Gandhigram Trust


We are happy to inform you that, we have received $18, 105.93/-equivalent to Indian Rs. 11,26,325/-from SILICON VALLY Community Foundation, USA. We are also happy to inform you that a donation of Rs. 7.00 lakh has been received from Anjanasoft and Rs. 75,000/- from Dr. V. Sri Devi for Kasturba Hospital, Gandhigram

We are grateful to ShriVenusrinivasan of TVS for supporting the reconstruction of Hostel at Sivasailam.

Gandhigram Trust has undertaken a project with the object of supporting livelihood promotion of differently abled and vulnerable with the support of TamilnaduState Rural Livelihood Mission in Athoor,Dindigul and Natham Blocks of Dindigul District. The Tamil Nadu Government supports with 8 field staff for this project. The team has formed 176 special self help groups for the differently abled. The team has also analyzed the needs of the target population and built their capacities.

Government has recognised and given an award and certificate for rendering “Exemplary service to vulnerable and differently abled persons”.

Exposure visit to KurudampalayamPanchayat, Coimbatore District

Gandhigram Trust organizedan Exposure visit for the14 Blocks,( Dindigul, DRD) NBABlock Coordinatorsand Project staff on 24.03.2015at Palanigoundanpudur village of KurudampalayaPanchayat, Periyanayakkanpalayam Block in Coimbatore Districtunder the Activating Nirmal Bharath Abiyan Project. The exposure visit was conductedfor understanding and capturing the novel resource management system employed by KurudampalayamPanchayat, Coimbatoreinsolid waste management.

Shri.Ramachandran, Coordinator, SBM welcomed the Gandhigram Team and gave an outline about the activities of waste management in KurudampalayamPanchayats for taking effort to convert the Panchayat as a waste-free Panchayat with self financial sustainability and also clean village.

The exposure team had interacted with Mrs. R. Santhamani, Panchayatward member and head of the Vallari Self-Help Group. She explained that,KurudampalayamPanchayat has 10 villages, 15 wards with a total population of 30,143 comprising 13,000 families. Theywanted to make the Panchayatas clean and hygienic one in Tamilnadu and also spread this message overall India as model Panchayat.This project helps us to maintain a waste-free village in our Gram Panchayats.

She emphasized that, the village people has been supporting us enormously to successfully run this novel system. She pointed out, while the implementation period was very hard to face the situation because the people did not support fullyand have reasons like bad smell, create environment pollution, garbage pile etc..They have conducted an awareness meeting and explained in detail among the village people after that, people understood thoroughly about the resource management system on solid and liquid waste management and is doing as direction of 72 workers and trainee of other states. The Gram Panchayat collects nominal fee from the villagers for their financial contribution to feel as a team with system and also it would help the unit as make a long run self sustainable one.

Key activities of Resource Management System on solid waste management as follows

  • The dedicated labour force has created for collecting the waste per day in two times (Moring & Evening) basis and through which, they are collecting wastages from the people. The team advised the village people to segregate the waste as degradable and non-degradable such as food waste, vegetable waste, polythene covers, Glass materials, Coconut shells etc., after that, the labors collect the segregated waste by customized vehicle called amplifier vehicle in separate box of the vehicle and turns manures.
  • The labour force collects allwaste
  • Coconut shells in the waste are collected and sold. The coconut husks are used for preparing lignite.
  • Fruit peels of good quality are used for producing washing powder and peels of second quality are used for making toilet cleaners
  • 17cows and bulls are being reared the Panchayat to maintain the “Integrated and Sustainable Solid and Liquid Resource Management (SLWM) Project” in that the workers engaged in the process feed the cattle with the good organic waste collected from all the 13,000 households
  • The cow dung used for Vermi compost preparation and the manure is sold.
  • Moreover, the workers segregate egg shells, which they clean, dry and then powder to be sold as manure for rose plants.
  • The biogas that is generated is used in the kitchen for cooking food for the workers engaged in the SLWRM Project and also to cook food, which are selling through two canteens
  • If it is inorganic waste. Workers collect and arrange to sale them withappropriate dealers. However, retain the plastic and glass bottles to reuse them to sell Vermi-wash, egg shell powder, detergent powder and the like.
  • TheGram Panchayat generates the income by running thecanteen through selling the food packets and also supporting the workers.
  • Overall, this system generates Rs. 2,50,000 per month.

The Gandhigram Team interacted with Shri. Murugan , Project Director, DRDA, Coimbatore regarding the activities of kurundampalayamPanchayat such as DRDA created Sanitation Bureau for look after the technical support and promote the sanitation activities. He pointed out that, yet 2 lakh toilets have to be constructed therefore they are planning to mobilize the CSR Fund for toilet construction.He promised to support for extending the resource system to Gandhigram Trust whenever needed and shared the Gandhigram Trust activities in detail. He appreciated the Gandhigram Trust and DRDA- NBA; Dindigul for working together to promote the water and sanitation development in village level.