28th April 2016

Dear Parent/Guardian,

We hope that exampreparations are going well for your son/daughter.

In order to avoid confusion over the next few weeks, I wanted to outline the school’s policy regarding attendance to lessons. There is no study leave for Year 13; students are to attend all lessons in all subject areas until they have sat the exams in those subjects. We understand that students with remaining exams will be unable to attend all lessons, but the expectation is that they continue to attend all lessons as usual on their timetable in order to receive support in revision from their teachers. Please call 01291 635794 if there are mitigating circumstances, so that we can amend the register accordingly.

On 12th May 2016, Year 13 students will be able to wear fancy dress, by paying £1 to their form tutors, in order to help raise money for the Yr 9 football cause, details of which are on the school website. However, we would appreciate your support in reminding students that behaviour must be impeccable as always, and that they are not to disrupt the learning of others on this day.

After the exams, we will be holding a leavers’ assembly, for which all students should return in formal uniform. This will take place on July 1st at 8.45am-10am; parents are invited to attend. The summer ball will follow on the same day at 7.30pm at Chepstow Racecourse. Students can purchase tickets from the 6th Form Office.

Students have been issued, via form tutors, examination timetables which they need to sign, in order that final preparations can be carried out by the exams team. Any students who missed registration recently must see Debra Watkins in the main office to check them, along with any access arrangements. A reminder, too, that the exams board must be checked every day during the exam cycle in order for pupils to gain information about rooming, times and so on. Pupils must arrive at least half an hour prior to the start of the exams in order to do so, so that we can address any queries that may occur. This is particularly important for students with entitlements such as extra time/laptops, so that we can ensure all provision is in place.

Finally, may I remind parents that any students yet to reply to their UCAS offers must do so before the beginning of May. Information regarding results day will be sent out in a few weeks’ time.

I wish your son/daughter the very best of luck for the forthcoming examinations.

With best wishes,

Ms M.Thomas

Head of 6th Form.