Weald CPS Newsletter: Friday, 2nd May, 2014

MUGA: the digging begins!

The news may well have filtered out to you that work has now started on our new Multi-use Games Area. This has been long-awaited and stems from a collaborative venture, funded by Kent County Council, Weald Parish Council and the PTA. Many people from the school community have invested huge amounts of energy and time in bringing this project to fruition; most notably, Wendy Thatcher, Rachel Cope, Scott Matthewsonand Roger Hayes and we thank them sincerely for their perseverance and endeavour.

The MUGA, which has a porous, all-weather tarmacadam surface, will be 50 metres long and 35 metres wide and will come with markings for football, netball, tennis and handball. The sporting opportunities that this new facility will afford to your children are manifold. Coupled with the recently enhanced multi-skills coaching programme being delivered by Matt Thacker, we will be extremely well placed to build our sporting provision and success in the near future. Furthermore, the expanded and improved surface will provide valuable additional play space for the school, reducing significantly pupil congestion in the current playground. Outside school hours, the MUGA will be available for hire by the community and, as soon as the details of hire charges and the booking system have been finalised, we will let you know.The building works is scheduled to last approximately 9 weeks and we aim to open the facility with a Family Festival of Sport … so get into training now!

Tag Rugby Triumph!

On Thursday, 1st May a squad of 10 year 5 & 6 children competed in an inter-school tag rugby tournament, hosted by Edenbridge Rugby Club. The first pool game against St. Mary’s resulted in a 1-1 draw. Having mastered the laws of the game, our second match against Chiddingstone led to a stunning 5-1 victory with a flourish of tries; the most creative following from an ingenious “Sellors Twins Switch”. This qualified us for a semi-final place in the main shield competition where we narrowly defeated by Crockham Hill. The enthusiasm and determination with which everyone played bodes extremely well for the next rugby competition later this term.

Dads’ Breakfast

On Friday 2nd May, the School Hall pulsated with creative talent and competitive instinct as dads, uncles and grandfathers attempted to construct a paper tower using only small amounts of tape and string (photos will be posted on the school website soon). It was lovely to see so many familiar and not so familiar male faces in the room. One dad was overheard saying how pleasant it was not to have his habitual Friday morning feeling. Thank you to all those who attended, to Rachel and Tim Cope who organised the entire proceedings and Becky Matthewson who oversaw operations in the kitchen.

Breakfast Club Meeting

Weald Pre-School is intending to start a Breakfast Club from September of this year. In order to gauge the level of interest in this new, exciting facility and provide information on how it might be run, there will be a short meeting in the School Hall at 9.00 a.m. on Friday 9th May. Please come along if you are interested.

Forthcoming events

Monday 5th May: Bank Holiday. School closed

Wednesday 7th May: Safety in Action (Year 6) & Chiddingstone Cross Country

Thursday 8th May @ 2.00 p.m. Parents’ Forum Meeting

Friday 9th May @ 9.00 a.m.: Breakfast Club meeting (see above).