For Cheshire /

We are looking for someone very special to help us.

Are you that person?

For Cheshire /


YoungpeopleareourfutureandTheScoutAssociationplaysavitalroleindevelopingthemforadultlife. TheAssociationhasdevelopedavisionandstrategytotakeScoutingforwardtomeetthechallengesof the21stCentury.


OurvisionistobringScoutingtomoreyoungpeopleacross Cheshire and to reach out to communities and localities where Scouting is not yet accessible. Inthisroleyouwillhelp grow Scoutingin new places, new communities and in different ways. A key element will be working with the local community and other youth agencies to recruit volunteers.

Thejob involves a 35 hour week but demands aflexibleapproachandfrequenteveningandweekendworking.

Youneedtohaveexcellentinterpersonalandcommunicationskillswiththeabilitytomanageadiverseworkload. Youmustbeenthusiastic,abletoenthuseothersandself-motivated. YouneedtounderstandfullyandbecommittedtotheethosoftheScoutAssociation,withacleargrasp ofhowitcanworkinurban, rural and minority ethnic communities.

YoumusthaveafulldrivinglicenceandbefamiliarwithMicrosoftOfficeapplications. Previousexperienceinyouthworkandthevoluntarysectorisdesirable








The employment is a three year fixed term contract and will be subject tosatisfactoryemployerreferencesandenhancedDisclosure and Barring Service clearance.

For further information please e-mail John Duley

or call John on 01606831398. Please note that John will be on holiday from Sun 5th July to Mon 20 July. In his absence please email or call her on 01606738418


Acopyofthejobdescription,personspecification and an application formare included on the following pages

Applications close on Friday 31 July 2015

Interviewswillbeheldat the County Office in Lymm, Nr Warringtonweek commencing 9th August 2015.

We appreciate that this is a key holiday period and will be flexible where possible

Job Description for Cheshire’s Local Development Officer /

Job Title: Local Development Officer (Cheshire)

Responsible to: John Duley, Assistant County Commissioner Development

Functional Relationships:


County Commissioner

County Chairman

District Commissioners

Assistant District Commissioner (Development)

Other Assistant District Commissioners

Chair, Project Management Committee

Group Scout Leaders

County Media Development Manager

Regional Development Service


Schools and Libraries

Area Youth Officer

Youth Federation

Education Welfare Officers

Representatives of Minority Ethnic Communities and other Community Leaders

Community Organisations

Local Community Development Agencies

Local Authorities

Job Summary: To work with local Leaders and Commissioners in the development, regeneration and expansion of Scouting within the scout county of Cheshire.

Main Activities: In conjunction with the Project Team:

  • To plan and implement the growth of scouting in Cheshire with specific regard to the recruitment and retention of adults.
  • To support Districts develop their own support structures to maintain growth following the project’s completion.

Competencies for Role

Team Working

Use Team work effectively to liaise, inform and work closely with members of the County/District Team(s) and with localScout Leaders.


Takes the initiative when communicating with others and is able to relate to, communicate with and negotiate effectively with a wide range of people in order to achieve optimum outcomes for the people we support. Maintains records of progress to effectively inform and influence progress of the project and the decision making process of the project team.


Promotes and markets the benefits of Scouting to local communities through talks, meetings, literature and other media.

Values and Equality

Promotes the aims of the movement and its related polices, equal opportunities, co-educational scouting etc. in line with its Strategic Vison for 2018.

Remote Working

Competent and able to work independently across the County, representing the high standards set by the Scout Association, able to utilise the existing County/District support structures to successfully integrate new adults into their agreed roles.

Problem Solving

Problem solves on a day to day basis and is confident to use initiative and make decisions within the limits of authority set by the project team.

Professional Knowledge and Practice

Demonstrates excellence in their ability to identify and recruit new leaders, administrators and other adult supporters from our local communities.

Organising and Planning

Uses creativity and judgement to organise and plan how best to meet agreed project objectives.To attend meetings of the Project Management Committee and implement the work plans agreed.

Personal Development

Shares responsibility for their own personal development and actively progresses and drives their own personal development plans.

Community and Connections

Maintains professionalism in all situations in establishing, developing and maintaining positive working relationships with the communities in which the project is based, the client groups with which it is working, local community organisations and other interested parties.

Applications close on Friday 31 July 2015

Interviewswillbeheldat the County Office in Lymm, Nr Warrington

week commencing 9th August 2015.

We appreciate that this is a key holiday period and will be flexible where possible

Person Specification for our Local Development Officer /


The Local Development Officer shall have the ability to:

Interpersonal and Group Work Skills

  • Speak effectively in formal and informal settings and present organisational values/purposes clearly (E);
  • Provide advice and guidance effectively to others (E);
  • Build, maintain and facilitate effective working relationships with a wide range of people and within groups (E);
  • Enable others to identify issues, clarify objectives, develop attainable objectives and gain the necessary skills and confidence to work as an effective team (E);
  • Negotiate compromises (E);
  • Analyse processes going on in groups, neighbourhoods and organisations (D);
  • Challenge assumptions and help others question their own assumptions (D).

Planning and Administrative Skills

  • Plan, manage and monitor own tasks and time (E);
  • Write effectively to produce correspondence, daily recordings/contact reports, monthly reports and evaluations (E);
  • Construct and implement long-term plans for development activities and be able to identify training, resourcing and other needs necessary to implement a plan (D);
  • Use basic computer software (E);
  • Use statistical information and help others interpret it (E).

Knowledge and Experience

The Local Development Officer shall:

  • Be aware of development concepts, theories and processes and the issues facing minority ethnic community groups, and/or youth and community work in urban or rural areas (E);
  • Be knowledgeable of evaluation and recording techniques (D).
  • Experience of youth and/or community work with adult groups in diverse and inclusive communities and/or urban areas and/or rural areas (D);
  • Professional qualification in Youth and Community Work, Social Work, or Teaching, recent experience of working in the Scout or Guide Movement as an adult (D).

Personal Qualities

The Local Development Officer shall:

  • Have an acceptance of the aims and methods of the Scout Movement and be able to become a member of the Scout Movement (E);
  • Have an understanding of the needs of volunteers (E);
  • Have resourcefulness, energy, enthusiasm for the job and self motivation (E);
  • Have a full driving licence and be prepared to use own vehicle for extensive travel throughout the County and wider as required by the project.(E);
  • Be readily accessible to the project location, Cheshire Scout County, and be prepared to work from home, accepting the constraints this places on personal/home ' life (E);
  • be prepared to work regular evenings, and weekends and occasional public holidays (E)

Application for Employment


Application for the Post ofLocal Development Officer (Cheshire) / Post ref: Cheshire July 15
Personal Details Please complete this section in black ink using BLOCK CAPITALS
Surname: / Title:
Surnames by which you have been known:
Permanent Address: / Address for Correspondence (if different):
Telephone No. (Day) / Evening:
Mobile: / Email:
Section 1: Current/Most Recent Employment
Job Title:
Current Salary/Benefits
Employment Dates: / From: / To: / Notice Required:
Employer’s Name and Address:
Nature of Business (Outline your main duties, responsibilities and achievements):
Please give your reason(s) for leaving, or wishing to leave your current employment:
Section 2: Previous Employment
Please quote your last three posts only, although you may add a separate sheet with details of posts prior to these if appropriate. (Please include any breaks in employment or unpaid work under Section 3)
A. Job Title / From / To
Employer’s Name and Address:
Nature of Business (Outline your main duties, responsibilities and achievements):
Give reason(s) for leaving: / Final Salary:
B. Job Title: / From / To
Employer’s Name and Address:
Nature of Business (Outline your main duties, responsibilities and achievements:
Give reason(s) for leaving / Final Salary:
C. Job Title: / From / To
Employer’s Name and Address:
Give reason(s) for leaving / Final Salary:
Section 3: Employment Breaks
Please give details of any breaks in employment or unpaid/voluntary work undertaken.
Section 4: Membership of the Movement
If you have been a member of the Scout or Guide Movement, please give details of service.
(Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary)
Section 5: Education and Training
A. Secondary Education. Please give details of schools/colleges attended and qualifications gained.
Schools / From / To / Examinations Taken / Grade
B.Further/Vocational Education. Please give details of colleges/universities, attended and qualifications gained.
College/University / From / To / Title of Course / Qualification gained
C.Membership of Professional Institutions/Societies.
Name of Institute/Professional / Grade of Membership / Membership Criteria
Body / If corporate, date of admission / (exams/experience)
D.Other relevant skills. List other relevant qualifications/skills/abilities e.g. computer, languages etc. Please also indicate your level of competence i.e. beginner, intermediate, advanced
Section 6: General Information
A.Do you require a work permit? YES / NO If YES do you have a current work permit YES / NO
(If YES please give Expiry Date)
If you are shortlisted, when you are invited for interview you will be asked to bring proof of your right to work in the UK.
B.Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence, other than a spent conviction under “The Rehabilitation of Offenders’ Act 1974 / YES / NO(If YES please give details)
Please note that a satisfactory criminal records check is required for all staff appointments
C.Give details of any serious illnesses/conditions which may affect your ability to do this job
How many days absence from work have you had in the last 12 months due to illness? / No. of Days / No. of Occasions
D.Do you have a current full driving licence? YES / NO
Do you have access to a car for work purposes? YES / NO
Do you have any endorsementsYES / NO (If YES give details)
Section 7: Availability for Interview
Are there any times/dates when you would not be available for interview?
Section 8: Supporting Information
Please explain below your reasons for applying for this post. You should indicate how your skills and experiences meet the requirements of this post as explained in the Person Specification. Also describe the particular contribution you feel you could make to this post.
(Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary)
Section 9: References
Please provide names, addresses and occupations of two referees (who should not be related to you) whom we may approach for information about your suitability for this post. One referee should be your current/most recent employer or Teacher/Tutor for those who have not previously worked or who have undergone further professional study. References are normally taken up once an offer of employment has been made.
A. Name: / B. Name:
Profession: / Profession:
How known to you (e.g. Manager, Tutor) / How known to you (e.g. Manager, Tutor)
Address / Address:
Telephone No. / Email: / Telephone No. / Email:
Do you require notice before references are requested YES / NO / Do you require notice before references are requested YES / NO
I declare that the information provided in my application form is, to the best of my knowledge, true and complete. I understand that, if having been offered employment, I have provided misleading or false information, or withheld relevant information from my application form or during my interview/s, such an offer of employment may subsequently become void. I also understand that if I have already commenced employment I shall be dismissed without notice. All or parts of the information on this form may be stored on computer files and used for employment purposes. Such use will be subject to the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1984.
Signed: / Date:

Applications close on Friday 31 July 2015

Interviewswillbeheldat the County Office in Lymm, Nr Warrington

week commencing 9th August 2015.

We appreciate that this is a key holiday period and will be flexible where possible

Send your completed application to;

Debbie Phillips, Lea Hall, Wimboldsley, Cheshire CW10 0LL

or email it to;

If you need to discuss your application please contact;

John Duley ADC Development


Please note that John will be on holiday from Sun 5th July to Mon 20 July.

In his absence please email or call her on 01606738418