We appreciate your support of LFA’s compendium, The Elements of Success: 10 Million Speak on Schools That Work. We’ve included information about the project and sample communications (including sample Twitter and Facebook posts, newsletter/blog blurbs and graphics) you can use to help spread the word to your members and other audiences.

If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Anne O’Brien at or Joetta Sack-Min at .

Release Date: Tuesday, January 23, 2018 at 10:00am

Compendium Purpose:

  • Demonstrate knowledge and leadership of the education community (represented by members of the Learning First Alliance) in school improvement
  • Advance a collective vision of what quality public schools look like and what achieving them will take

go live late January 22)

LFA Social Media

  • Twitter: @LearningFirst
  • Facebook:

Sample Communications:

Twitter (attach report cover or other graphics)

  • The education community identifies the elements of successful schools in new compendium: @LearningFirst
  • What successful schools have in common: @LearningFirst
  • What do successful schools look like? There is no one answer, but @LearningFirst identifies common elements:
  • For the first time, the education community has pooled their research and resources to outline the elements of successful schools:
  • .@LearningFirst scans the work of education community, identifies six key elements needed for successful schools
  • Education community agrees: 6 key elements needed for schools to be successful @LearningFirst
  • Ed community agrees: Improved schools will not come from the feds. They will come from empowered local educators & communities working together to meet their own needs and goals. New compendium explains:
  • To improve our nation’s schools, we must empower local educators & communities to meet their specific goals and challenges. New @LearningFirstcompendium has more:
  • Does your school have the six elements needed for success?
  • How do you define a successful public school? Learn what @LearningFirst members representing 10 million educators, parents and policymakers say:

Facebook(attach report cover or other graphics)

  • What do successful schools look like? New compendium from Learning First Alliance identifies six critical elements and relationships needed.
  • New Learning First Alliance compendium of research and best practices identifies six critical elements common to all successful schools.
  • Does your school have the six elements that are critical for success? Learn more in a new compendium fromLearning First Alliance members.
  • To improve our nation’s schools, we must empower local educators & communities to meet their specific goals and challenges. A new compendium from the Learning First Alliance explains.

Newsletter Blurbs

(see below art)


(Report Cover)

(Sized for Twitter)

(Sized for Twitter)

(sized for Facebook)

Newsletter Blurbs

Note: If you have a different length requirement or want a different angle, please contact us

Approx. 225-word blurb

Collaborative Effort Identifies Elements of Successful Schools

Educators know what works in successful public schools. For the first time, a dozen major education associations have pulled together their best practices and research to identify common elements and help policymakers, school leaders and the public understand why some schools succeed and how they do it.

The Elements of Success: 10 Million Speak on Schools That Work is a compendium from the members of the Learning First Alliance, a coalition of 12 national education groups including (name of your organization) who collectively represent more than 10 million parents, teachers, administrators, specialists and school boards.

These elements include: Focus on the whole child; commitment to equity and access; family and community engagement; distributed leadership; strong, supported teaching force and staff; and relationship-oriented school climate. The compendium emphasizes that while these elements are necessary for a school to succeed, each school and district will implement and integratethese differently, depending on local context.

“We see public schools that are working well, where educators, parents and local communities have developed programs to meet their specific goals and challenges,” said LFA chair JoAnn Bartoletti, executive director of the National Association of Secondary School Principals. “The Learning First Alliance wants to share this knowledge so that educators, policymakers and parents can understand what it takes to build a successful school.”

The report is available at:

Approx. 550-word blurb

Major Education Groups Identify Elements of Successful Schools

What makes a public school successful? A new compendium from the Learning First Alliance, which includes (name of your organization), has identified six critical elements—but also found that each successful school develops programs specific to their goals and challenges, within their communities’ setting. There are elements common to all successful schools, but how these elements are implemented and integrated depends greatly on context.

Members of the Learning First Alliance, who collectively represent more than 10 million educators, parents and local policymakers,have pulled together their best practices and research to state these elements and help the public understand why some schools succeed and how they do it.

The Elements of Success: 10 Million Speak on Schools That Work shows that successful schools are fulfilling what many consider the purpose of education: developing young people’s knowledge, skills and attitudes so that they graduate from high school ready for college, career and citizenship. The compendium identifies six elements common to all successful schools, including:

  • Focus on the Total Child: Supporting each child’s needs, inside and outside the classroom, to help them become an effective, empowered learner.
  • Commitment to Equity and Access: Ensuring the needs of all student populations are met.
  • Family and Community Engagement: Effectively engaging families and communities in support of students.
  • Distributed Leadership: Defining leadership broadly and sharing decision making.
  • Strong, Supported Teaching Force and Staff: Staffing schools with educators who are well-educated, well-prepared and well-supported, and providing continuous learning opportunities and support to them.
  • Relationship-Oriented School Climate: Creating a culture of collaboration and shared responsibility among staff and students and with families and communities. These schools are safe, welcoming and respectful to all.

“We see public schools that are working well, where educators, parents and local communities have developed programs to meet their specific goals and challenges,” said LFA chair JoAnn Bartoletti, executive director of the National Association of Secondary School Principals. “The Learning First Alliance wants to share this knowledge so that educators, policymakers and parents can understand what it takes to build a successful school.”

LFA Executive Director Richard M. Long emphasized that the elements are not interchangeable nor “pick as you please.”

“These elements are like the atoms that make up a molecule,” Long said. “However, we recognize the distinct differences between each school and each community, and schools implement and integrate these elements in vastly different ways depending on context and their individual needs.”

(Add paragraph about specific contribution from your organization, ie, “The compendium features the National School Public Relations Association’s rubrics of practice and suggested measures as evidence of successful school communications programs.”)

The report is available at: As a continuation of the project, LFA will host a series of in-depth discussions over the next few months to further examine each element and its relation to others.

LFA members include: American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education; AASA, The School Superintendents Association; American Federation of Teachers; American School Counselor Association; Consortium for School Networking; Learning Forward; National Association of Elementary School Principals; National Association of Secondary School Principals; National Education Association; National PTA; National School Boards Association; and National School Public Relations Association. To learn more about LFA, visit