Dear Parents,
We had a great beginning to the 2017-2018 school year. We have a total of 36 students in our Mon., Wed., & Fri. class and 27 students in the Tues.-Thurs. class. We are praying that this year is a blessing to each and every child entrusted to our care. A weekly letter will be sent home in this folder every Thurs./Fri. Please do not remove the school calendar in the front of the folder. Folders should be returned on Mon. /Tues. with any notes or questions. Also we are asking each child to bring in a container of antibacterial wipes and a box of tissues for our room. Thank you.
Picture Day is Monday, Sept.11. Please turn in the enclosed picture form on that morning. If your child comes on Tues.-Thurs. please bring them in on Monday, at 9:30, even if you are not purchasing pictures. These pictures are used for the yearbook so please try to have your child here. Also, our class gets a percentage back from all pictures sold!!!
Tuition is due the 1st of the month. This month's tuition and book fees will be assessed a late fee of $2/Day after Sept.15. Due to a new accounting system , the late fee will be stricty enforced this year.
Please have all of your child’s paperwork turned in by next Monday/Tuesday. Also please remember to sign your child in each morning if they do not ride the bus. We will be assigning pin numbers in the next few weeks so we can use the new Time Clock. Monday, Wednesday, Friday children have clothespins to check in each morning. They will remove their name and place it in the appropriate basket each morning. Please place any paperwork, lunch money, tuition checks, etc. in the organizer on the wall inside the classroom. Also, remember to send in a penny each M, W, & F of preschool for our count to 100 Day. We count pennies every Friday.
Each child has a dog bone with their name on it, which begins the day in Snoopy’s dish. If someone has trouble following the rules, their dog bone is moved to the doggie bag. If there is another problem, the dog bone will be in the dirt. The children whose dog bone stays in the dish will receive a stamp at the end of the day. All dog bones are returned to the dish at the end of each day. We have 4 basic classroom rules that we try to follow:
1. Walking Feet 2. Helping Hands 3. Listening Ears 4. Kindness in our Hearts
Book orders are due on Friday, Sept. 15. Here is the web address if you order online. We get a free book for each online order placed. If you have to send the order to school, please make checks out to me as I send in one payment.
Since we have been having some fog in the mornings, here is our delay policy. If there is a 1 hr. delay, preschool will begin at 9:30. If there is a 2 hr. delay preschool will begin at 10:00. The children who ride the bus will still come on the bus on those days.
God Bless and Have A Great Weekend!!