Advisory Council BY-LAWS - Immaculate Conception Catholic School

The Pastor, appointed by the Bishop, is responsible for the Most Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Immaculate Conception Catholic School and any other entity deemed by the Bishop. The By-Laws of the Immaculate Conception Catholic School Advisory Council can be amended for just cause at anytime by the Pastor.

Article I: Purpose and Mission

Section I: The name of this organization is the Immaculate Conception Catholic School Advisory Council (ICCS Council)

Section II: The Mission and Vision of ICCS are:

Mission: The Immaculate Conception Catholic School community is committed to developing Christ-like minds, hearts, and souls within the Catholic faith tradition by promoting academic excellence and service.

Vision: Immaculate Conception Catholic School will provide a dynamic program of academic excellence, faithful Catholic service, and evangelization within the Most Holy Trinity Catholic Church community.

Section III: The purposes of the ICCS Council are:

1.  To ensure that Catholic principles are the cornerstone for all decisions,

programs, and staff selection.

2.  To ensure that school improvement is an ongoing focus.

3.  To safeguard the Diocesan policy of accepting students, from all backgrounds regardless of race, sex, national origin, or handicapping condition.

4.  To ensure that the learning experience enriches the mind, body and spirit.

5.  To ensure the ongoing development of the school through active participation in committee work.

Article II: Membership

Section I: The Council will consist of no fewer than eight (8) members, to include at least four registered, active parishioners of Most Holy Trinity Catholic Church and at least 2 parents or guardians of current ICCS students. The Pastor, Principal, and the Bookkeeper shall serve as members, as well.

Section II: All Council members are required to adhere to and support the mission, values, and policies of Immaculate Conception Catholic School.

Section III: ICCS Council Members are asked to serve a 1 year term on the Advisory Council. Membership may be dissolved at anytime at the direction of the pastor.

Section IV: ICCS Council members are required to attend all regular, committee, and special meetings. However, a member who provides a valid excuse in advance may be excused by the Council Chairperson.

Section V: Members who miss 3 regular, committee, or special meetings per school year without approval will be automatically removed from membership on the ICCS Council.

Section VI: To resign from the ICCS Council, a Member must submit to the Chairperson or Pastor in writing or verbally, a statement of resignation.

Section VII: The Pastor of Most Holy Trinity Catholic Church shall appoint an interim member, if desired, to serve the departing member’s unexpired term.

Article III: Appointing of Members

Section I: Appoints for new members will take place at the beginning of each new school year. The Pastor, in conjunction with the principal, will select members to serve on the council.

Section II: Terms of new members will begin with the September Council meeting.

Article IV: Officers

Section I: The officers of the Council will be Chairperson and Secretary. The Chairperson must be an active Parishioner of Most Holy Trinity Catholic Church.

1.  Chairperson of the ICCS Council shall:

a.  preside at all meetings

b.  call or have called all special meetings

c.  recommend special committees, as needed, for ICCS Council approval

d.  recommend necessary committee members and representatives to other organizations

e.  carry out the purposes of the ICCS Council

2.  Secretary of the ICCS Council shall:

a.  keep accurate records of all Council proceedings.

b.  reply to all correspondence.

c.  maintain a file of all Council proceedings and committee reports.

d.  prepare and forward the minutes to the Council Chairperson, Principal, and Pastor for review.

Article V: Meetings

Section I: ICCS Council meetings will be held regularly during the school year. Meeting dates will be announced at least two weeks in advance.

Section II: Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the ICCS Council Chairperson or Pastor.

Section III: All matters of procedure not specifically covered by these By-Laws will be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order, newly revised edition.

Section VI: Non-members may speak to the ICCS Council at the beginning of a meeting, provided they have notified and received approval from the Pastor in advance. Each person may speak for five (5) minutes.