Boeing Logo Merchandise Resale Application
In order for us to consider your request for approval to sell Boeing Store merchandise, please provide the following information about your company.
- Date of Application:
Agreement Requestor Name:
E-Mail Address:
- Name and Physical Address of your store, business, or warehouse:
- Number of employees?
- Length of time in business?
- Briefly describe the sort of merchandise that you sell. Please include Brand names.
- Have you previously carried Boeing logo merchandise at your shop? If so, list the products, and from whom you purchased them from.
- Do you have any affiliation with The Boeing Company? If so, are you currently licensed with The Boeing Company? Please elaborate.
- Briefly describe your customers (i.e., military personnel, pilots, students, general public, etc.).
- Do you have a parent company, or any affiliated or subsidiary companies? If yes, provide their names and addresses; the nature of their business; and the relationship of each to your company.
- Do you have a physical store? A website? Or both? If you have a website, please provide the URL.
- What is your customer return policy?
- What is your customer privacy policy?
- If you produce a catalog and would like to carry our products in the catalog, describe the frequency of your publication and the breadth of distribution.
In addition, please mail a copy of your catalog to:
Boeing Stores Inc.
Attn: Kaylen Bannister
P.O. Box 3707
MC 13-64
Seattle, WA 98124
- If you have a physical store, please provide photos. What is the size in square feet or square meters?
- What sort of items are you most interested in purchasing for resale? Be as specific as possible. Examples: posters, leather aviator jackets, snap-together models.
- Provide an estimate of the dollar volume of Boeing Store products that you forecast you might purchase for resale in a one-year period. (Estimate at retail prices.) $
- How did you find out about our reseller program?
Thank you for completing this questionnaire. You may e-mail it to:
Or print and fax it to 425-865-4087.
If you have questions, please contact Kaylen Bannister at 206-6218-7810.
Upon review of your application, we will contact you in writing about the status of your request. If you are approved to sell Boeing logo merchandise, we will notify you by e-mail.
Boeing Stores, Inc.
Resale Questionnaire & Terms