PLC meeting minutes – 15 Dec 2010
Present – Eugene Mullan (Chair), Ruth Baker, Catherine Gallop, Heather O’Mahen, Sophie Velleman, Anna Abel, Sian Hocking, Georgina Taylor, Emma Woodcock
- No trainee rep was present from Somerset – to be appointed for next meeting
- Trainees to chair future meetings.
- Trainees reported that they value not having assessed presentations in Term 1.
- Trainees requested 105 be booked for PBL presentations as 241 feels quite cramped. Action – EW to book where possible
- ROP presentations – good learning experience and excellent presentations but timing of could be improved as during theory/practice days and close to PBL presentations. Trainees suggested that expectations/guidelines around the amount of time to spend on the ROP presentations be set. Action – EM to revise structure of future ROP presentations
- Locality Packs- Trainees commented that packs with reflective reading and tasks set are helpful.Packs so far have been LD packs – trainees asked if packs could be available relevant to setting they are on placement in i.e. two packs available, trainee to choose relevant one according to placement. RB commented that all material is relevant to the 3 year programme and that the focus is on competencies – it is recognised that trainees will sometimes take more/less from a session according to their situation. Action - Catherine to explore feasibility of making two packs available
- Trainees expressed concern that trainees working in LD placements whilst working on the Child PBL are disadvantaged. RB suggested talking to supervisors about ‘how does this fit’ and emphasised the importance of thinking creatively. Also to work around core competencies.
- Trainees highlighted a lack of LD assessment teaching during assessment block. Action - EM to review
- Feedback – compulsory nature of feedback emphasised. Failure to complete forms will be raised during trainee appraisals.
Trainees requested session on guidance on giving feedback. It was agreed that feedback should be on objectives/learning outcomes of session rather than speaker. Trainees commented that learning outcomes not always clear and that it would be helpful to have learning outcomes shown on feedback form on ELE to focus trainees as they complete feedback. It was suggested that a small working party be formed.
- Trainees reported that teaching in Year 2 has been very good.
- Trainees requested assessment deadlines for Year 2 to be circulated and date set for CPR4. Action – CG to set date and circulate
- Trainees requested Year 3 timetable. Not yet available – to be circulated in Term 2. Current Year 3 can be viewed on ELE and structure will be similar. There is a draft Year 3 template in the 09-12 handbook. Eugene will consult with trainees at end of Jan about which optional workshops they want include.
Action – Eugene to consult with trainees end of Jan circulate Year 3 timetable in Term 2.
- Trainees asked why the majority of AMH teaching has been CBT based.
Action –CG to discuss with AMH convenor.
- Trainees reported that they felt overloaded with academic/research work during the summer months. EG responded that this is partly the impact of frontloading the research but that trainees are in a much better position at the beginning of Year 2 than past cohorts and that a lot has been achieved. This appeared to have been reflected in trainee appraisal meetings.
- Trainees requested more service user involvement in academic teaching.
Action – CG to discuss with convenors
- Trainees queried value of having two sets of theory practise days as in some cases trainees are visiting a placement that isn’t starting for 6 months - not necessarily helpful. Year 2 trainee rep supported this. Ruth clarified that trainees need not use second set of days if not required and can start placement. Action – Ruth to make clear to trainees flexible nature of second set of dates.
- Trainees reported finding Supervision teaching very useful and asked if time could be set aside for an experiential peer supervision group. Year 2 trainee supported this request. It was suggested that since staff are not required to be present that trainees organise sessions during study days.
- Trainees reported difficulty filling out clinical placement forms due to formatting issues. Action – Emma to reformat and circulate.
- Peter Tucker is leaving in mid-Feb. Recruitment for a replacement in process.
- It was reported that Jo Gosling has been recruited to replace Louise Robb as clinical tutor for the Devon Region – to start mid-Jan.
- Trainees reported anxiety within the cohort around finding research supervisors. Heather said that the supervisor speed date is to help with this and that last year most trainees got their first choice. This year there will be a speed dating even in Bristol as well as in Exeter.
- SSRP – trainees reported difficulties around availability of data on placements. Heather responded that this is a common problem and that it may be better to do to the project outside of a placement if finding data is particularly problematic. Trainees should talk to their research tutors if struggling.
Heather reported that a different model will be used next year – services will have the option to construct research projects for trainees to work on.
It was confirmed that time allowed from placement for SSRP work is 0.5 days from a 4 week.
- NHS Ethics -Trainees proposed that teaching on the mechanics of applying for NHS ethics approval would be invaluable as trainees are currently struggling with this and have numerous questions. Heather suggested that perhaps a Year 2 tutorial should be put aside for this purpose and that trainees should put together a list of questions. Questions/answers to go up on ELE for future cohorts.It was agreed that and ‘ethics flow chart’ would be useful.
- Trainees reported that some Bristol supervisors are under the impression that trainees on are required by the course to conduct SSRPs whilst on OA/Adult placements. RB commented that whilst this is not the case (and confusion has probably arisen because the Exeter course requirements are new to Bristol supervisors) trainees are encouraged to view this as an opportunity.
- Selection process to take place 11, 12 & 13 April. Trainees expected to attend for one day only (except those working with the Lived Experience Network, who will attend all 3 days).
- The GTiCP conference hosted in Exeter in 2011. Trainee involvement is encouraged – dates to be circulated.
Action – dates of GTiCP to be circulated to trainees
- It was reported that trainee attendance at both placement and academic session is being more closely monitored. Trainees were reminded to always contact Liz/Emma if they are absent from teaching or placement and to complete the relevant forms.
- There will be a move to single marking – no concerns from trainees were expressed about this.
Date of next meeting – 6 July 2011