Monthly Book Shares
Reading outside of school is an important part of your education. Although there will be time during the school week to engage in independent reading, it is my expectation that you readafteryou leave school.The great news about monthly book reports is that you can adapt your reading to suit your book tastes, strengths & weaknesses, and report choices.I will be requiring you to read a book from a certain genre each month, but as for the kind of book report you will do, it will be up to you. Even though certain projects may really appeal to you, remember to make sure the project you choose will work well with the novel you read. Books must be at least one hundred pages in length and cannot be a book that you have already read.
- READ your book! Try to finish the reading portion of your book in the first three weeks. Leave 1 week before the due date to work on the book report!It is no fun to be scrambling and stressed at the last minute, and you usually do have enough time to do your best work.
- You may go above and beyond the requirements! Always do at least the basic requirements of each book report. Remember, you can be as creative as you wish to be and put as much work into the book report as you are willing. Every student has his or her own level of creativity, and I will judge your book share based on what I know that you can do and not what someone else has done. Put your best effort forth, and make your project something that you are proud to call your own.
- Make sure that your book report matches the requirements that I’ve given; if it is missing elements, this is where you will lose points. At the end of this booklet, I have included the rubric that I use to grade each book share. Before you turn in your book share, it is a smart idea to judge it using the guidelines and the rubric. Also make sure to proofread and look for mistakes. When my pen finds errors, you lose points; when you find mistakes, you can fix them. :) Remember, I don't give grades; you earn them!
- Once you have done a certain book report, you will not be allowed to do it again.
- Time limit for each book report: 1 month
Book Report Details:
Month: / Genre: / Due Date:September / Mystery / Tues., September 30
November / Fantasy / Wed., November 26
January / Biography or autobiography / Fri., January 30
February / Historical Fiction / Fri., February 27
March / Newbery Medal / Honor book / Fri., March 27
May / Your choice! / Fri., May 29
Here are a number of different ideas for how to present your book report.
1. Children's Book
Turn the novel you read into a children's story by retelling the plot in a simple way with vocabulary appropriate for youngsters. Make sure your creation looks like a children's book, complete with a hard cover, an appealing book jacket with the title and author, and colorful illustrations above and below your writing. DO NOT use lined paper, and make sure all writing is either typed or written neatly.
2. Write Your Own Scene
Write a scene that could have happened in the book you read, but didn't. Be sure to write in the same style as the author. On a separate page, include a brief explanation of what has occurred up until this point in the novel and give a general description of the characters. In a second paragraph, explain why you made the changes you did and how they would have affected the outcome.
3. Rewrite the Ending
If you did not care for the way your book ended, here is your opportunity to change it. Rewrite a new ending to the book. Be sure to write in the style of the author. DO NOT explain how the ending should be changed. Write as if you were writing the story. On a separate page describe the original ending and the changes you made and then explain why you made these changes. Include a copy of the last 3 pages of the novel.
4. Map
If the book you read involves a number of locations within a town, country, or geographical area, create a map. First, make a list of all the locations - houses, stores, streets, parks, lakes, etc. mentioned in your book's setting. Then, draw the map showing a bird's eye view of the area. Label each location. Below the map, create a legend with a list of all the locations and a description of important events that occur at each. Make sure your map has lots of details, is colorful, and large enough to be seen clearly. All writing should be done in black ink or marker.
5. Time Line
Brainstorm a list of all the major events in the plot from beginning to end and then organize them, not in the order they are written, but in the order they would have happened if the events actually took place in real life. Create a time line using a long strip of butcher paper. On your time line, write a short description of what happens for each event and, if possible, try to identify the time of each event with dates, seasons, etc. Add pictures and symbols to make your time line colorful. All writing should be done in marker or typed and then taped neatly onto the butcher paper.
6. Test
Create a test for the book. Include a variety of kinds of questions such as true/false, multiple choice, matching, short answer, essay, or any other kind of question. Be creative, but you must have a total of twenty-five questions, one of which must be an essay. Be sure to write clear directions for each section. Attach a completed answer key. (Do this by printing out a second copy of the test and filling in your answers on the test). Your test must be typed.
7. Model of the Setting / Diorama
If the place where the story takes place is a significant part of the story, create a model of the setting. Create your model in either a large box, on a piece of cardboard or piece of wood. Be sure to make it as realistic as possible. Include lots of details in your model which demonstrate events that occur in the novel you read. You may also want to include characters from your novel on the model you create. On a piece of paper, write at least a one page description of the setting and its significance to the rest of the story.
8. Book Brochure
Make a book report by creating a sales or travel brochure about the book using computer software or by hand. Pretend the brochures advertises the book and the setting in which the book takes place. Your brochure should have pictures, captions, and should showcase the elements of a story found in the book (i.e. setting, characters, point of view, plot, and theme).
9. Newspaper
Create a front page to a newspaper that is devoted entirely to your book. The page should look as much like a real newspaper as possible with writing in columns, headlines, a newspaper title, etc. You can include a variety of different kinds of features including horoscopes for each character, "Dear Abby" letters, comic strips, news articles, ads, an obituary section, or anything else you might find in a newspaper. Everything you include; however, must be based on events and characters in the book you read.
10. Diary
Choose one main character from the novel you read and create a diary from his/her point of view that reveals all the major events in his/her life as well as this character's feelings about these events including his/her hopes, dreams, problems, concerns and frustrations. Fill the diary with entries spread out over the entire period of time from the beginning of the novel to the end. Begin with "Dear Diary," and write from the first person point of view (ex: Dear Diary, today I went to see my best friend and we. . .). For each entry, if possible, write a date. Remember many dates of holidays can be checked on a calendar. If no dates are given, but seasons or other clues are given, then guess an approximate date. Place your entries into a cover that you create, organizing them in the proper order. On the first page, include an information sheet identifying the full name of the character, his/her age (guess if you don't know), birthdate (if known), where he/she lives, and any other important information.
11. Magazine
Create a magazine which depicts the major events, controversial issues, and significant themes developed in the novel you read. Your project should realistically portray a professional magazine. All articles in your magazine must be typed and arranged into columns. If you cut and paste the columns onto the page, copy the final product. You will need a colorful front cover with the name of your magazine, date of edition, a picture which relates to your most important article, and short descriptions of the kinds of articles featured in your magazine. Remember, EVERYTHING in your magazine needs to be related to the novel you read. You can have a "Dear Abby" section with letters from characters asking for advice about their problems and then responses of advice, articles related to significant events in the novel, advertisements, and anything else you might find in a magazine.
12. Scrapbook
Create a scrapbook for one of the main characters that reflects the many events that occur to him or her in the novel you read. You can include photographs, letters, post cards, telegrams, a family tree, newspaper article clippings, memorable items, or anything else you can think of that you might find in a scrapbook. If you include objects or photographs, be sure to write captions below describing what they are or what's going on and their significance to the character. Create a nice cover for your scrapbook. On the inside, paste an information sheet identifying the full name of the character, his/her age (guess if you don't know), birthdate (if known), where he/she lives, and any other important information.
13. Photo Album
Create a photo album of your book. You may draw or print pictures that show the important details about your book. Arrange picturesin the order the events occur. Be sure to show the beginning, middle, and end of your story; this means that you should show at least 7 events from your story. Below each, write a caption that explains who the people are, what is going on, etc. Write the captions from the point of view of one of the main characters (ex: This is my best friend and I when we...). On one or two pages,make an information sheet identifying the name of the character, his/her age (guess if you don't know), birthdate (if known), where he/she lives, and other important information about this person.
14. Storytelling
Turn the novel you read into an oral story. Do NOT read from the novel, but instead, retell the story in your own words. Before you actually begin your story, introduce the title and author. Be sure to use appropriate tone and volume as well as special sound effects to help make your story more exciting! Develop a different voice for each of the main characters who "speak" in your story. You will have to skip parts of the story because a novel is very long. Create a script to use when you tell your story. Your final copy will need to be a recorded version, which will be played for the class. You could use a tape player, your computer, or even create a podcast.Turn the script in with your tape. When you turn in book report, make sure to hand in your script along with the recording.
15. Cereal Box Book Report
Make a cereal box that represents the book. Use a real cereal box for ideas about how to format and design the box.
Include the following items on the box:
Include the name of the cereal and a picture. Invent a name for the cereal that is related to the title of the book and sounds like a cereal. Do not use the exact title of the book.
Side One
• Make a list of ingredients that includes the story elements.
• Create a "Nutritional Facts" chart that rates the book by giving the percentage of the RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) in several categories (humor, drama, suspense, action, education, vocabulary, etc.) Make sure you include these and at least three categories of your own.
Side Two is your Choice. You may not repeat material from any of the other sides.
Top – Title, Author, Publisher, Date, Number of Pages (Illustrator, if there is one)
Bottom – Your name, and the date
Back :Illustrate scenes or characters from the book. Create "catch phrases" to go along with the cereal and the commercial. Make sure to include a detailed summary of the book.
Cereal boxes often include a prize. Your cereal must include a prize for the protagonist. It must be something he/she could have used in the book.
16. Power Point Presentation
You will create a Power Point based on your book. Play around with this program. Put in pictures from your book or clipart. Think about slide transitions, timing, fonts, etc. You will present your slideshow to the class.
Slide 1 - Name of book and Author and Prepared by …
Slide 2 - The main characters in the book are :
Slide 3-6 - Elements of a story: introduction, inciting incident, rising action, climax, falling action, & denouement
Slide 7 - The main idea / theme of the book is….
Slide 8 - Your opinions about the book / recommendations
Slide 9 - About the Author
17.File Folder Book Report
Decorate the front cover of the folder with the book title, author, your name, and a colorful picture showing the setting the book.
On the inside of your file folder, you’ll be showcasing the elements of the story.
- Write a summary of the book.
- Include at least two drawings of an important events or facts from the book.
- Characters such as the protagonist and antagonist. Make sure to give character traits along with details.
- Themes found in the book & messages that you are taking away from it
- POV: 1st or 3rd person (How do you know?)
- Conflict: kinds of & give examples for each one found in the story
On the back cover, you will need to create a plot diagram showing the parts of the story. See number 29 for an example of a plot mountain.
18. Windsock Book Report
1. Use 12” x 18” white construction paper.
2. Measure down 4” from the top of the paper and draw a line. Cut out
strips the width of the ruler up to the line. Leave a ruler space between
each strip, cutting out every other strip.
3. Write the name of the book and the author on the top 4” of the paper.
Draw a picture of the setting, the main characters, or an event in the story
in this top part. Be artistic and creative!
4. Label each strip with the category heading (setting, main characters, main event, problem or solution). Write the setting, characters, the main events, problems or solutions sideways on the strips, saving the first strip for glue and the last one for the genre (realistic fiction).
5. Form a circle with the first strip glued under the last strip.
6. Punch two holes for string, tie with string or yarn together and hang from the ceiling.
19. Memory Bag
Make a list of the story elements, making sure that you retell the story. Beside each element, write down an object to represent each one. Find the objects and put them in a bag (brown grocery bag, gift bag, cloth bag, whatever!) You will use the items in your bag to retell the story to the class. The outside of your memory bag will need to be decorated to showcase your book as well. Make sure to include the title, author, a detailed summary, & picture(s).Create a sheet like the one shown below and include it in your bag.