Dear Councillor, 24th November 2009

The Parent Council met on Monday 23rd November to discuss the recent "Blueprint “ documents released last week. All 12 members attended.

We have a number of points and questions we would like to raise.

Firstly, we are concerned re the timing of this report and its proposals.

It comes at a time when all staff are working hard to introduce changes brought about by the “Curriculum for excellence”. We feel the report it is an unwelcome distraction which will cause great concern and insecurity throughout Shetland.This cannot be good for staff or pupils.

It would appear that the details of the planned new national qualifications are as yet far from clear. We are very concerned that such major changes to Shetland's education system are being contemplated without such details to guide the planning process.

With regard to the two proposed "viable options":

1.The secondary department of the Mid Yell Junior High School should be closed and all children move to Brae or Lerwick at the end of P7.

This is an astounding suggestion given the fact that work is already in progress on a new school at Mid Yell which includes a new secondary department.

2. Mid Yell should become an S3 school, with all children transferring to Lerwick at the end of S3.

How is viability defined in this situation? How was it decided that education beyond S3 is “not viable” for all children? We would like to see the evidence used and details of the decision making process.

We would like clarification and details of how staffing would be arranged in the secondary department of an “S3” school. Would specialist teachers be employed? (eg.languages, science) If not who would be? If specialist teachers are not employed,

would this be the same throughout all Shetland secondary schools at that stage, including Brae and the Anderson High School? Clearly there must be equality of provision.

There have always been pupils who,for a variety of reasons ,do not wish to leave Yell at all. Some children wish to leave school at 16. How can such pupils be “fitted into” this model?

We would like to propose a third “viable” option:

3.MYJHS should provide education for all pupils up to S6, with the facility to transfer to Lerwick earlier, according to individual need and choice.

It is our view that education for some pupils from S1 through to S6 is perfectly viable.The “Curriculum for excellence” is designed to provide greater flexibility in the nature,choice and timing of available courses and qualifications. We see no reason why a range of options should not be made available to pupils in Yell according to individual need and choice.

Yours sincerely,

Rosie Briscoe (Chair)