2017 - 2018


of the sitting of


5 February 2018


EN / United in diversity / EN
* / Consultation procedure
*** / Consent procedure
***I / Ordinary legislative procedure: first reading
***II / Ordinary legislative procedure: second reading
***III / Ordinary legislative procedure: third reading
(The type of procedure is determined by the legal basis proposed in the draft act.)
AFET / Committee on Foreign Affairs
DEVE / Committee on Development
INTA / Committee on International Trade
BUDG / Committee on Budgets
CONT / Committee on Budgetary Control
ECON / Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs
EMPL / Committee on Employment and Social Affairs
ENVI / Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety
ITRE / Committee on Industry, Research and Energy
IMCO / Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection
TRAN / Committee on Transport and Tourism
REGI / Committee on Regional Development
AGRI / Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development
PECH / Committee on Fisheries
CULT / Committee on Culture and Education
JURI / Committee on Legal Affairs
LIBE / Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs
AFCO / Committee on Constitutional Affairs
FEMM / Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality
SEDE / Committee on Petitions
Subcommittee on Human Rights
Subcommittee on Security and Defence
PPE / Group of the European People’s Party (Christian Democrats)
S&D / Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament
ECR / European Conservatives and Reformists Group
ALDE / Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe
GUE/NGL / Confederal Group of the European United Left – Nordic Green Left
Verts/ALE / Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance
EFDD / Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy Group
ENF / Europe of Nations and Freedom
NI / Non-attached Members

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P8_PV-PROV(2018)02-05 PE 617.554 - 2

1. Resumption of the session 3

2. Opening of the sitting 3

3. Tribute 3

4. Approval of the minutes of the previous sitting 3

5. Announcement by the President 3

6. Composition of Parliament 4

7. Verification of credentials 5

8. Request for the defence of immunity 5

9. Composition of committees and delegations 5

10. Negotiations ahead of Parliament's first reading (Rule 69c) 5

11. Signature of acts adopted under the ordinary legislative procedure (Rule 78) 6

12. Delegated acts and implementing measures (Rules 105(6) and 106(4)(d)) 7

13. Questions for oral answer (submission) 7

14. Major interpellations (Rule 130b) (submission) 8

15. Action taken on Parliament's positions and resolutions 8

16. Documents received 8

17. Order of business 10

18. European Central Bank Annual Report for 2016 (debate) 10

19. Manipulation of scientific research by multinationals in the wake of the emission tests on monkeys and humans by the German car industry (debate) 11

20. Geo-blocking and other forms of discrimination based on customers' nationality, place of residence or place of establishment ***I (debate) 12

21. Decision adopted on the Fair Taxation package II and III (debate) 12

22. Cost-effective emission reductions and low-carbon investments ***I (debate) 13

23. Accelerating clean energy innovation (debate) 13

24. Objection to an implementing act: Adding Sri Lanka, Trinidad and Tobago and Tunisia to the list of high-risk third countries (debate) 14

25. One-minute speeches on matters of political importance 14

26. Agenda of the next sitting 15

27. Closure of the sitting 15


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P8_PV-PROV(2018)02-05 PE 617.554 - 2


2017 - 2018 SESSION

Sittings of 5 to 8 February 2018





1. Resumption of the session

The session suspended on Thursday, 18 January 2018 was resumed.

2. Opening of the sitting

The sitting opened at 17.04.

3. Tribute

On behalf of Parliament, The President paid tribute to the memory of Edouard Ferrand.

Parliament observed a minute's silence.

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The following spoke: Cécile Kashetu Kyenge on the racially-motivated shooting in Italy (the President joined with Cécile Kashetu Kyenge in roundly condemning the attack).

4. Approval of the minutes of the previous sitting

The minutes of the previous sitting were approved.

5. Announcement by the President

The President made the following announcement:

'On January 2018, I received a letter from the Chairs of the PPE, S&D, ALDE and Verts/ALE Groups concerning the conduct of Vice-President Czarnecki and requesting that the procedure laid down in Rule 21 of the Rules of Procedure be applied as a result of the statements he had made concerning another Member of the European Parliament.

The matter was discussed at two consecutive meetings of the Conference of Presidents on 18 January 2018 and 1 February 2018.

On 18 January 2018, I also received a letter from Vice-President Czarnecki addressing the concerns set out in the aforementioned letter. I then met Vice-President Czarnecki in person on 23 January 2018 to discuss the matter.

After taking note of Mr Czarnecki's views on 1 February 2018, the Conference of Presidents, acting by a majority of three-fifths of the votes cast representing at least three political groups, decided to propose that Parliament bring to an end the term of office of Vice-President Czarnecki as it considered him to be guilty of serious misconduct under Rule 21.

Parliament will take a decision on that proposal on Wednesday, 7 February 2018, acting by a majority of two-thirds of the vote cast constituting a majority of its component Members.'

The following spoke: Jadwiga Wiśniewska on the procedure followed (the President made clarifications), Manfred Weber (the President made clarifications), Udo Bullmann, Philippe Lamberts and Eleonora Forenza (the President made clarifications).

6. Composition of Parliament

Following the death of Edouard Ferrand, Parliament, acting under Rule 4(1), established a vacancy with effect from 2 February 2018 and notified the Member State concerned.

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Tatjana Ždanoka had given notice in writing of her resignation as Member of Parliament, with effect from 5 March 2018.

Acting under Rule 4(1) and (2), Parliament established the vacancy of her seat with effect from that date and would notify the competent national authority.

Viorica Dăncilă had been appointed Prime Minister of Romania with effect from 29 January 2018.

Parliament noted her appointment and, acting under Article 7(1) of the Act of 20 September 1976 concerning the election of the Members of the European Parliament by direct universal suffrage, established the vacancy of her seat with effect from 29 January 2018.

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The Romanian authorities had given notice of the election of Gabriela Zoană to replace Viorica Dăncilă as Member of Parliament with effect from 30 January 2018.

Parliament noted her election.

Under Rule 3(2), until such time as her credentials had been verified or a ruling had been given on any dispute, and provided that she had previously made a written declaration stating that she did not hold any office incompatible with that of Member of the European Parliament, Gabriela Zoană would take her seat in Parliament and on its bodies and would enjoy all the rights attaching thereto.

7. Verification of credentials

On a proposal from the JURI Committee, Parliament validated the mandates of Ivari Padar, Jörg Meuthen, Lukas Mandl and Michael Detjen with effect from 6 November 2017, 8 November 2017, 30 November 2017 and 1 January 2018, respectively.

8. Request for the defence of immunity

Victor Boştinaru had sent the President a request for the defence of his privileges and immunities in connection with civil proceedings brought before the Court of Appeal of Bucharest.

Under Rule 9(1), the request had been referred to the committee responsible, the JURI Committee

9. Composition of committees and delegations

The President had received the following requests for appointments from the S&D and EFDD Groups:

AFET Committee: Wajid Khan to replace Alex Mayer

ECON Committee: Alex Mayer to replace Wajid Khan

AGRI Committee: Gabriela Zoană

FEMM Committee: Gabriela Zoană

DROI Subcommittee: Wajid Khan to replace Alex Mayer

Delegation for relations with the Arabian Peninsula: Gabriela Zoană

BUDG Committee: Raymond Finch to replace Jonathan Arnott

CONT Committee: Jonathan Bullock to replace Jonathan Arnott

Delegation to the EU-Chile Joint Parliamentary Committee: Jörg Meuthen.

The appointments would be deemed ratified if there were no objections before the approval of these minutes.

10. Negotiations ahead of Parliament's first reading (Rule 69c)

The President announced the decisions by several committees to enter into interinstitutional negotiations pursuant to Rule 69c (1):

- ECON Committee, on the basis of the report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the harmonisation of gross national income at market prices (GNI Regulation) repealing Council Directive 89/130/EEC, Euratom and Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1287/2003 (COM(2017)0329 – C8-0192/2017 – 2017/0134(COD)). Rapporteur: Roberto Gualtieri (A8-0009/2018)

- ECON Committee, on the basis of the report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on a framework for the recovery and resolution of central counterparties and amending Regulations (EU) No 1095/2010, (EU) No 648/2012, and (EU) 2015/2365 (COM(2016)0856 – C8-0484/2016 – 2016/0365(COD)). Rapporteurs: Jakob von Weizsäcker and Kay Swinburne (A8-0015/2018)

- ENVI Committee, on the basis of the report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the monitoring and reporting of CO2 emissions from and fuel consumption of new heavy-duty vehicles (COM(2017)0279 – C8-0168/2017 – 2017/0111(COD)). Rapporteur: Damiano Zoffoli (A8-0010/2018)

- JURI Committee, on the basis of the report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council adapting a number of legal acts providing for the use of the regulatory procedure with scrutiny to Articles 290 and 291 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (COM(2016)0799 – C8-0524/2016 – 2016/0400(COD)). Rapporteur: József Szájer (A8-0020/2018)

- JURI Committee, on the basis of the report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council adapting a number of legal acts in the area of justice providing for the use of the regulatory procedure with scrutiny to Article 290 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (COM(2016)0798– C8-0525/2016 – 2016/0399(COD)). Rapporteur: József Szájer (A8-0012/2018)

- LIBE Committee, on the basis of the report on the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a centralised system for the identification of Member States holding conviction information on third country nationals and stateless persons (TCN) to supplement and support the European Criminal Records Information System (ECRIS-TCN system) and amending Regulation (EU) No 1077/2011 (COM(2016)0344 – C8-0217/2017 – 2017/0144(COD)). Rapporteur: Daniel Dalton (A8-0018/2018)

In accordance with Rule 69c (2), Members or political group(s) reaching at least the medium threshold may request in writing, before midnight the following day, Tuesday 6 February, that decisions to enter into negotiations be put to the vote

Negotiations may start at any time after that deadline has expired if no request for a vote in Parliament on the decision to enter into negotiations has been made.

11. Signature of acts adopted under the ordinary legislative procedure (Rule 78)

The President announced that on Wednesday, 7 February 2018, together with the President of the Council, he would sign the following act adopted under the ordinary legislative procedure:

- Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on additional customs duties on imports of certain products originating in the United States of America (codification) (00060/2017/LEX - C8-0021/2018 - 2014/0175(COD)).

12. Delegated acts and implementing measures (Rules 105(6) and 106(4)(d))

In accordance with Rule 105(6), the Chair of the Conference of Committee Chairs had informed the President of Parliament that no objections had been raised with regard to:

- Recommendation of the ECON Committee to raise no objections to the draft Commission regulation amending Regulation (EC) No 1126/2008 adopting certain international accounting standards in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1606/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards amendments to International Financial Reporting Standard 9 (D054380/02 ; 2017/3018(RPS)) (B8-0066/2018);

- Recommendation of the ECON Committee to raise no objections to the Commission delegated regulation of 20 December 2017 amending Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/2358 and Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/2359 as regards their dates of application (C(2017)08681 ; 2017/3032(DEA)) (B8-0069/2018).

If no objections to these recommendations are raised by a political group or by a number of Members corresponding at least to the threshold within 24 hours, they shall be deemed to have been approved. If this is not the case, they shall be put to the vote.

The recommendations are available on Europarl for the duration of the current part-session.

13. Questions for oral answer (submission)

The following questions for oral answer had been submitted by Members (Rule 128):

- (O-000099/2017) by Danuta Maria Hübner, on behalf of the AFCO Committee, to the Council: Reform of the electoral law of the European Union (2017/3019(RSP)) (B8-0002/2018);

- (O-000101/2017) by Agnieszka Kozłowska-Rajewicz, Barbara Matera, Dubravka Šuica, Elissavet Vozemberg-Vrionidi, Teresa Jiménez-Becerril Barrio and Rosa Estaràs Ferragut, on behalf of the PPE Group, Iratxe García Pérez and Soraya Post, on behalf of the S&D Group, Malin Björk, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, Arne Gericke, on behalf of the ECR Group, Terry Reintke and Ernest Urtasun Domènech, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, Angelika Mlinar Izaskun Bilbao Barandica and Hilde Vautmans, on behalf of the ALDE Group, to the Commission: Situation of women human rights defenders and their support by the EU (2018/2531(RSP)) (B8-0003/2018);

- (O-000102/2017) by Agnieszka Kozłowska-Rajewicz, Barbara Matera, Dubravka Šuica, Elissavet Vozemberg-Vrionidi, Teresa Jiménez-Becerril Barrio and Rosa Estaràs Ferragut, on behalf of the PPE Group, Iratxe García Pérez and Soraya Post, on behalf of the S&D Group, Arne Gericke, on behalf of the ECR Group, Malin Björk, on behalf of the GUE/NGL Group, Terry Reintke and Ernest Urtasun Domènech, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group, Angelika Mlinar, Izaskun Bilbao Barandica and Hilde Vautmans, on behalf of the ALDE Group, to the Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy: Situation of women human rights defenders and their support by the EU (2018/2531(RSP)) (B8-0004/2018);