Weather and Climate Lesson Plan

Ashley Wallace, Craig Chabut, & JD Keller

EDFON420 (Independent Study EDEL491.001s)


Lesson Objective: Students will be able to examine and compare elements of Australian weather and climate conditions to those in Indiana.

IN Standard: Standard 3 - Students observe changes of Earth and the sky. They continue to explore the concepts of energy and motion.
IN Indicator:3.3.5Give examples of how change, such as weather patterns, is a continual process occurring on Earth.
* This standard is identified as a Third grade standard but closely relates to the topic we are researching.

Materials/Media: Instructional aids needed to teach

Motivation:The teacher allows students to explore the Australia Centre website to generate interest in the country of Australia. The teacher then tells the students that they will be watching a video prepared by BallState students that discusses Australian weather and climate.


New Information/skill:

  • Overview of Australian weather and climate
  • Seasons
  • Temperatures and Conversions
  • Comparison to Indiana weather and climate
  • Ozone and Sun Protection

Modeling:Students will watch the video on Australian weather and climate.

Ideas for Guided Practice:

  • Venn diagram comparing weather in Australia to weather in Indiana – Diagram could be done with an overhead, worksheet, dry erase board – See attachment for our rough draft.
  • Temperature Game –The Teacher gives students a temperature in degrees Celsius and asks students to act how this temperature would feel (hot, mild, cold). For example, if the teacher gives 50 degrees C some students would predict a cool or mild temperature when in reality this is well over 100 degrees F. To obtain the Fahrenheit temperature students would have to do the conversion. A similar game could be played going from F to C.
  • After the students watch the movie they are all asked to think of a question or fact that’s answer is related to weather in Australia, Indiana, or both. One at a time students read questions aloud while the other students decided the answer by moving to an area in the classroom designated as one of the three answers.

Checking for Understanding: After viewing the movie and actively participating in the guided practices the students will have a chance to talk to the BallState students via web conference. BallState students will ask students questions to see how much information they have retained.

Practice/Application:Students will be asked to write two paragraphs based on what they have learned. One paragraph will be about the similarities, and the other about the differences between the climates.

Closure:Teacher will lead a discussion about how weather affects everyone all over the world. Students will participate by giving examples of how weather plays an important in everyday life.