By wcps-admin on February 3, 2015 | Edit

Did you knowthat Weald CPS is an Expert Centre for the Global Learning Programme (GLP)?

This means that, in addition to exemplifying global learning within the curriculum at Weald, we play a key role in building a network of like-minded schools and work in partnership to share best practice through bespoke training sessions for teachers.

To find out more about how the GLP benefits your children go to

Spotlight on Staff: MrsBeddoe (School Office Manager)

Greatest pleasure at work …

Seeing Mr Pyle’s face when I buy him a Yorkie Bar!

Most enjoyment at home… spending time with cats when they don’t run away!

Favourite Teddy Bear’s name…Dartmouth (why?!!)

Favourite TV programmes…The Bake-Off, Sherlock or Downton Abbey.

Food dislikes…..pears and the skin on custard (fussy eater!).

Pastimes … running around after children!

Greatest wish… to have a window blind for the School Office (she’s easily pleased!)

Parent Consultations: 25th & 26th February 2015

These are opportunities for you to gain an up-date on your child(ren)’s progress.You may book your appointments on the booking sheets in the School Hall from 3.15 p.m. on Monday 9th February. If you have more than one child in the school, please make sure that you leave at least 10 minutes between appointments. In order to ensure that the evening stays on schedule, teachers will be using timers; please observe this indication to move on. For lengthier discussions on particular areas of concern, please make a separate arrangement with your child’s class teacher.

Eco-squad up and running

This term, Eco-squad has been busy making fat balls for the wild birds.

They have also been doing a magnificent job helping to keep Weald litter free.

Mrs Priestwill be retiring at the end of the summer term 2015 after 14 years of dedicated service to the school. There will be plenty of opportunities later in the year to celebrate her outstanding commitment and contributions to school life. Her characteristically considerate early notice of leaving has enabled us to conduct an early search for her replacement as Leader of Learning Success (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator). We are delighted to announce that Simone Adkins (currently fulfilling the SENco role at Dunton Green) will join us from September of this year and we are confident that she will be a most valuable member of the staff team.

Wear Red for The British Heart Foundation:on Friday 6th February, theentire school wore red and contributed items towards an after school “Red Food Sale”. Owing to your generosity, we raised more than £200.00 for this extremely worthwhile cause.

TRUGS:the PTA purchased boxes of ‘TRUGS at Home’ for the school. TRUGS is an enjoyable way of supporting children with their reading skills and we use the games in school with some children. The games are based on the synthetic phonic approach and help children to develop decoding skills and build up their sight vocabulary. The games are appropriate for children of any age and ability.

The ‘TRUGS at Home boxes’ are available to families to borrow as follows:

Monday to Thursday (return on Friday morning) or Friday to Monday (return on Monday morning)

Please speak to Mrs Priest or Mrs Scott if you would like to borrow a set of ‘TRUGS at Home’. Alternatively, you can request the loan of a box from MrsBeddoe in the School Office. You will be asked to sign to accept responsibility for returning the TRUGS box in good condition.

Safeguarding: if any parent volunteers haven’t yet completed the “Safeguarding Declaration Form 2015” (available by the signing in register at the School Office), please do so as a matter of urgency. Thank you. May we also remind all volunteers that they need to be wearing a clearly visible visitor badge at all times whilst in the building. These are available from the blue basket to the left of the signing in register.