Weapon Suggestion Thread

February 9th, 2009 to April 14th, 2009

-compiled by Mike W. on May 20th, 2009



(the missile: ) - bouncy effect doesn't affect that weapon. Damage: max 50 points.


the Fracture with bouncy effect. No damage (yet ).

A comparison of the Bouncy Fracture with the original Fracture by Mike:



homing missile looking like a neck of giraffe. The greater the distance beetwen both tanks, the more powerful shot, but the weapon has a limited range (300 pixels length). Damage: min 10 points (distance: 0 pixels), max 100 points (distance: 300 pixels).


a mix of water and a wall. Damage: like the Hail Storm.

SPIRAL KILLER(the missile: ) - a wall with an eating surprise . Damage: about 30 points during the pink "eater" is touching the tank.

The tank may fire through the hole in the wall:


come to me, baby ! Damage: 20 points when the missile hits the tank.


it is easy to codeIt works like the Burnt Popcorn but it has acid istead of the fire. Damage: similar to Acid Bomb.



a mix of the Ground Shocker and the Forest. It creates small wall at the end of each outlet.
1. 2.
3. 4.
* I'm waiting for your ideas for an icon to this weapon. I think my icon is not elegant


regular 5 walls. It works similar to the Dive Bomb.

Mike, I put this weapon again koz I think it may be very powerful in the next turn (+ the Scorcher, the Burnt Popcorn etc.) and it's easy to code. Less work, earlier weapon pack.
old icon vs. or with knots

old name - PALES vs. FENCE - new name


the Jackhammer with admixture of the Char


the dirtball with bouncy halo. When we used this weapon we may have problems with hitting the opponent's tank in the next turn. Mike, CPU shouldn't try to rescue itself (e.g. by using the Digger). It should use weapons like the Tracer, the Glue Storm etc. which don't destroy this dirt. No damage...


a mix of Mass Driver (working) and the Earth Mover (effect). It may helps us when our tank is dirty but the target is random.


( BUILDING SITE / GIRDER (by Samail) )

it works similiar to the Fracture but it creates 5 (or more if you think it would be better) beams in random places instead of the diggers. No damage. The missile:


cannonade of lemons = lemonade . It works like the Streamers. It throws a lot of lemons. Maybe some one hits the tank


( FLYING B. D. (like breakdancer)

description isn't necessary...


when the cartridge touches the terrain it creates a muzzle (it looks like wall). A missile is firing from this muzzle but only even the target is above the muzzle (look at the pictures below). Damage: up to 60 points. Explosion size: as the Nuke. Explosion kick: as the Sniper. Missile:

normal after the Island / after the Elevator


it works similar to the Saucer Attack. A rotating satellite is flying from one left side of the screen to the right (or inversely). From time to time the satellite attacks the tank by lightning strikes. The flight or the sattelite is swinging - it may hits the terrain and explode! Damage: 5 per lightning strike; max. 100 for explode (when centrally hits the tank). A satellite:


the missile is spreading by dividing into 5 parts after every 1 second during the flight. It divides max. 3 times (after 4 seconds of the flight). Max number of the missile's parts is 125. Damage: 5 points per missile's part (when it hits the tank). Look out - they may hit you! [wybuszek - in polish: small explosion]


i'll try to present this idea on the basis of the pictures.
After hit the tank or automatically (like the Saucer Attack)...
1. ...a plane is comming from the up of the screen...
2. ...and flies on the swinging trajectory to the down of the scrren...
3. ...and shots in the tank in every one second...
4. ...(damage: 3 points per shot)...
5. ...but our tank automatically and randomaly tries to destroy the enemy plane using the laser (like the Space Laser) also in every one second...
6. ...so when our tank will do it damage from the plane stops...
7. ...but when our tank misses the plane it destroys on this tank (or near when it flied not centrally in the tank). Damage: max. 60 points.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


it creates a bouncy beam 75 pixels below the opponent's tank which helps us to hit centrally the tank by e.g. the Lava Cannon (even unless we hit the tank the weapon explodes on the surface of the terrain) in the next turn.


it works like the Hot Foot. Flames (like the Blowtorch, but smaller) are come out on the surface and burn the tank.

The CPU uses weapons like this centrally in the tank. It is less effective.

Damage: max. 200.


our tank throws 10 eggs with random angle (± 15º). They breake when they touches the terrain/the tank (like the Water Balloons). Each egg consists of the white liquid part and gold dirty part. The liquid part behaves like the Hails Storm - it causes damage (about 20 points) and disappears. The gold part falls on the terrain/tank and creates a dirt.
old icon from archive:


it's a ball which takes 1 pixel of the terrain during the rolling and grows up. The longer rolling the bigger damage. But the Kleik works only 100 pixels length. If the tank is too far the Kleik disappears without damage for this tank.

Damage: 20 points for centrally hit, +1 for each pixel rolling. Max 120 points (20 as base + 100 for max rolling). CPU probably would receive 20 points


it works like the Blowtorch but it release spray instead of the fire. This spray could looks like the Chalk Dust and during action change color (it may have very cool graphic effect(s) nice for our eyes). Damage: not small I think about 150. Secondo icon:


a tank fires 6 balls with intervals like in the Roman Candle. Each ball is throwing with changed angle (± 10º) and has different size, looks and... behaviour:
- soccer ballbehaves like the Single Shot - it has to hit centrally the enemy; damage: 40 points
- football/rugby ballbehaves like the Worm (optionally the Homing Worm) - it can move underground; damage: 40 points
- tennis ballbehaves like the Collide-o-scope - it bounces and tries to hit the enemy; damage: 15 points
- volley ballbehaves like the ball from the Lodestones - it is attracting by the enemy tank; damage: 25 points
- basket ballbehaves like the Anvil - it falls on the enemy; damage: 15 points
- golf ballbehaves like the Cruiser (or the Boomerang when falls behind the enemy) - it comes to enemy to hit it; damage: 15 points

Max damage: 150 but it's rather possible only in close combat.

We may "update" this weapon. Please, write the behaviour idea of a cricket ball then I'll add it to Ball Cup. And each another ball: ping-pong ball, water ball, bowling ball etc...
Maybe water ball could refuse some water, bowling ball could behave like the Lead Balloon, ping-pong ball like the Popcorn, cricket ball is your


a tank fires the missile which works under the surface. When we hit centrally the enemy the missile disappears without damage effect. Otherwise the missile stops about 50 pixels below the surface of the terrain, divides into 2 parts and goes to the left and the right slowly. At random lenght each part goes to up (not necessarily at the same time - crude oil isn't everywhere) and works like the Old Faithful, but color of the liquid is dark-brown. Additionally it makes surface of the terrain more dark (like the Shadow Blast), so we may have problems with effective estimation of the terrain (where exactly are the holes etc.). Damage: similar to the Old Faithful (x2). Second icon:



the tank fires a missile, which stops above the enemy and splits into 5 small scoops (aimilar to the Crazy Ivan). They digs small holes 5 times deeper and deeper throwing pieces of the terrain in the enemy simultaneously. As a result the enemy is covered by the terrain and near it we have 5 holes/tunnels made by scoops. No damage - dirty weapon.


a LOS weapon. Even if we don't hit the enemy centrally the missile stops below or above the tank and scans its (the enemy has to be in the scanning range - otherwise the missile flies away without action). When we hit centrally the tank damage is bigger. Damage: up to 100 points.
Scanning process:


works like the Cheap Shot. Damage: 30 points.

before: after:


[made from: ] - the missile works similar to other normal weapon (the Single Shot etc.) [1, 2] till it is near the tank [3]. Then it disappears [4] and... appears on the other side [5, 6]. After hitting it works like the Flying Digger [7]. Damage: 20 points. The opponent may have problems with hitting you after this.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]


when the missile hits the tank the ground under its (from the bottom of the screen - like in the Melt Down) starts to scarify - from the bottom to the surface. The tank is still in the sam place, but the terrain near its goes to the up and hides its. Higher terrain, bigger occultation. No damage.


a moon appears in the random place in the up of the screen. During a few seconds the moon attracts the enemy tank like the Tractor Beam by light halo (it works also at a slant). Each second causes damage 5 points. The enemy is coming to the moon and is transported to different place.


a tank fires cartridges like in the event of using the Hot Coals. Each cartridge causes block of dirt like the Mudslide. After transformation cartridges into dirty blocks the terrain and the dirt near the enemy started to melt (it works like the Acid Bombs) with a sound of an extinguishing. Damage: about 80 points. After all the enemy is located in medium, not regular hole and the blockade made from the dirty blocks is above the enemy which prevent from firing.

Roller-Scates- two ideas:
- makes each MOVE 2x longer
- each MOVE abides untill the tank touches not-passing* terrain

Drunk Ball- it is the Single Shot that flies in a wavy way (it may be compared to the Zipper but the Drunk Ball isn't a "zig zagging" weapon - it has soft "turnings" and the most important: IT IS NOT A LOS WEAPON). Because of "drunk flying" the Drunk Ball may miss the enemy even if it flies with a good angle and power! When the Drunk Ball hits the tank it creates a hole like the Anvil, screws the angle and the power and makes some fizzy effect. Damage: 50 points.

X- when a tank hits the enemy (or the terrain) a 'X" is falling from the top of the screen and drives in the terrain. A power of inculcation depends of long of flight.
1. long flight:

(it creates something like not bouncy funnel)
2 short flight:

(it creates something like blockade)
Side Bombs- it works automatically (like the Glue Storm - the angle and the power isn't useful). 7 bombs are going from each side (left and right) of the screen and falls on the terrain. If the enemy is near of the side is hit. Damage: 40 points per bomb.


LOS Tracer - It's a tracer for line of sight weapons.


Hammer Strike: Fires out a laser-like shot a good distance, and then pauses for a brief moment. After the brief moment of suspense, the shot 'swings' forward until it hits dirt. There is a medium sized shrapnel explosion, which does moderate (maybe 60-100) damage and has decent kick to it. The shot should pivot around the tank if possible.
Charge: The tank charges forward (hence the name), using a long series of low power jump jets. If the tank hits the enemy tank, it should do between 50-70 damage and launch them in the direction the tank is moving.

Gravel Blast:
Fires a main bullet. When the bullet hits the ground, it launches around 100 more bullets in an upwards direction (some degree of randomness will be used to change the trajectory a bit). Each one of those bullets will do a small amount of damage (like 1-2 points per shot), and create a 10-15px tall triangle of gray dirt. If implemented from correctly, it could prevent the enemy from moving.

Colin Mann

Dragons Claw - Scratches the opponents tank into the ground, forwards or backwards depending which part of the tank is hit. 50 points damage.

Stasis - When hit with this the opponents tank can't move position, turret or weapon slection for the following shot. Only power is unaffected. 10 points damage.

Long Drop - Opponents tanks drops to the bottom of the screen. No points.

Corkscrew - drives opponents tank intothe ground at the angle of strike OR will raise your own tank out of whatever it is in. 50 points either way.

Samail suggests - I'm liking Corkscrew. Mind if I give an alternate idea? Perhaps have it drill the enemy tank into the ground, down a jagged zig-zaggy hole. Think Fracture and a very narrow Pile Driver, and vertical. Also requires a near-direct hit, as the effects are inconvenient at best.

Small Hadron Collider - A circular blizzard of particles surrounds the opponents tank. Points awarded similar to gamma/ phantom.


Retainer - when hit by stun or smoke (anything that changes angle and power), turns power and angle back to what it was before the last shot, then fires a single shot, (or any other weapon). (Sound Effect: Would be a clock?)
Trap Hole - creates a large deep hole, then creates a thin roof at the opening [Travels only ground just to make it a little harder to do =D)
Bounceseeker - missile that homes at any bouncy terrain that it first encounters, or goes over. Useful against sheltered enemies. Cannot bounce (duh)
Jelly - Gelatinous matrix that suspends the tank. Anything fired from the inside can go out and anything hit from the outside (except other dirts and especially, Tar) will go through the jelly, or bounce off, any of what you like. If the weapon is a skipper, or that bounces, and goes in the matrix from the outside, then it cannot come out of the matrix until it has come to its limit, or impacts at the tank itself.
Instead of it directly creating jelly to the tank, the tank should fly off first, then the jelly should be created so that it is suspended in air than suspended while still in ground. The jelly, like the ordinary dirt, "moves" (avalanches, or whatever you call it) when something from the lower level has been removed, except Tunneled or other dirt removing weapons.
PS: Laser may/may not go through Jelly, whatever you wish I can accept.


earthquake-the projectile itself acts like sniper in the air once it hits, the ground begins to shake and the ground beneath where the projectile hit is splitting apart where the diameter of the hole is equal to crater maker, in that hole magma comes out underneath doing about 50 damage for the split and 70 for the magma


Static Cannon:ORlike tesla coil, except your turret is the thing that shocks the other tank, it only shocks once, the other tank has to be an inch away (in fullscreen mode) AND it deals 250 damage!
Power Shot:shoots a green bullet that, in HUUUGE proximity (like, half the screen) turns red and gains a sort of thrust. it still has arc, but the speed triples, so the arc would usually all but dissapear. the damage is 150! (when it hits proximity, it releases a short, but large, burst of white sparks in its trail.)
Magic Bullet:a bright green bullet is shot. for every 1/4 second it's in the air, it drops a magic wall bullet. deals 30 damage.