(APPROVED: December 2010)
Qualifications / Appointment or promotion to a Senior Lecturerposition requires a PhD or EdD or equivalent qualificationor evidence of independent research considered to be of an equivalent standard.
Variations to this requirement in particular Schools are as follows: / Qualifications / Appointment or promotion to an Associate Professor position requires a PhD or EdD or equivalent qualificationor evidence of independent research considered to be of an equivalent standard.
Variations to this requirement in particular Schools are as follows:
School of Education: Normally require a PhD, EdD or equivalent qualification, or evidence of independent research considered to be of an equivalent standard. / School of Education: Normally require a PhD, EdD or equivalent qualification, or evidence of independent research considered to be of an equivalent standard.
School of Humanities: For staff whose responsibilities are principally concerned with professional practice or creative arts, evidence of independent or professional work which has recognised professional standing and can be considered equivalent may be an acceptable alternative to a research higher degree. / School of Humanities: For staff whose responsibilities are principally concerned with professional practice or creative arts, evidence of independent or professional work which has recognised professional standing and can be considered equivalent may be an acceptable alternative to a research higher degree.
Flinders Law School: A coursework higher degree or evidence of independent or professional work considered to be of an equivalent standard may be an acceptable alternative to a research higher degree. / Flinders Law School: A coursework higher degree or evidence of independent or professional work considered to be of an equivalent standard may be an acceptable alternative to a research higher degree.
School of Medicine: In exceptional circumstances extensive relevant professional experience and recognised professional standing may be acceptable. Medically qualified applicants who are undertaking clinical practice normally require a Fellowship of a recognised Professional Medical College or higher clinical qualification and either five years or more post Fellowship experience or MD (by thesis) or PhD. / School of Medicine: In exceptional circumstances extensive relevant professional experience and recognised professional standing may be acceptable. Medically qualified applicants who are undertaking clinical practice normally require a Fellowship of a recognised Professional Medical College or higher clinical qualification and either five years or more post Fellowship experience or MD (by thesis) or PhD.
School of Nursing and Midwifery: For staff with academic status, a clinical qualification at Masters level is an acceptable alternative. In exceptional circumstances, extensive clinical experience and recognised professional standing may be acceptable.
School of International Studies (Flinders Asia Centre): In addition to the generic qualifications criteria,an excellent command of at least one Asian language is desirable. / School of International Studies (Flinders Asia Centre): In addition to the generic qualifications criteria, an excellent command of at least one Asian language is desirable.
Qualifications (cont) / School of Social and Policy Studies (Flinders Institute of Public Policy and Management): Normally require a PhD or equivalent qualification, or evidence of independent research considered to be of an equivalent standard to senior level management or policy experience deemed to be appropriate. / Qualifications (cont) / School of Social and Policy Studies (Flinders Institute of Public Policy and Management): Normally require a PhD or equivalent qualification, or evidence of independent research considered to be of an equivalent standard to senior level management or policy experience deemed to be appropriate.
School of Psychology: PhD is an essential requirement. / School of Psychology: PhD is an essential requirement.
Teaching / The activities in which a staff member could be expected to be involved, and provide evidence of, include but are not limited to: / Teaching / The activities which a staff member could be expected to be involved in, and provide evidence of, include but are not limited to:
  • wide-ranging experience in the delivery of teaching, including evidence of the types of teaching undertaken, with indications of the skill, quality, and effectiveness as evidence by Student Evaluations of Teaching, supervisor, peers;
  • wide-ranging experience in the delivery of teaching, including evidence of the types of teaching undertaken, with indications of the skill, quality, and effectiveness as evidenced by Student Evaluations of Teaching, supervisor, peers;

  • a developed and explicit teaching philosophy (i.e. approach to teaching);
  • a well developed and explicit teaching philosophy (i.e. approach to teaching);

  • reflective/responsive teaching, i.e. appropriate response to feedback;
  • reflective/responsive teaching, i.e. appropriate response to feedback;

  • innovation in teaching approach;
  • innovation in teaching methodology;

  • new approaches to the preparation and delivery of teaching e.g. multi-media, on-line, web-based, work-based education;
  • innovation in the design and delivery of teaching, e.g. multi-media, on-line, web-based, work-based education;

  • leadership role in curriculum development and teaching methodology;
  • leadership with respect to curriculum programs of study/courses/major curriculum development/production of teaching materials;

  • effective supervision of the program of study of honours students and postgraduate students engaged in higher degree programs;
  • effective supervision of the program of study of honours students and postgraduate students engaged in higher degree programs;

  • teaching awards;
  • teaching awards;

  • teaching which is informed by current research and practice in the substantive area of the applicant’s discipline/field;
  • a strong commitment to the linkage and application of current research/practice to teaching;

  • co-ordination of a course, program of study or large and complex topic(s);
  • co-ordination of a course or program of studies as well as topic(s);

  • development of study guides.
  • positive influence on departmental teaching as shown by mentoring of colleagues and the promotion of a learning environment;

  • initiationand development of course material;
  • obtaining teaching grants.

(cont) /
  • developing international teaching delivery or collaboration;
/ Teaching
(cont) /
  • leading international teaching delivery or collaboration;

  • developing on-campus teaching or student support in the area of internationalisation;
  • leading on-campus teaching or student support in the area of internationalisation;

  • one-to-one support and advice for members of the teaching staff of the University, including working with small groups of University teaching staff on teaching-related or curriculum-related matters – with indications of the skill, quality and effectiveness as evidenced by evaluations conducted at arm’s length using instruments which are the functional equivalent of SETs.
  • one-to-one support and advice for members of the teaching staff of the University, including working with small groups of University teaching staff on teaching-related or curriculum-related matters – with indications of the skill, quality and effectiveness as evidenced by evaluations conducted at arm’s length using instruments which are the functional equivalent of SETs.

In the case of the following Schools, other requirements, activities and/or evidence with respect to teaching may also include: / In the case of the following Schools, other requirements,
activities and/or evidence with respect to teaching may also include:
School ofMedicine:
  • participation in the provision of accredited post-graduate vocational education programs of Professional Medical Colleges;
  • an increased involvement in teaching co-ordination or research student supervision is also expected.
/ School of Medicine:
  • participation in the provision of accredited post-graduate vocational education programs of Professional Medical Colleges.

School of Nursing and Midwifery:
  • for staff with a clinical teaching responsibility, evidence of recognised credibility of teaching in the practice setting.

Student Learning Centre:
  • the effectiveness of teaching as evidenced by the results of evaluations conducted at arm’s length using instruments which are the functional equivalent of SETs;
  • evidence of the presentation of lectures/ seminars/ workshops for students on aspects of teaching and learning, and any Faculty staff evaluations or student feedback in relation to those.
/ Student Learning Centre:
  • the effectiveness of 1:1 teaching as evidenced by the results of the Student Learning Centre Individual Student Evaluation of Teaching Form (ISET) is an acceptable alternative to SETs;
  • evidence of the presentation of lectures /seminars/ workshops for students, at the request of Schools or Faculties, on aspects of teaching and learning.

School of Humanities (Theology):
  • involvement in the training of field education program supervisors;
  • involvement in assisting other institutions to develop or assess field education programs.
/ School of Humanities (Theology):
  • involvement in the training of field education program supervisors;
  • involvement in assisting other institutions to develop or assess field education programs.

Research and/or Creative
Activity / A staff member should prepare this section of her/his report/application on the basis of research activity and/or creative activity. The kinds of evidence that applicants may provide include but are not limited to: / Research and/or Creative Activity / A staff member should prepare this section of their report/application on the basis of research activity and/or creative activity. The kinds of evidence that applicants may provide include but are not limited to:
Research / Research
Substantial, original and significant research activity: / Substantial, original and significant research activity:
  • description of actual research activity;
  • description of actual research activity;

  • ability to initiate and to resource research projects (with external funding, where appropriate);
  • ability to initiate and to resource research projects (with external funding, where appropriate);

  • publications (includes books, chapters in books, monographs, refereed and non-refereed journal articles of international standing where appropriate);
  • publications (includes books, chapters in books, monographs, refereed and non-refereed journal articles of international standing);

  • published conference papers;
  • published conference papers;

  • grant applications submitted, grants received from traditional and non-traditional sources;
  • grant applications submitted, grants received from traditional and non-traditional sources;

  • significant role in collaborative research projects;
  • significant role in collaborative research projects;

  • developing international research collaborations.
  • leading international research collaborations.

  • research reports which demonstrate original observations;
  • research reports which demonstrate original observations;

  • contributions to reports and submissions to government or other agencies drawing on knowledge of discipline;
  • contributions to reports and submissions to government or other agencies drawing on knowledge of discipline;

  • approved patents, including any funding received in lodging and/or in commercial application of patents;
  • approved patents, including any funding received in lodging and/or in commercial application of patents;

  • commercialisation of patents;

  • research output arising from research into aspects of learning and teaching.
  • co-ordination of major research projects and/or programs;
  • research output arising from research into aspects of learning and teaching.

Leadership role in research team. / Leadership role in enhancing the research activity of the academic unit.
Scholarly standing in the area of research: / Scholarly standing in the area of research:
Applicants for this level should be able to demonstrate increasing leadership and peer recognition at the national and international level, such as:
  • presentation of papers at national or international conference(s);
  • invitation to be keynote speaker at a national or international conference;

  • invitation to referee articles in scholarly journal(s);
  • invitation to referee articles in scholarly journals;

  • invitation to examine higher degree theses;
  • invitation to examine higher degree theses;

Research and/or CreativeActivity(cont) /
  • invitation to referee grant applications from national and/or international agencies;
  • ability to attract international research collaborations;
/ Research and/orCreativeActivity (cont) /
  • invitation to referee grant applications from national and international agencies;
  • ability to attract international research collaborations;

  • citations;
  • citations;

  • invitation to apply for non-traditional research funding.
  • invitation to apply for non-traditional research funding;

  • invitation to serve on editorial board of international journals;

  • invitation to be a member of research grants board;

  • recognition as an international authority in area;
  • ability to attract international visitors;

  • awards, prizes and other forms of recognition.

Creative Activity / Creative Activity
Substantial, original and significant creative activity: / Substantial, original and significant creative activity:
  • exhibitions (at the state/national/international level);
  • exhibitions (at the state/national/international level);

  • original professional performances (include both live and screen performances);
  • original professional performances (include both live and screen performances);

  • compositions;
  • compositions;

  • ability to initiate and resource a creative activity project with external funding, where appropriate);
  • ability to initiate and resource a creative activity project(with external funding where appropriate);

  • publications (include translations which may take the form of written work, videos and CD ROM);
  • publications (include translations and may take the form of written work, videos and CD ROM);

  • significant role in collaborative creative activity projects;
  • significant role in collaborative creative activity projects;

  • production of new works of fine arts;
  • production of new works of fine arts;

  • critique or review of article/ play/film which offers a new or original interpretation to the article/ play/film.
  • critique or review of article/ play/film which offers a
    new or original interpretation to the article/ play/film;

  • winning prize of national standing.

Leadership role. / Leadership role in contributing to enhancing the overall creative activity of the academic unit.
Scholarly standing in the area of creative activity: / Scholarly standing in the area of creative activity:
Applicants for this level should be able to demonstrate increasing leadership and peer recognition at the international level such as:
  • citations;
  • citations;

  • invitation to examine higher degree theses;
  • invitation to examine higher degree theses;

  • invitation to referee articles in scholarly journals;
  • invitation to referee articles in scholarly journals;

  • presentation of papers at national or international conference(s).
  • invitation to be keynote speaker at a national or international conference;

Research and/
or Creative Activity (cont) / Research and/
or CreativeActivity (cont) /
  • recognition as an international authority in area;

  • invitation to be a member of research grants board;

  • ability to attract international visitors;

  • invitation to serve on editorial board of international journals;

  • invitation to serve on the judging panel for the award of a prize of national standing;

  • invitation to referee grant applications from national and international agencies;

  • awards, prizes and other forms of recognition.

In the case of the following Schools, other requirements, activities and/or evidence with respect to research and creative activity may also include: / In the case of the following Schools, other requirements, activities and/or evidence with respect to research and creative activity may also include:
School of International Studies (Flinders Asia Centre): Evidence of research standing in one or more Asian countries, will be highly regarded. / School of International Studies (Flinders Asia Centre): Evidence of research standing in one or more Asian countries will be highly regarded.
Administration (including
Service to the University) / The activities in which a staff member could be expected to be involved, and provide evidence of, include but are not limited to: / Administration (including
Service to the University) / The activities in which a staff member could be expected to be involved, and provide evidence of, include but are not limited to:
  • significant and sustained responsibilities in administration at the School/department level, and/or involvement at the broader Faculty or University level, e.g. as Director of Studies, or chair/convenor of University committees and working parties;
  • effective leadership in administration at the School/ department level which might include appointment as Head/Acting Head of School/department, and/or holding significant responsibilities within the School/department and/or at the broader Faculty or University level;

  • significant and sustained responsibilities in the administration of University Centres and other similar units;
  • significant and sustained responsibilities in the administration of University Centres and other similar units;

  • liaison with industry and community agencies to establish work-based, professional and clinical placements as part of academic programs;
  • leadership role in liaison with industry and community agencies to establish work-based, professional and clinical placements as part of academic programs;

  • leadership in the development of initiatives for the benefit of the School/department/Faculty/University involving external organisations;
  • leadership in the development of initiatives for the benefit of the School/department/Faculty/University involving external organisations;

  • ability to assist other staff in their own professional and academic development;
  • constructive role in helping other staff in their own professional career development;

  • effective and efficient performance in carrying out these administrative functions.
  • substantial contribution to the administration of the Faculty and the University as:

  • chair/convenor of Faculty and/or University committees and working parties;
  • representative of the Faculty or University on external committees or boards;

Administration (including Service to the
University) (cont) / Administration (including Service to the
University) (cont) /
  • strong record of teaching program coordination and effective resource management.

In the case of the following Schools, other requirements, activities and/or evidence with respect to administration and service to the University may also include: / In the case of the following Schools, other requirements, activities and/or evidence with respect to administration and service to the University may also include:
School of Medicine:
  • administering personal research programs or equivalent (responsible co-ordinator/author in government projects/reports) is also expected;
  • for clinical academics, participation in clinical service, usually at senior consultant level is expected;
/ School of Medicine:
  • co-ordination of a clinical service or equivalent administrative activity within the School/Teaching Hospital is expected of clinical academics or other professional staff in senior administrative roles.

  • non-clinical academics would be expected to demonstrate higher level involvement with School/Faculty and/or University committees.
The difference in expectation with regard to administration between clinical academics (medically qualified) and non-medically qualified staff relates to difference in their work content and professional lives.
For some activities, Flinders-linked teaching hospitals may be treated as equivalent to the University for the purposes of administration/service; other activities in Flinders Medical Centre or other health services and affiliated institutions may be more appropriately listed under professional performance. /
  • There is a difference in expectation with regard to administration between clinical academics (medically qualified) and non-medically qualified staff due to the difference in their work content and professional lives.
  • For some activities, Flinders-linked teaching hospitals may be treated as equivalent to the University for the purposes of administration/service; other activities in Flinders Medical Centre or other health services and affiliated institutions may be more appropriately listed under professional performance.

Student Learning Centre:
  • the design and/or presentation of teaching programs focussing on student learning in higher education which can be contracted to agencies in the University or externally.
/ Student Learning Centre:
  • the design and/or presentation of teaching programs focussing on student learning in higher education which can be contracted to agencies in the University or externally.