In April the FSF wrote to Ofsted to gain clarification for providers about using Tapestry in their settings. We asked them whether Ofsted had a view about the use of Tapestry as some members had had mixed responses from inspectors.

We received the following response:

“The early years foundation stage does not preclude the use of online learning journals, neither does it say that a provider’s insurance must cover this. Therefore, it is for each provider to decide for themselves whether or not to use online learning journals, and if so, to have covered this in their policies and procedures. Providers also have to meet their responsibilities under the Data Protection Act 1998, and register with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) where they choose to hold and store information about children electronically.

Under the ‘Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage’ providers are required to have and implement a policy, and procedures, to safeguard children. These policies and procedures must include an explanation of the action to be taken in the event of an allegation being made against a member of staff, and cover the use of smart phones, tablets and cameras in the setting”

Sean Harford HMI

National Director, Education

9 May 2016

With this in mind we, at FSF HQ, have put together this checklist to help you think about how you can use Tapestry safely in your setting. Please be aware that this is advice only; if you are in any doubt please talk to your Local Authority, to your insurance company or to Ofsted.

When you first get your tablets and Tapestry subscription:

Think about what the risks might be of using an online system. Think about what the risks might be of staff having access to children’s data and photos both in the setting and at home.

  • Complete a full risk assessment for how you are going to be using Tapestry
  • Ensure your Data Protection system is robust
  • Ensure you have registered with ICO
  • Ensure your contents insurance is sufficient to cover your new tablets, make sure the tablets will be covered away from the setting (if you are going to let staff take them home)
  • Write ‘Using Tapestry’ policy for staff (directing staff to, and reminding them of, your other safeguarding policies*)
  • Restrict tablets to only have the Tapestry app
  • Set appropriate parental controls according to whichever device you are using for example, restricting internet access
  • Keep login passwords and PINs secure (do not leave them lying around)
  • Be aware of the different staff account types. If you don’t want a staff member to be able to access Tapestry from home, set them to PIN only (when they use Tapestry in your setting, a manager or full staff member will need to log in with their email address first) see this tutorial:Switching accounts (
  • Make sure you know how to contact Tapestry team at FSF HQ () so that we can temporarily deactivate your account / help you change passwords if your device is stolen and you suspect someone might be able to access your account (e.g. if your browser is set to remember passwords)
  • Set browser not to remember passwords
  • Remember to delete staff from system when they leave
  • Train staff to ensure that they log out of the system when they have finished using the tablets each day
  • Ensure that photos are deleted from tablets once they have been uploaded to Tapestry

When you link Tapestry with parents:

Think about what the risks might be of sharing photo and information with parents. Think about what parents’ concerns might be about the Tapestry system.

  • Ask parents for permission to use their child’s photos (if you want to be able to see all children’s photos in group observations)
  • Consider writing a ‘code of conduct’ reminder for parents re: information sharing / posting photos on social media
  • Think about what will happen if a child in group photos transfers to another Tapestry setting/school
  • Consider using additional software on desktop to pixelate individual children’s photos in group observations (if you want to be able to see some children, but not others)
  • Remember to delete/change parents’ information from Tapestry as necessary
  • Check that all parents’ email details are accurate before confirming on Tapestry
  • Set ‘mask’ aspect on Tapestry (from your control panel, go to manage settings, options: relatives screen). This means that photos are not seen when in group observations (unless you have all parents’ permission in which case don’t tick ‘mask’)
  • Signpost parents to the Tapestry security policy available here (and also on your Tapestry page under ‘control panel’)

*Safeguarding policies and procedures you should already have in place:

Liability insurances


  • Whistle-blowing
  • Staff confidentiality (including use of social media)
  • Safeguarding policies including use of cameras, mobile phones and procedure to be followed in the event of an allegation being made against a member of staff


  • Staff DBS checks / checks of ‘ongoing suitability’
  • Robust recruitment and induction systems
  • Robust system of reminding staff of the polices and their obligations therein
  • Robust appraisal/supervision systems to enable staff to discuss policies

*addition to protocol added 4 July 2016

Following our clarification question to Sean Harford HMI regarding staff using Tapestry at home under the Statutory Framework ‘Information and Records’ (p32/3.69). It is NOT NECESSARY to inform Ofsted if staff are using Tapestry at home. Please see excerpt from Mr Harford’s letter below:

“Taking records home for the weekend does not constitute off-site offsite storage in this context and providers do not need permission from Ofsted to do this”