Wrestling Cheers

We are ready for you

We are ready for you rough tough and ready (x3)


F-I-G-H-T Fight (name) fight

Big G Little O

Big G**Little o** Lets go (name) lets go

Star Rowdy

Lets get a little bit rowdy R-O-W-D-Y

Christmas Tree Rowdie

Let’s get rowdie, let’s get rowdie, R-O-W-D-I-E

Big Power

P-O-W-ER we’ve got power, ya

Snappy power

P-O-WER Falcons got power

Punch power (down side up roll)

P-O-WER Falcons got power

Take down

Take down, let’s get that take down


T-A-K-E take him down


H-U-S-T-L-Ehustle to a victory


H-U-S-T-L-E hustle hustle


Go lets do it lets go for the Falcon team G-G-O lets go for the Falcon team. Fight lets do it lets fight for the falcon team F-I-G-H-T lets fight for the falcon team. Win lets do it lets win for the Falcon team W-I-N lets win for the falcon team


Reversal reversal * * ***

2 points more

Take him down *** Take him down *** take that man down to the floor 2-2-2 point more

Red hot

What do we got, we got a lot, we got a team that’s red hot R-E-D H-O-T. Red hot, red hot, red hot.

Take him down

Take him down roll him around come on (name) work, work

Go Fight Win

***** Go ****** Fight ****** Win ****** go fight win hey

Roseau cheer

Lets go, lets fight, lets win, lets go fight win


P-O-W-E-R Falcons got power

Falcon beat

We got the beat the falcon beat, it goes **** Go **** Fight **** Win ****

Hey you out there

Hey you out there the blue and white, lets go ** lets fight

Shout it out

Hey get with take it to the limit shout it out stomp your feet clap your hands to the beat

Fire burn

Fire *** Burn *** third degree for you for you third degree for you

Beat the ponies

Beat the (name of opponent) go gogo (name) go

Beat ‘um Bust ‘um

Beat ‘um ** Bust ‘um ** that’s our **custom**. Beat ‘um bust ‘um that our custom go falcons go


Pump * ** it * ** up * ** pump it up, pump it up P-U-M-P pump it up falcons pump

Pump it up go ahead

Pump ** ** it ** ** up ** ** pump it up pump it up, pump it up go ahead go ahead pump it up go ahead

Up side down

When you’re up your up when your down your down when you wrestle against the falcons you up *** side *** down *** up side down

Put on the pressure

Put on the pressure (na**me) put on the pressure**

Blue white

Blue white go falcons fight

Lets go big team

Lets go big team pick up the steam, go big team pick up the steam, go big team pick up the steam move it on up* move it on up*

Blow you away

Hey, hey you get out of the way because today is the day we will blow you away (blow)


M-O-V-E we gotta M-O-V-E move it falcons move it


S-P-I-R-I-T spirit, Falcons got spirit


T-E-A-M we gotta go T-E-A-M

Be Aggressive

Be aggressive got to be aggressive B-E-A-G-G-R-E-S-S-I-V-E be aggressive got to be aggressive

Falcons got the power

Falcons got the power we’ll give it all we got. We got the team with spirit we can’t be stopped. We got it all to win all fired up and hot. FBHS.


W-Y-A-TT he’s the man that can’t be beat

Whip it

W-H-I-P Whip it (name ending with y or to victory) Whip it good

Tina’s fire up

Fire up let’s go fire up (name)

Trucker fire up

Fire up ** Fire up ** fire up upupup

F-I-R-E up

F-I-R-E up that’s the way we spell fire up fire up hey fire up fire up

Super Great (sitting)

S-U-P-E-R super that’s what we are G-R-E-A-T super great we’ll always be

Super Great (standing)

S-U-P-E-R super that’s what we are G-R-E-A-T super great we’ll always be

Slap score

S – SC – S-C-O-R-E score


S-C-O-R-E score falcons score

Get ‘em get ‘em go

Get ‘em get ‘em go Get ‘em get ‘em go go Get ‘em get ‘em fight Get ‘em get ‘em fight fight Get ‘em get ‘em win Get ‘em get ‘em win win Go fight win

Pin your man

P-I-N, P-I-N you M-A-N pin your man


We are dynamite ya we are dynamite ** We are dynamite ya we are dynamite ** AHHHHHH boom dynamite boom boom dynamite ya we are dynamite

Hey Mr. Referee

Hey Mr. Referee won’t you slap that mat for slap the mat, slap slap the mat

We want a pin

WE want a pin, we WANT a pin, we want A pin, we want a PIN, WE WANT A PIN


R-O-double S lets go Ross


(name) is a superman he can beat any man super (name)

Proud of you

We are proud of you yea we are proud of you


A-W-E- S-O-M-E awesomeawesomeawesome are we

Super best

We are the best we know it we must confess we are the best ** super best

Never give up

Never give up, never give in fight to win **

Our team

Our team will go our will go gogo our team will fight our team fight fightfight our team will win our team win winwin our team will go fight lets win

Ruff Tuff

R-U-FF T-U-FF, Ruff * Tuff * Stuff ***


F-I-GHT, fight (name), Fight

Fight Tonight

Fight * tonight ** victory that’s right.



Go Fight Win

Go, Fight, Win, Go Fight, Go Fight Win Hey!

Wahlin’s Cheer (take down reversal)

Take down reversal go for the pin you got to keep them on the bottom in order to win you got to ride him roll him show him your stuff come on falcons get tough

Don’t Mess

Don’t mess with the falcons don’t mess with team don’t mess with the falcons we’re tough we’re mean


106 to heavy weight falcons will dominate dom-min-ate *** dom-min-ate ***

(this cheer can be personalized)

Fire Burn

Fire burn 3rd degree for you for you 3rd degree for you

That’s it that’s the way

That’s it that’s the way victory today

Rock and Roll

Falcons will take (are in) control lets rock and roll