Cohort 2 Application
Summer Workshops
June 26 – 30 (Spokane); July 31 – August 4 (Seattle)
We invite you to apply to join Cohort 2 of the Washington Mathematics Case Study Project (MCSP), a consortium of mathematics teachers from across Washington. MCSP is a partnership of classroom teachers and university faculty working together to create and deliver quality professional development materials. These materials will combine reflection on the big ideas of teaching mathematics with a coordinated study of student work using video cases and written cases. These cases will be taken from real classrooms around the entire state of Washington. Whatever curricular material teachers are using in your district, this program will help you to teach more effectively.
The MCSP project is a partnership among the University of Washington, Washington State University, EasternWashingtonUniversity, and classroom teachers. All activities will align with the Washington State EALRs and the Grade Level Expectations.
Project Components
- Summer Workshops.Teachers will strengthen their pedagogical content knowledge by working on cases during 5-day residential workshops. The project will arrange for lodging and meals and provide $750 stipends for these teachers.
- In-service during the school year: Teachers will meet for five days of work on release days or Saturdays. The project will cover the cost for substitute teachers for release days or pay $150/day for attendance at Saturday workshops. The dates for the school-year sessions will be set through consultation with participating teachers during the summer sessions. Separate sessions will be held in eastern and western Washington.
- Development of Materials: Teachers will collaborate with project staff in the development of case study materials based on Washington classrooms. Some teachers will pilot new materials.
- Clock hours or graduate credit will be available.
This summer’s workshop will include two separate content foci: Geometric Thinking and Proportional Reasoning. The workshops in Spokane and Seattlewill follow the same agenda. The first workshop will be held June 26th through the 30th and will be held on the campus of EasternWashingtonUniversity. The same program will again be offered in Seattle from July 31st to August 4th on the University of Washington campus in Seattle. The project will pay room and board fees for participants staying on campus as well as a $750 stipend.
We cannot stress too strongly that the overall goal of the project is to develop a sustainable program that will form lasting partnerships. For questions or comments, please contact Mike Gilbert, EasternWashingtonUniversity, at 509.359.6637 or by email at .
Workshop ApplicationSummer workshops begin at 8:30 a.m.and end at 4:30 p.m.
Locations: Eastern WashingtonUniversity - June 26/30
University of Washington – July 31/August 4
Deadline: Applications are due by 5:00 p.m.March 18, 2006 (late applications will be considered only as spacebecomes available). Applicants will be notified by March 31st.
Please send applications to:
Michael Gilbert
Eastern WashingtonUniversity
Kingston 212
Cheney, WA 99004-2418
Phone: 509.359.6637 Fax: 509.359.4700.
Applications may be submitted by mail or fax.
Please Complete and return this form:
Your name:
Grades taught:
Daytime phone: ______Fax: ______Email: ______
I am a member of the Year 1 Cohort
I would prefer to attend the workshop in (circle one):
If selected you are pledging your commitment to attend all five days of the summer workshop and the follow-up sessions. Please sign below toindicate your understanding of that commitment.
Signature: ______
Date: ______