
We offer a wide variety of activities in physical education and hope to instill a life-long love for physical

fitness in your child. Students attend P.E. every day for 45 minutes. They should wear shoes suitable for

running and girls should wear shorts under their dresses. Canton Elementary dress code states that no

roller skate shoes, cleats or flips-flops may be worn to school. Sandals need a strap around the heel to prevent injuries during running activities, though tennis shoes are preferable. Please go over the following rules and consequences with your child to help insure the safety of all students.


1.  When the whistle blows: Freeze & Listen

2.  Stay on your square until it’s your turn

3.  Respect others, the gym, and equipment


1.  Verbal Warnings

2.  Time-out in the Penalty Box

a.  20 Jumping Jacks

b.  20 JJ, 10 Push-ups

c.  20 JJ, 10 P-u, 10 Crunches

3.  Parent/Guardian contact or Principal’s Office

***After 3 times in the “PB” a note is sent home for parent/guardian to sign. The student must return the signed note the next day or they may not participate in PE.***

**Consequences depending on the situation consequences may not be in this order. My priority is the safety of each child while striving to instill strong character as well.**

Grades: All grades will be based on participation, effort and following directions, NOT ability.

Your Child’s health & safety is my first priority, therefore if he or she has a medical problem or physical limitation, it is very important to let me know. Even if there is no limitation requested, I still need to know if your child has asthma, heart problems, etc. Please send a note if your child needs to sit out of P.E. and remind them that it is required that they sit out of recess also. Please send a doctor’s note if sitting out for more than three days is required.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call or email 903-567-6521 x 1601 or . My conference time is 2:00 p.m.

Please sign the bottom portion of this page if there are any medical limitations or concerns you have for your child and return it to me.

Thank you,

Ashley Herchman, P.E. Teacher

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