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[City, State] –Local middle school teachers, youth leaders, and other educators seeking fun, hands-on nature based activities can help their students learn science process skills and excel academically by attending the next Flying WILD educator professional development workshop offered by [City Partner] on [Date], at [time, location].
Birdsare an integral part of our lives and those of future generations.Exploring bird biology, behavior, sounds, flight and habitat can be an adventure in learning for students and teachers with Flying WILD. With science-inquiry at its core and the joy ofdiscovering nature through birds the mission – Flying WILD materials provide interactive, interdisciplinary, and standards-based activities to help students understand the importance of migratory birds and their conservation.
The Flying WILD program places special emphasis on reaching urban and suburban educators who work with student populations that traditionally receive few opportunities to participate in environmental education initiatives. The award-winning program guide, Flying WILD: An Educator’s Guide to Celebrating Birds, advances academic goals while educating students about birds, habitat loss, environmental stewardship and environmental quality.
Classroom teachers and pre-service educators can earn professional development credits and be certified in an environmental education program that engages students in real-world learning, meets national science standards, and emphasizes cross-disciplinary approaches to learning.
Activities include the Great Migration Challenge where students learn about the factors affecting migration for many bird species and Migratory Mapping, where students map breeding areas and migratory routes and understand the use of banding and related technologies for monitoring bird species. Students benefit as they gain opportunities to learn and lead. Half of the 43 activities in the program guide are designed to involve students as leaders.
Also, wrapped within the Flying WILD model are service-learning activities designed to engage students in education about birds and how to take action to conserve their habitat. Birds are used as the ever-present link to nature that can be found in all urban areas.
The workshop fee is [$$] and includes a copy of the guide.Participants are to wear comfortable clothes and shoes because they will be involved in many of the activities. This is a fun workshop with lots of action—not a boring lecture or note-taking session! Refreshments will be served.
To register contact your FlyingWILDCity Partner: [organization, name, phone, email, website]
Note: Watch the “Flying WILD Avian Antics” activity video on YouTube.
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For more information on Flying WILD visit:
Flying WILD is a program of the Council for Environmental Education.