HarWalterE.StebbinsHigh School
1900 Harshman Road
Riverside, Ohio45424
Phone (937) 237-4250
Fax (937) 424-2986
April 27, 2016
Dear Parents of 2016 graduating seniors,
Because this is such an important time in the life of your son/daughter, it is imperative that we maintain an open line of communication. The following information includes a number of important items regarding his/her last few weeks at StebbinsHigh School. I have previously shared this information with all seniors. I trust it will be helpful to you.
A.Our senior exam schedule is as follows:
**Senior – exam exempt – 2nd semester – See enclosed infographic
Tuesday, May 17th -7th Period Exam
Wednesday, May 18th-5th6thPeriod Exams
Thursday, May 19th-3rd & 4th Period Exams
Friday, May 20th -2ndPeriod Exam
Monday, May 23rd-1st Period Exam
NOTE: Make-up exams will not be administered to students without the expressed written consent from the principal and the student’s parents.
B.Monday, May 23rd– Seniors should report to 1stperiod at the regular time of 7:40 a.m. ALL Seniors MUST attend 1st Period. At 8:30 a.m. seniors will report to the cafeteria forbreakfast and then the auditorium for an awards assembly. In keeping with tradition, seniors will enjoy breakfast provided and served by senior parents. To donate food and for more information, please see our Facebook page, Stebbins High School PTO, email questions to , or call Pamela Timbrook at 937-241-1877. We will conduct our annual senior “farewellwalk” at the close of the assembly. You are invited to join us for the assembly.
C.Graduation Rehearsal– Graduation rehearsal will begin at 7:40 a.m. on Wednesday, May 25th. Students are to report directly to the gymnasium. ATTENDANCE AT THIS REHEARSAL IS MANDATORY FOR PARTICIPATION IN COMMENCEMENT ON MAY 26th. Students have been told to not schedule work until after 1:00 p.m. Rehearsal will last approximately 2-3 hours.
D.Thursday, May 26th-Commencement at Wright State University’s Nutter Center, 3640Colonel Glenn Hwy., Fairborn, OH45324, at 7:00 p.m. - Seniors should arrive at 6:00 p.m., park in Lot 9 and enter the McLin Gym to line up. Family and friends will park in Lots 1 and 2, enter through the main doors / facing Colonel Glenn. The doors will open to the public at approximately 6:15 p.m.
II.Don't Stop Now!!! Mad River Board of Education policy states that in order for a student to participate in the commencement exercise he/she must have successfully completed all graduation requirements. May 19ththru May 24th, we will have the unfortunate responsibility of notifying parents of those seniors who have failed to meet the necessary graduation requirements. This requirement includes passing all parts of the Ohio Graduation Test.
Every year a small number of seniors stop putting forth the necessary amount of effort into their classes and their attendance during the final weeks. Consequently, they fail a course(s) required for graduation. Please maintain an awareness of your son/daughter's academic progress during this critical time. I encourage you to contact us if you have any questions about your son/daughter's status.
III.Debts - All outstanding student debts must be paid by 3:00 p.m. on May 13th if a student is to participate in commencement activities and/or receive their diploma.
IV.Graduation Pictures - A photographer will be present at commencement to photograph students as they receive their diploma. You will receive information regarding proofs of this picture, and you may order copies if you so desire. You may take pictures during commencement; however, you must do so from the seating area. No one will be permitted on the floor except graduates and other commencement participants.
- At commencement, males will wear gray gowns and females will wear red ones. In line with this, males should wear a white shirt and tie, along with dark pants and dark shoes. Females should wear a dress or skirt with low healed shoes. The length of the gown should determine skirt/dress length. The gowns are typically calf-length.
Our Superintendent of Schools, Mr. Wyen, has asked that noisemakers (air horns, whistles, etc.) not be used at our graduation ceremony. It is felt that their use disrupts the ceremony and interferes with the reading of the graduates’ names. Please inform your relatives, friends, etc. of this most important request.
If you have any questions regarding this information, please do not hesitate to contact me. I extend best wishes to you for a joyous ending to your son/daughter's high school career.
Mr. BradHolt, Principal
Enter to Learn – Go Forth to Serve