Proposal Form
The purpose of the Arts & Lectures Committee is to sponsor cultural events that provide enjoyment and intellectual stimulation to the district, faculty, students, staff and members of the surrounding community. Our goal is to enrich the cultural life of our community in order to foster a creative and enlightening climate for human development.In selecting speakers & programs, we will attempt to schedule events that speak to the diversity of our community, enrich and support the existing curriculum, and/or provide a forum on public policy issues of interest to the campus and community. Events may be single events at one of the college’s campuses, multi-campus presentations, and/or artists-in-residence programs.
We will select presenters based on:
1)Appropriateness of topic related to mission/purpose of committee and its educational value to our audiences.
2)Expertise of the presenter in both knowledge of the topic and ability to present the subject in an engaging way to a diverse audience. The committee will take into consideration evidence such as Curriculum Vitae, publications, previous speaking engagements, gallery exhibits, etc.
3)How well the presentation fits into the overall schedule of programs for a particular semester.
4)Availability of funding (the Arts & Lectures program pays minimal stipends ranging from $150 to $300)
Lecturer’s InformationContact Name: Current SRJC Employee: Yes ______No______
Will others participate in your presentation? If yes, how many? ______
Mailing Address:
Web Site:
SRJC Contact and/or Sponsoring Department InformationContact Name:
Mailing Address:
Web Site:
Proposals must be word processed and submitted electronically.
More information on page 3.
Proposal Worksheet Semester & Year: ______
Presentation Description
(A 50 minute presentation with 10 minutes Q/A scheduled on Mondays from 12 – 1pm)
Presentation Title:
Provide a one paragraph description of the presentation for advertising:(Write in third person, use active voice andkeep under 100 words. Marketing of products and services should not be included.Committee reserves the right to edit.)
Provide evidence of the presenter’s expertise in the subject matter as well as a short bio of the presenter:
Provide evidence of the presenter’s public speaking experience:
Describehow this program fits into the college’s Arts & Lectures Program as described in the purpose statement on cover page:
Describe what efforts will be made to help promote the event. (Having an advocate, at Santa Rosa Junior College is advantageous to ensure high attendance.)
Any other information/comments you would like to include:
A high resolution digital image(not copyrighted)representing the topic or the presenteris required for the websiteupon your acceptance notification. To be considered high resolution, a photo’s dpi needs to be 300 or higher. To check dpi of a photo go to:
File – Properties - Horizontal resolution (also check the vertical resolution)
Proposals must be word processed. Email the form to ith subject line: Arts & Lectures Proposal for (indicate semester & year)
Send questions to:
Jeff Rhoades
Santa Rosa Junior College
1501 Mendocino Avenue
Santa Rosa, CA 95401
(707) 527-4372
Thank you for your interest in the Arts & Lectures Series!
Revised 2/3/16
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