Newsletter No 14 –17th April 2015

Dear Parents,

Welcome back. I hope that you have all had a lovely break over the holidays. Over Easter, we launched our new website! We hope that it will be easier for you to find up to date information and access copies of letters, as well as important documents. We are busy updating and reviewing all the sections and, over the next few weeks, will be adding more updates and creating class pages for our children to showcase some of their work and activities. Under the “News and Events” sign, you will find a parent friendly calendar and copies of our newsletters.

We welcome any feedback or further suggestions!

Yours sincerely

Miss Butcher


Other reminders

Reception – Leeds Castle Trip

There are still some parents who have not yet paid for their child’s trip to Leeds Castle. Please could you ensure that payment is made on-line as soon as possible.

FORH Second-hand Uniform – Monday 20th April at 2.30pm

The Friends of Red Hill will be holding their second-hand uniform sale on Monday 20th April from 2.30pm, weather permitting.

Chislehurst Society request re our local ponds.

We have received an update from the Chislehurst Society regarding a serious increase in the rat population at Prickend Pond on the common at Chislehurst. A pest control company’s recent survey highlighted a serious overfeeding of the birds and for a period of 3 weeks before they can begin treatment, additional signage has been put up requesting that we do not feed the birds. The increase in rats pose a danger to humans as well as the birds so please discourage children from feeding the birds over this critical period.Going forward, birdseed is much healthier than bread and is available in small packs from Champion Wine just across the high street from the pond.


It’s that time of year when we will be collecting money for the Lifeboats charity. Collection boxes will be sent round to each class from week beginning Monday 27th April until Friday 8th May. All donations will be greatly appreciated and will make a massive difference to this charity.

Contact details

If you have a new address, landline or mobile number, please let the school office know so that we can keep the emergency contact details up to date.

Unwanted Kitchenware Items Needed

Do you have any spare/unwanted kitchenware items that you no longer require? If so, would you be willing to donate these to our Reception classes? They are looking for items such as wooden spoons, saucepans, trays etc . No sharp items.

Children’s Fancy Dress – Donations

Do you have any unwanted children’s fancy dress clothing? If so, our Reception classes are looking for any fancy dress items to use and would greatly appreciate any donations you can give. All donations can be handed to Mrs Pape or to the school office.

Free School Meals

A reminder to all parents currently receiving free school meals that you are required to re-apply each year. Forms will be available for collection from next Thursday at the school office and these must be completed as soon as possible. You can also apply on line at -Apply for it- Free School Meals/Pupil Premium Payment

Polling Day – Thursday 7th May

School will be closed to pupils.

Inset Day – Monday 29th June

School will be closed, due to a staff training day.

Oxford Trip

The final payment for the Oxford trip is due on Monday 27th April. Please could you ensure that payment is made on-line by this date.


Thank you to everyone for their kind donations. We raised a total of £641.80.