GRADES 2, 3 & 4
Thurs., Nov. 5 – 7:00
We have been working hard practicing for a fun-filled evening. All students in grades 2, 3 & 4 will be expected to be in attendance since this is part of their music grade. The fall concert will begin at 7:00 the evening of Thurs., Nov. 5 and will last approximately one hour. Students should arrive in their homeroom any time after 6:30 on the evening of the concert. Teachers will be there to meet them and take attendance. If a student is not in school on the day of the concert, do not come to the concert. Anyone who is sick should stay home and take care of their health. If your child is absent from the concert because of extenuating circumstances, please contact Mrs. Stuckenschneider by note, email or call 619-3932 explaining the absence.
So mark your calendars now for an evening you won’t want to miss!!! Our theme this year is “On the Radio”! This concert will feature songs that hit #1 on the radio in past decades and are still favorites today.
The students in grade 2 and students in grade 3 & 4 who do not have a special costume should dress in a nice, brightly colored shirt and dark blue pants, skirt or shorts. Nice blue jeans are permitted as well as other pants, shorts (dress code length) orskirts. Dresses are permitted too as long as dress code guidelines are followed. Shirts do not have to have collars but should not look sloppy or ragged. Sleeveless shirts are not allowed. Lettering, pictures or numbers should be very small. Large lettering, pictures or numbers is distracting to the audience.
This year the fall concert will be video taped. Order forms will be sent in next week’s newsletter. It will also be available on Mrs. Stuckenschneider’s blog.
Since space for the concert is so limited, your help is needed. Please encourage grandparents and special friends who want to come and watch to try to attend the afternoon dress rehearsal on Thurs., Nov. 5 at 1:30.
One concern of the past concerts is the saving of seats and rows of seats by individuals that are not permitted to save seats. After careful consideration, the following plan has been developed. The doors to the Selinger center will not be opened until 6:30 on the evening of the concert. Prior to 6:30 reserved seating will be reviewed. Only those seats reserved with special signs will remain reserved. Under no circumstances should any coach or other individual who has a key to the Selinger center open the door before 6:30. A faculty member will open the Selinger center for admittance.
We are looking forward to the concert! We are also excited about performing for you! Once again, your support is greatly appreciated!
Musically yours,
Mrs. Donna Stuckenschneider, music teacher