Monday, November 7, 2016
B Day
FCCLA will be making pies after school on Thursday, November10th.
We will finish when all pies are done! - Approximately 5:30
Attention Deer Hunters
Students who bring a note from a parent and a copy of their deer permit by November 10th will be excused for opening day of shotgun season.
2x4’s for Hope Bake Sale
When: November 7, 8, & 9
Where: outside the JH Office
Time: 7:45 – 8:05 am
Cost: $1.00/item
All proceeds will be donated to the 2x4’s for Hope organization.
This organization builds tiny homes for homeless veterans.
The Junior High is raising money this year to support tiny homes for homeless veterans (last year we donated towards Honor Flight). Students may take money donations to their homeroom teachers. Each donation of $3 buys a board (plus nails, etc.) and it takes just 85 boards to build a bare bones tiny home. Extra monies may be used to pay for plumbing, electrical, etc. One of the stations that the students will visit this year is a board signing project where students will be able to write special messages to its recipient. These boards will be used in the construction of a tiny home and will remain there forever. We’ve counted on our Veterans for our freedom, now can they count on us to help some of them?
7th Graders are in the lead for donations for the tiny homes for Veterans! Good job and keep collecting!
We Need Your Help!! Students- We would like for you to bring pictures of veterans who are special to you to display on a bulletin board. Be sure to write your name and the Veteran’s name on the back of the picture so we can be sure to get the picture back to you!
Take a Vet to School Day
In honor of Veteran’s Day, the 5th – 8th graders of CJHS will be participating in “Take a Vet to School Day” on Thursday, November 10, 2016. This event is being held to help link veterans of all ages with the young people in our school and community. We are hoping to strengthen ties in our community and bring history to life in our classrooms by showing veterans how much we value their service.
Altrusa Coats for Kids Distribution Day is Saturday, November 5th from 8:00 – 12:00 at the Masonic Temple at 5th & Jersey in Quincy. New and gently used coats will be given to children in need of warm winter clothing. Please bring all children receiving the coats with you.
· Limo Lunch Tuesday, November 15th at 10:45 to approximately 11:30
Bentley Wiskirchen Lindsey Hoener
Joshua Alford Brydon Allison
Conner Griffin Carson Bernal
Aden Bell Hunter Hibbert
Cole Petersen
· Ice Cream Party Wednesday, November 16th– immediately following lunch; 81 students
· Prize Assembly Wednesday, November 16th
o Free Tub; 44 students
o Silly String a Teacher; 13 students
o Deal or No Deal; Bentlie Wiskirchen
o Pig Dress Up Contest Homerooms: 5A & 6A
o Pig Races: 5A & 6A
2nd Annual Young Arts and Crafts Show (Fundraiser for Quincy Teen Reach) – Saturday, Nov. 19th from 11am – 3pm at Quality Inn & Suites (201 S 3rd St. Quincy) – Admission is $2 (18 and under Free) for more details visit: www.youngerartsshow.com or www.quincyteenreach.com.
The Junior High Student Council will be hosting
“The Nightmare before Christmas” Dance on
Wednesday, November 30th from 7:00 to 8:30 pm in the
Old gym in the high school
All Central 7th and 8th grade students are invited.
Admission is $2 or 2 canned goods/person.
Costumes are welcome but not required!
November 10 – Take a Vet to School Day
November 11 – No School – Veteran’s Day
November 15 – Picture Retake Day
November 18 – Midterms
November 23 – 2:15 Dismissal – Thanksgiving break
November 24 – Happy Thanksgiving
November 25 – No School – Thanksgiving break
November 30 – 7th/8th Grade Winter Dance
BLACK GOLD CARD WINNERS: Elly Higley, Parker Crim, Isaac Genenbacher, Joey Boehler
Students with a negative lunch balance of $20.00 or more should take a cheese sandwich, fruit OR vegetable and a milk ONLY. No extra items may be taken until the account is paid. Students also need to bring lunch money to the Office first thing in the morning to ensure their account is credited before lunch.
LUNCH TODAY: Chicken patty on bun, lettuce, tomato, baked beans, fruit and milk
NEXT BREAKFAST: Breakfast pizza, juice and milk
NEXT LUNCH: Tator tot casserole, corn, roll, fruit and milk
Monday-Faith Wilkey, Aria Seneczko, Hannah Beckman, Dessy Wilkey, Katie Kindhart, Kaytee Fortner, Breana Kalb, Tristan Scott, Makenzie Cobern and Kayce Irvin
Tuesday-Olivia Pryor
Wednesday- Faith Wilkey, Aria Seneczko, Hannah Beckman, Dessy Wilkey, Katie Kindhart, Kaytee Fortner, Breana Kalb, Tristan Scott, Makenzie Cobern and Kayce Irvin
Thursday- Hannah Beckman, Jordan McCarty, Katie Kindhart
JH Girls Basketball:
Monday: Home Game vs. Hamilton 6:00 (Old Gym)
Tuesday: Home Game vs. Southeastern 6:00 (Old Gym)
Wednesday: 7th Practice at 6am (Old Gym) / 8th Practice 3:30 – 5:15 (CES Gym)
Thursday: Game at Nauvoo-Colusa Jr. High 6:00 / Bus will leave CES at 4:25
Friday: Practice 10:00 – 11:30 (Old Gym) – No School
Saturday: Practice 10:00 – 11:30 (Old Gym)
JH Boys Basketball:
Monday: Practice 6:00 am (Old Gym)
Tuesday: 8th Grade Game @ Perry 6:00 / Bus at 4:45 / 7th Grade Practice 6:00 (Old Gym)
Wednesday: Practice 3:15 – 5:00 (Old Gym)
Thursday: 8th Grade Game @ Perry TBD / Bus at TBD / 7th Grade Practice 6:00 (Old Gym)
Friday: 8th Grade Game @ Perry TBD / Bus at TBD / 7th Grade – NO Practice
Saturday: Practice 10:00 – 11:30 (New Gym)
Meetings are on Monday’s from 3:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Next Habitat meeting: November 17
Next Meetings: November 16, November 30
**Be sure to bring all needed materials for your group’s haunted house!
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