Homework is assigned daily in 4th grade and students are responsible for writing it down by the end of the day on their Homework Assignment Sheet (HAS). All lines for all subjects will be filled out every day and no lines are ever left blank. Please check that your child completes their homework daily and initial that it is done after you have seen it. Daily reading is also a part of your child’s nightly homework. Please be sure they are reading at least 20-30 minutes per night. Daily reading is important to help them achieve their AR goal each trimester.Spelling is recorded on the weekly HAS by your student on their HAS, along with the spelling test date for your information.
Any circled work indicates the assignment is missing, incomplete, or needs to be redone (too many errors). All circled work must be completed by the following Monday. After Monday that assignment will no longer be accepted and becomes a zero in the grade book. Late work is not accepted unless it is the result of an absence.
Absence/Makeup Work
For illnesses a student has 2 consecutive days to make up missed work. The two days starts from the time they received the missing work. For example, if your student is out sick on Tuesday – The missing work will be given to them on Wednesday. They have Wednesday and Thursday to complete it and it must be turned in Friday morning.For prearranged absences (such as doctor’s appointments, personal days, etc.) arrangements can be made to get homework/classwork beforehand if adequate notice is given. Please send a note or email to arrange for work to be sent home early.
Student supply list:
1 – 1 inch 3 ring binder with 5 tab dividers
2 – 100 page composition books
1 pencil pouch
1 pocket folder
2 pencils per day (sharpened)
Red pen (for correcting)
1 dry erase markers – label with their name and class number
Classroom supplies:
(Any donations are much appreciated to use throughout the year)
Desk cleaning wipes
Fancy pencils, granola bars, fruit chews – for snack attack/ prize box
Broad and skinny marker sets
Colored pencils
Index cards
Dry erase markers / Welcome to 4th Grade
Rice Canyon Elementary School
Room 403
Mrs. Henry
8:00 – 8:15 Morning Work/AR reading
8:15 - 9:00 Reading Workshop
9:15 – 10:05 Writing Workshop
10:05 – 10:35 ELD/Strategy classes
10:35 – 10:50 Recess
10:50 – 12:00 Math Workshop
12:00 – 12:35 Lunch
12:35 – 1:15 Social Studies/Science
1:15 – 1:45 Specials
Mon/Wed – Library, PE
Tues/Thur– Computers, Art
Fridays – Fun Friday activities
*Whole school PE day is Tuesday, please have your student wear appropriate clothing, bring a water bottle and towel each Tuesday.
Student Incentives
Students can earn individual incentives and whole class incentives for good choices, behavior, effort, and positive actions in our classroom.
Individual –completed punch cards can earn class coupons such as homework passes, snack attacks, fancy pencils, bookmarks, etc.
Class points are earned and used for special activities such as extra recess, indoor games, Flashlight Friday, movies/popcorn, etc.
Classroom Management:
Classroom Rules:1)Follow directions quickly
2)Be respectful
3)Be on task
4)Make smart choices
5)Always do your best
Classroom Expectations:
All students are held to high expectations in our classroom. It is expected that they will follow our classroom rules every day and are responsible for their own choices. It is not acceptable to disrupt the environment and hinder other’s learning experiences. Therefore, all students are held accountable for their behavior and it is monitored day. Your student will reflect on their behavior daily and also circle it on their HAS. If there are no problems they will circle WOW or GOOD, and reflect on what made it a good day. If there were any problems they will circle S0-SO, or UH-OH, and write down what happen that day. I always tell them that honesty is the best policy and this system is not to get students in trouble, but instead to help them make good choices and improvements when needed. You can monitor your child’s daily behavior on the homework sheet and talk to them about making good choices. The weekly reflection sheet will be sent home on Tuesdays, for you review. Please sign and return this the next day.
Flexible Seating
I am so excited to introduce flexible seating in our classroom this year. Flexible seating has many benefits in a classroom as it gives students more choice in the classroom, helps them become aware of their learning styles and preferences, gives them the freedom to change locations in the classroom based on the activities they are doing, incorporates movement within the school day, and give students opportunities to work and collaborate together on a daily basis. The funding for these changes were made possible by the donations provided by donors on a website called Donorschoose and my own personal investment. For more information about the Donorschoose project and flexible seating, please check-out the links provided on our classroom website “Links” pageContact Information
(951) 471-2184 ext 3404
Visit our Class Website:
(Go to About Us/Staff Directory and click on Mrs. Henry)
Remind 101 – Please sign up tonight for this texting app