21st IPMA World Congress

Call for Papers (participants)

Submission Deadline: February 28th 2007

We invite you to submit a final paper:oral presentation, poster, panel session or workshop for the congress. Your paper/contribution should focus on one of the named Congress Streams and possibly establish interesting connections to other Streams.

Stream 1Chairman: Prof. Zdzisław Szyjewski

PM for Economic Transformation

Stream coverage

Stream "Project Managementfor Economic Transformation" comprises the sections related to particular areas of national economy and concerned with different industrial sectors. Both scientific and practical presentations may be found here, focused on the application of IT systems and human-computer interaction in projects, issues related to the construction, petrochemical, chemical and pharmaceutical industries. An important part of this stream is presentation of the scope of production of the automotive and logistic sector. A separate section is devoted to the restructuring projects in large mining, metallurgical and agricultural sectors. Also, tourism and health protection are included in this stream.

Section S1.1Chairman: Prof. Zdzisław Szyjewski

Information & Telecommunication Technology

Recommended topics

New technology projects, Case study of Information & Telecommunication Technology projects, Enterprise in information systems supporting Projects, E-commerce systems, Decision support issues, ERP current status and future directions, Human computer interaction in project management.

Section S1.2 Chairman: Prof. Konrad Spang

Construction,Energy, Chemicals, Petrochemicals, Pharmaceuticals & Health Care, Biotechnology

Recommended topics

National and international constructions projects, Claim management, Procurement and legal aspects in construction projects, Managing projects in petrochemical, pharmaceutical & health and biotechnology industry.Case study of large international energy and petrochemical projects. National and international construction projects investment.

Section S1.3 - Chairman: Prof. Tadeusz Krupa

Automotive, Manufacturing,Transportation, Mine Industry, Steel Industry, Agriculture, Tourism

Recommended topics

Automotive projects.Project management in producing companies.Manufacturing replacement projects.International engineering projects. Oversee projects. Mine industry reorganization and steelindustry reorganization projects. Industry reorganization, acquisition and merge projects. Overseas projects.

Stream 2Chairman: MrMiles Shepherd

EU projects, Government & Public Sectors

Stream coverage

The "EU Projects, Government and Public Sector" stream is focused on the presentations concerned with the projects in the public area, self-government and government - in particular, EU-financed projects. Topics of the particular sections involve project regulations, implementation principles, effectiveness and efficiency of project financing, as well as the experience gained from both particular projects and whole countries. One of the sections comprises the projects implemented by other institutions, e.g. UNIDO, UN, World Bank, as well as military and anti-terrorist projects, e.g. those headed by the NATO.

Section 2.1 Chairman: Mr Peter Tarnoki

Programs and Projects in EU

Recommended topics

EU-financed projects. Project implementation results. Problems in EU project implementation. Effectiveness and efficiency of EU projects. EU programs. Legal aspects of EU projects. Success and failure of EU projects. Role of projects in achieving EU aims. New perspectives of EU projects..

Section 2.2 - Chairman: PhD Piotr Kotelnicki

PM rules and specialties in EU, PM lesson learned accession countries EU donation plans

Recommended topics

Principles applied to EU projects. Problems of EU project regulations. Differences in approaching theregulations in particular countries. Experience in EU projects. Principles of awarding the EU project funds. Conditions for PM set by the EU. Public-private partnership in EU projects.

Section 2.3 Chairman: Prof. Sergey Bushuyev

International financial and development institutions and agencies, Global institutions, Non profit organisations, Defense and aerospace projects

Recommended topics

Global aid projects. Global research projects. World Bank financed projects.UNIDO. UN projects. Global infrastructural projects. Experience in the use of the World Bank finance. Project Management in non-profit organizations. Space, military and defense projects

Stream 3Chairman: Prof. Peter Morris

Innovation and new frontiers in PM

Stream coverage

The stream “Innovation and new frontiers in PM" comprises presentations concerned with the development of the project management methods and techniques, new trends in the applications, as well as the challenges to Project Management posed by the economic and social environment. The topics of this stream include such new phenomena in management, as virtual organizations, virtual teams, knowledge management, modern tools and supporting software.

Section3.1Chairman: Prof. Peter Morris

PM innovations process, PM knowledge, Virtual organisations and teams, Research

Recommended topics

Development of PM methodology in administration. New generations of Project Management. PM in a Global Environment. New trends in PM. New demands on the Project Manager profession. Project Management of the High Technology Innovations Centers. Knowledge Management in projects. Virtual organisations. Intellectual capital in Project Management.

Section3.2 Chairman: Prof. Vladimir Voropajew

PM Technical & Method, PM Systematic, Development in PM Tools & Software

Recommended topics

Project systems. Quality in projects. EVA. Advancing PM Methods.Project performance. Future of Project Management discipline and profession. Business process simulation. New software systems in PM. Influence of the new software methods on Project Management.

Section3.3 -Chairman: Mr Veikko Vallila

Enterprise Project Management

Recommended topics

Enterprise project information. Business value of enterprise Project Management.Merger and acquisition projects.Project Management supply chain. Finding the right projects.Organizationtransformation in public sector.

Stream 4Chairman: Prof. Roland Gareis

Project management from level CEO,Best practice

Stream coverage

The "Project Management from CEO Level, Best practice" is intended for the persons in the highest positions in organizations. It comprises the application of the Project Management to shaping and implementing the strategy, project portfolio and programs. The topics include the presentations of the best practices in the area of the organizational structures of project-oriented organizations, processes and motivational systems. Separate sections are devoted to the effectiveness measurement, indicators, as well as project success and failure analysis. An important aspect of this stream is the project risk area, cost management, controlling and claim management.

Section4.1 - Chairman: Prof. Roland Gareis

Strategic Project management, Project Oriented Organization, Corporate Project Management

Recommended topics

Strategic program - Management & Operational PM, Management by projects. The change projects. The PM on CEO level. Integrational approach to company strategy and projects. Organization and project BSC. Influence of global companies on PM. Competitive advantage on base of project orientation.

Section4.2 Chairman: PhDMartina Huemann

Maturity of Project Management, PM in organisation, Success and failure in PM, Best practice

Recommended topics

Maturity models. Metrics benchmarks, benchmarking maturity levels in PM. Maturity of administrative projects. Performance indicators. Development of project management maturity, Excellence in Project Management. Case study. Analysis of success and faille of projects. Barriers to project success.

Section4.3 Chairman: MrGerrit Koch

Legal issues, claim management, risk management

Recommended topics

Risk and claim management. Legal aspects of projects. Cost forecasting. Earned value. New methods in project controlling. Contracts. EU and administration project controlling. Legal aspects of international projects.

Stream 5 Chairman: Prof. Rodney Turner

Education, Certification, Standard&Profesion, Human resources in Project Management

Stream coverage

The "Education, Certification, Standards & Profession, Human resources in Project Management" stream comprises the sections which group presentations of the scope of the new trends in the demands on the profession of Project Manager, as well as the definition of the profession. The topics include education, certification, modern systems for Project Manager training. A separate section is devoted to the soft issues in PM: culture, ethics, conflicts, team work and leadership. Also, this stream includes the topics on the psychology in projects, such as uncertainty, decision making and heuristic methods.

Section5.1 Chairman: Prof. Rodney Turner

Social and ethical responsibility, Culture of organisation, Change Managing global PM teams, Leadership, Motivation, Human resources in organization

Recommended topics

Communication in PM. Conflicts. Decision making. PM culture. Intercultural projects. Building a project-oriented culture in an organization. Project-oriented culture in administrative projects. Challenges in intercultural projects. Best practices in intercultural Project Management.

Section5.2 Chairman: MsBrigitte Schaden

PM certification and qualification, Education system in PM, Career planning, Competences analysis

Recommended topics

New educational requirements in PM. Individual competencies of PM professionals. Establishing a PM professional Certification Scheme in the country. Bodies of Knowledge in Project Manager Development.IPMA 4-L-C Systems.Global companies certification. Advancing project management. Virtual education and teaching learning. New educational requirements in PM. The education as program for public administration. Global education systems.

Section5.3 Chairman: MrMorten Fangel

Psychological aspects in PM, Decision making

Recommended topics

Decision making. Team and decisions. Consensus group decision. Personnel life cycle in PM. Heuristic methods. Uncertainty in projects. Mathematical methods to aid decision making in projects.

21st IPMA World Congress Secretariat


21st IPMA World Congress

Call for Papers (participants)

Submission Deadline: February 28th 2007

The following guidelines have been prepared to help ensure consistency in the presentations and high quality documentation for the Congress:

1. (Co-)Author of the paper must be a participant of the congress.

2. A person who is not registered as a congress participant can not submit any paper

3. Only papers of authors who fulfilled all registrations formalities (including 100% fee prepayment) can be accepted (after positive notification)

4. The number of submissions by an author is limited to a maximum of two papers (1 individual paper, 1 group paper)

5. Submitted papers must be original, previously unpublished; must not currently be under review by any other publication or congress / conference.

6. Accepted papers will be published in the congress proceedings in their entirety.

7. By the submission of the paper, the author automatically permits the publishing of the paper on the Internet and in the Congress documentation.

Full length submission (oral or poster presentation)

Those individual interested may submit a full length (no more than 4000 words, including references and title page, with a maximum of 5 figures / tables), original, and previously unpublished, conceptual or empirical research paper for review and decision by February 1st, 2007. Accepted papers will be published in the congress proceedings in their entirety (no more than 4000 words) OR as a 3000 word mini-paper, as recommended by the reviewers.

Panel, Workshops

Individuals interested in conducting a panel or workshop are invited to submit a 500 - 1000 words proposal covering the objectives, issues to be covered, and the names / addresses of any other panel, workshop members. Method of presentation is at the submitter’s discretion; however, the submitter has the responsibility for providing his/her own participants (such as panel members). All accepted proposals will appear in the congress proceedings. Note: all panel / workshops members must register and pay for the congress.

Accepted papers

Authors of accepted papers will be asked to provide the final copy of the submission in MS Word or RTF format. Authors of accepted papers (at least one person per submission), panel, workshop, panel members must register and attend the congress.

For details about the paper format please check the “Paper Format” on

The final paper can be submitted by e-mail to:

Notice: Deadlines

Deadline for paper submission: 28th February 2007

Notification of acceptance: 30th March, 2007

Final Submission Due: 1st May 2007

The Organizers

IPMA International Project Management Association

SPMP Project Management Research Committee of Poland

Congress Office: Grupa A-05

Address; Plac Na Groblach 14 / 2; 31-101 Krakow, Poland

Tel. +48 12429 62 23


For more detailed information about each section, contact the section chair listed or the program chairman email

21st IPMA World Congress Secretariat


21st IPMA World Congress

Call for Papers (participants)

Submission Deadline: February 28th 2007

21st IPMA World Congress Secretariat
