We have a priesthood, we don’t have a Priesthood Terry Sanders

We have a priesthood, we don’t have a Priesthood

1 Peter 2:5-10

Introduction: It is sometimes difficult to pin down exact starting places of historical note. We may have to be satisfied with the fact that it exists or existed, so it must have started at some point. I daresay that there has been a “clergy-laity” distinction longer than many other false concepts. It is impossible to say for how long it has existed. It is part and parcel of all denominationalism and has as it longest practitioners the Roman Catholic Church.

The so-called Reformation Movement attempted to handle this false doctrine. However, they did not plan to destroy the beast. All they wanted to do was replace it with a version of their own.

The concept has it that the church must administer sacraments and act as agents of the Savior. These duties cannot be done by the common people. Priests are then required to necessarily attend to meeting these needs.

The “clergy-laity” concept is so accepted and so ingrained that it constitutes a formidable obstacle. Yet, the truth is very plain. There is no “clergy-laity” distinction anywhere in the New Testament. To the contrary, the New Testament teaches the priesthood of all believers (1 Peter 2:5, 9).

[Show picture of pope, red shoes and all] To millions of people this is the ultimate priest, the very pinnacle of the “clergy-laity” distinction. How did it get to this position? It is an illegitimate cope (distortion of the Old Testament priesthood). It completely misses the simplicity of the New Testament system of the priesthood. There is a principle of copying from the Old Testament, but it must all, what is copied and the true, be found in the Bible (Heb. 8:1-6).

I. The Old Testament Priesthood.

A.Kingdom of priests (Ex. 19:6).

B.Aaron and sons (Ex. 28:41).

C.Service in tabernacle {later in temple] (Num. 3:5-10).

II.The New Testament Priesthood.

A.Kingdom of priests (Rev. 1:6; 5:10, ASV).

1.Christ as High Priest (Heb. 3:1).

2.Christians as priests (1 Peter 2:5, 9).

B.Service in the church.

1.Fruit of our lips (Heb. 13:15).

2.Good works (Heb. 13:16).

3.Our bodies (Rom. 12:1).

III.Priesthood Comparison.

A.Only priest can administer baptism.1 Cor. 1:14-17

B.Only priest can administer Lord’s Supper.1 Cor. 11:23-29

C.Only priest can offer acceptable prayer.Heb. 4:16

D.Only priest can offer absolution.1 Jn. 1:9

E.Other ideas: Priest ought to visit sick, priest perform burials, weddings, etc.

Conclusion: You become a priest of God in the same manner you become a Christian. HBRCB. Why not do so now.
