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Company No: 7058666
Application for Federation Organisational Development Grant

1Name of Region/National Association/Network/Country making the application

2Please give the date on which the Region/National Association/Network/Clubs in Country has/have approved this project and attach a copy of the relevant Minute.

3Please give details of the names and roles and experience of the members involved. ( A separate sheet may be used if necessary)

4Please state the area/club where the work project is planned.

5Please state the sum applied for :

6If you are applying for financial help to form a new club, have you received and read a copy of the Federation Procedure for Extension? Yes/No (please circle whichever is appropriate)

Signed and dated: Region/National Association/Network President

Signed and dated: Region/National Association/Network Extension and Membership Officer or Development Officer

Signed and dated: Region/National Association/Network Treasurer

Organisational Development Grant Application

When submitting this application, please include:

  • A feasibility report which gives a clear description of the project, details the anticipated timescale to completion; the Officer responsible for each activity, (eg. contacting prospective members; publicity; finance, etc.) and the anticipated dates for implementation;
  • A budget showing how the money will be spent and including itemised costs;

Please read the notes below as they will help you to write your application.


Completed Grant Application forms to be forwarded to the Federation Office. Applications will be considered by the Federation Organisational Development and Finance Committees. Each application will be considered on its own merit and will be approved by the Federation Management Board.

Applications for grants from Federation will be accepted for the following:

1)Formation of new Clubs eg launch events, first meetings etc

2)Pilots of new forms of Clubs

3)Revitalisation/re-launch of existing Clubs

4)Recruitment campaign for a Country, National Association, Network, Region

Applicants are required to submit a costed plan showing actions, responsibilities, timelines and planned outcomes. If this is for the re-launch of a Club, evidence will be required that a plan has been made following the use of a time of reflection (if appropriate), consultation with members and with the Region/National Assocation/Network Extension and Membership Officer or Development Officer as appropriate.

A twice yearly report on progress will be required and willingness to provide an article for the magazine if requested.

Preference will be given to applications which:

1)Have a guarantee of matched funding from the Region/National Association/Network

2)Are for Clubs which have been identified as in need of support

3)Include innovative ideas and/or are based on plans to pilot new initiatives eg new forms of Clubs

Grant payments, when approved, will only be made upon submission of valid receipts for expenditure. Only one grant will be given for any one project and the maximum grant will normally be £500.

Extension Grant Application Form – June 2011