We accept the love we think we deserve.

We accept the love we think we deserve.

Standing on the fringes of life

It’s about creating a world and creating a tone and a universe that all the characters get to play in but in one a l you’re using is your imagination and some words ona piece of paper and in the other you are using 350 people -- always challenging you to make it better – their own autobiography

Allegory I wanted to give Charlie a moment where he gets to become a real hero it was very easy for Charlie to sit ion that seat for three hours and hate A hero moment for Charlie to be a real hero. Get up out of the chair – if you reach out and present yourself exactly as you are, the right people age going to say yest for you and the right people will befriend you and the right people will accept you and you can make great friends forever

Wanted to Show all the highs and all the lows and all the secrets that young people have and that they keep

When problems exist in families and you don’t root them out and you don’t sift through them, they repeat themselves. And if little kids like Charlie and Candace did saw their aunt Helen go through abuse, it’s something that doesn’tsbecomes tragic it bedomes something that becomes normal. And how we do ourselves a great service and do our families a great service if we brign them out into the light and talk to them so that they never happen again and try to be the last person in our families to go through that

If he hadn’t put himself out there , it wouldn’t have happened.

A movie of firsts.

The movie was never going to be the book =- part of telling it like a movie and not the book

Page 3 – suicide – had to find a way to put Michael’s suicide in the movie – put it in K – Charlie not to feel badly for himself.

If you talk about these experiences other people can relate to them and they will help youl

Why would seniors befriend a freshman?

I feel infinite -

Getting into Charlies’ mind

Why do really great people let themselves be treated so badly? We all know great people who let themselves get treated badly.

We accept the love we think we deserve.

If you have a movie with heart- you don’t need sentiment –

What he’s wanted to say – if you are a person who has been through things that the greated thing that you can do is to take what you given and make it something beautiful --- Take what you’ve been given and turn it into something beautiful, a business, a great family, beautiful marriage—this night it’s a first kiss

Sam: What the hell is wrong with you?

Are you afraid of me? Charlie to Sam?

No bag gus no monsters

The way that boy feels free is an image that has been part of his life is out of his mind forever – and part of you

And now it belongs to you and now I have more room for my wife, my daughter and my friends

When you write a novel it’s just you in a room with your thoughts. When you make a movie it’s hundreds of people.

Who is dear friend – who was Charlie writing to. In terms of the movie whenever you hear Charlie say Dear friend the dear friend he’s writing to is you.

Making the movie made me feel infinite.

People tell the author “It’s like you understood what I felt.” You know what’s beautiful, if I understand how you feel it means that you understood how I feel. In the whole exchange, it’s not important that I wrote it and you read it. It’s not important if we made it and you watched it. What’s important is that we have that thing in common, that thing that we understand. . . . At the end of the day we did this piece of art for you to see it. When hundreds of people get together to do one thing and it means something and that something comes back to you that perfect circle of past, present and future, at the end of the day, that is the thing that in making Perks of being a Wallflower that made me feel infinite. This movie is my love song to you.. . .