overland Park, KS 66210
Final Entry for Cohort Applicants will be based onCore GPA followed by overall GPA
ofcandidate, then passing PPST/CAAP scores.
Name: ______E #: ______
Address: ______Phone: ______
______Cell: ______
E-mail: ______
Core GPA: ____ Overall GPA: _____ CAAP/PPST: W____M ____ R ____
Elementary Education Requirements
Emporia State University
I have been informed of the minimum requirements to enter Block I. They are:
- Passing the Reading, Writing, and Math sections of either (or through a combination of) the PPST and/or CAAP tests
REQUIRED PASSING PPST SCORES: Reading-173, Math- 172, Writing- 172
REQUIRED PASSING CAAP SCORES:Reading- 57, Math - 55, Writing- sliding scale (must include both the written essay and the writing skills multiple-choice sections)
- Core General Education GPA of 2.75
- All Core General Education courses must be complete before Block 1.
- GPA of 2.75 in Core courses is equal to all B’s and 2 C’s
- Cumulative GPA of 2.5
- 100 hours of Supervised Work Experience with Children or Youth - Documentation must be turned into the Advising office.
- Spelling, Reading, & Handwriting Tests- Passed
- This is a series of tests given in the Cohort course – EL312 Reading and Writing Connections
- Must have a C or better in the following (indicates the courses must be completed before Block 1):
Composition I Composition II Public Speaking
College Algebra Elementary Math I Elementary Math II
Intro to Teaching Children’s Literature Diverse Learners
Field and Lab Biology Instructional Media Survey of Exceptionality
Collaboration and Strategies Reading and Writing Connections
- Junior-level or post-baccalaureate classification in the university.
I know that I will not be allowed into Block 1 until I have met these requirements. I am also aware that to enter Block 2, I must have successfully completed Block 1 with a ‘C’ or better in all courses. To enter Block 3, I must successfully complete Block 2 with a ‘C’ or better in all courses. I must interview and be accepted by the PDS site, to receive placement in a Block 2 and 3 classroom.
Advisors will work with sophomore, junior, and senior Elementary Education students to assist with long-range planning, enrollment, drop-add, and other program/career planning issues. Therefore, I am responsible for knowing and fulfilling the requirements in order to attain an elementary education degree from ESU.
As part of my educational training, I will complete two semesters (Block 2 and 3) as an intern in a Professional Development School (PDS). This is an 8:00-5:00 Monday through Friday obligation. The first semester I will also complete my "Methods of Teaching" courses within my day at the Elementary School. The second semester is my "student teaching" experience. I know I must complete Block 2 and 3 at one of our partnered PDS sites. Additionally, I know there is an extra fee of $125 per semester for the Block 2 and 3 experiences in a PDS classroom. This fee is in addition to other required tuition and fees.
The Principles of Learning and Teaching Exam (PLT) and Content Area Test must be successfully passed to graduate from ESU and to be recommended for teacher licensure in the State of Kansas.
Student’s Signature Date
Student’s Printed Name Phone Number