CAFOD Climate Champion – Application form


Responding to climate change and poverty through living more sustainably and caring for Creation are crucial parts of our faith.

CAFOD is looking for thirty volunteers, aged 18-35, to become Climate Champions.

You'll take part in campaignactivities throughout the year including:

  • An international workshop summer 2018on sustainability with other Catholic young people from across Europe
  • Meeting your MP as part of a Week of Action with The Climate Coalition
  • You will have the option of travelling with CAFOD to the UNFCCC Climate Change Conference in Poland (COP 24) in December 2018.

We’ll also support you to raise awareness about climate change, sustainable living and CAFOD’s campaigning in your parish, chaplaincy or other local community.

You will:

  • Be inspired by meeting others with similar interests from across Europe and by joining an ongoing international volunteer network
  • Experience new opportunities and learn new skills – for example, how to build a relationship with your MP.
  • Play your part in creating a more sustainable world!

We will ask you to:

  • Pay or fundraise £100 towards travel, food and accommodation forthe international workshop in Europe. We can provide fundraising advice and support.
  • Take part in a briefing day and a debriefing day in London with other UK volunteers. The briefing day will be Saturday 21 April (we can cover your travel expenses).
  • Be willing to share your experiences via local media, social media, speaking to others or through your own networks. We will provide training and support.
  • Take part in CAFOD campaigns throughout the year, using the skills you have developed.
  • If you choose to travel with CAFOD to the UNFCCC Climate Change Conference in Poland in December,you will be expected to fundraise towards the cost (exact amount to be confirmed).

How to apply:

We are looking for people with an interest in sustainability and/or campaigning with CAFOD who are enthusiastic to learn more.We are looking for volunteers with a mix of skills, experience and backgrounds to take part.

To apply, please fill in the form below and return to by 5 March 2018, 9:00am. We will let you know by 19 March 2018 if you have been successful in gaining a place.

Application form

Name: ______

Address: ______


Postcode: ______

Email address: ______

Phone number: ______

Name of parish (or other community) and diocese:


Date of birth: ______

Please confirm you are willing to:

□ Attend a training day on Saturday 21 April in London.

□ Travel with CAFOD this summerto take part in an international workshop on sustainability with other Catholic young people from across Europe.

Please limit each answer to 150 words.

Why do you want to become a climate champion and take a lead in campaigning with CAFOD?

What experience or interest do you have in sustainability, climate change and/or campaigning? And what are you most proud of?

What skills do you have to offer (for example, European languages spoken, media or social media experience, study or work-related skills)?

Accommodation will be basic (possibly in tents) and you will be living closely alongside other people at these events, e.g. cooking, eating together. What experience do you have of living or working closely alongside others, especially alongside people of other cultures?

What opportunities will you have to share your experience with others after your return (for example, membership of Catholic or student networks)?

Do you have any health, dietary, mobility or other needs that we should know about?

Please give the name of someone who knows you well and can comment on your suitability to volunteer as part of this scheme.

Name of reference: ______

Email address: ______

Phone number: ______

Relationship to you: ______

Signature: ______Date: ______