Weather Closing Policy
In the event that Bright Futures closes or delays, information will be posted in these locations:
· home page as a header
· Bright Futures facebook page
· WZZM 13
· As a mass email to all enrolled families
· And a text message service will send a notification to those enrolled in our program
Inclement Weather
In the event of inclement weather that has been determined to be too dangerous for our staff to safely arrive to work on time, we may delay up until 9am. Children who typically arrive before this time will not receive a credit for the day.
Preschool Cancelled
If Whitehall Schools announces a “snow day” Bright Futures preschool programs will not operate, but care will still be available. Care will be available first to preschool/childcare enrolled students, then for children who attend before and after school, and lastly to those who are enrolled as “on-occasion” before and after school care or as a per occasion incident (drop in care).
Parents are to communicate immediately in the morning that their child will not be in attendance or that they will be sending them if they are a school aged child. Children who have not arrived or called in by 9am will be considered absent for the day.
Tuition- in the event of a delay/snow day
Tuition charges will be the same. Children who are scheduled for their contracted days that miss a day due to weather will not get a credit or reimbursement for the day. We are not able to control the circumstances of the weather. If we “close” due to the weather, power outage, or other issue, the child’s daily rate will be credited to the families account.