WDS notes and data_SZ Cam etc in NGC 1502

04078+6220 ES 2603 SZ Cam .

STF 485 The classification is from Chocol (1980 Bull. Astron. Inst. Czech. 31, .

CHR 209 321). The discovery of speckle companion CHR 209 Ea,Eb with a period .

WSI 20 of some 60 y confirms the third body model advocated by Mayer et al. .

HZG 2 (1994 A&A 288, L13) based on the appearance of the spectrum and .

HLM 3 variations in the time of light curve minimum (they suggest a third .

body period of 50.7 y). Another light curve solution is given by .

Harries et al. (1998 MNRAS 295, 386). The B component was also .

observed and appeared to be single. Classification of the B component .

is from the WDS. Msn1998a

This complex multiple system has had numerous identification errors .

due to various difficulties. The diagram of Lewis in his catalog of L__1906b

the Struve pairs, which seemed a good first step, was hampered by the .

quadrant error of the pair he designated Ca. This quadrant error was .

repeated in the ADS, IDS, and in earlier editions of the WDS. In the .

ADS (where this pair is listed as #2984, but note that #2989 is part .

of this system, too) the errors multiplied. The pair Holmes AF (WDS .

designation HLM 3AF) is apparently the same as STF 485Ac. Inspection .

of scanned images of this region of the sky have allowed the .

Hertzsprung pairs (HZG 2) whose components are given within .

quotation marks in the ADS to be identified. Of the HZG pairs, the .

"CD" pairing is the same as STF 484AC and the "CE" pairing is the .

same as STF 484AB. The ADS note to the "AJ" pairing of HZG 2 is a .

typographical error. The correct position angle is 77 degrees, which .

corresponds to the AD (now AO) pair. Below outlines the changes from .

the WDS 2001.0 to the current version. .


ES 2603Aa ---> ES 2603AB .

STF 485Ab ---> STF 485AC .

STF 485Ac ---> STF 485AD .

STF 485AB ---> STF 485AE .

STF 485BE ---> STF 485EF .

STF 485 ---> STF 485EG (formerly STF 485B to STF 484A) .

STF 484AB ---> STF 484GH .

STF 484AC ---> STF 484GI .

STF 485Bb ---> STF 485EC .

HLM 3AF ---> STF 485AD .

STF 485AD ---> STF 485AO .

STF 485 ---> STF 485AL (formerly STF 485A to HLM 3A) .

HLM 3AB ---> HLM 3LM .

HZG 2AC ---> STF 484AI .

HZG 2AD ---> STF 484AG .

HZG 2AE ---> STF 484AH .

HZG 2AG ---> HZG 2AN .

HZG 2BC ---> STF 484EI .

HZG 2BE ---> STF 484EH .

HZG 2CD ---> STF 484GI .

HZG 2CE ---> STF 484HI .

HZG 2JK ---> HZG 2OP .

HZG 2 ---> HZG 2JK .

SLV 3 ---> STF 485AF .

CHR 209Ba ---> CHR 209Ea,Eb .

CHR 208 Ea,Eb: The primary of this pair is the Beta Lyrae-type O9/B0 eclipsing .

system SZ Cam, with a period of 2.698d. The Gorda et al. (2007) orbit Grd2007a

is based on changes in the period of SZ Cam to determine P, omega, e, Grd2007b

and T, and speckle measures to derive i, Omega, and a. They derive a .

distance of 1125 +/- 135 pc, which exceeds by 30% the 800pc distance .

to the open cluster NGC 1502; they conclude that SZ Cam is not a .

member of the cluster. The mass of the eclipsing pair (Ea) is 28.5 .

+/- 0.5 Msun, that of the third body (Eb) 23.4 +/- 2.4 Msun. .

Eb is also a close binary. .

STF 484 GH: STI 492.


And here is the current listing in the WDS:

04078+6220ES 2603AB 1902 2008 7 257 256 5.4 6.8 6.91 12.9 -010-002 N 040751.38+621948.4

04078+6220STF 485AC 1902 2011 13 359 359 11.3 11.1 6.91 13.5 -010-002 N 040751.38+621948.4

04078+6220STF 485AD 1902 2008 7 129 132 14.0 14.5 6.91 14.1 -010-002 N 040751.38+621948.4

04078+6220STF 485AE 1830 2012 86 303 305 18.0 17.9 6.91 6.94 B0II B0II -010-002 +001+001 +61 676 N D 040751.38+621948.4

04078+6220STF 485AF 1905 2011 12 315 320 36.5 36.2 6.91 11.7 -010-002 N 040751.38+621948.4

04078+6220STF 484AG 1905 2012 14 260 261 61.7 59.8 6.91 9.63 -010-002 +001-003 N 040751.38+621948.4

04078+6220STF 484AH 1905 2012 11 255 256 58.8 56.5 6.91 10.5 -010-002 N 040751.38+621948.4

04078+6220STF 484AI 1905 2012 13 278 282 71.1 69.9 6.91 9.81 -010-002 N 040751.38+621948.4

04078+6220STF 485AL 1902 2011 6 71 71 89.9 98.3 6.91 10.4 B0 -010-002 N 040751.38+621948.4

04078+6220HZG 2AN 1905 2011 14 206 206 116.7 116.1 6.91 9.62 -010-002 +61 676 N 040751.38+621948.4

04078+6220STF 485AO 1881 2011 16 77 78 138.8 138.9 6.91 9.40 -010-002 +001-003 N 040751.38+621948.4

04078+6220WSI 20AQ 1906 2007 5 324 325 46.1 45.6 6.91 13.2 -010-002 N 040751.38+621948.4

04078+6220CHR 209Ea,Eb 1994 2008 5 300 291 0.1 0.1 6.94 . B0 +001+001 +61 676 NO 040749.29+621958.6

04078+6220STF 485EB 1999 2008 2 144 146 14.5 14.2 6.94 12.9 +001+001 N 040749.29+621958.6

04078+6220STF 485EC 1902 2011 14 85 86 14.2 14.7 6.94 13.5 +001+001 N 040749.29+621958.6

04078+6220STF 485EF 1867 2011 18 334 334 19.9 18.6 6.94 11.7 +001+001 N 040749.29+621958.6

04078+6220STF 485EG 1830 2012 20 244 248 49.0 48.7 6.94 9.63 +001+001 N 040749.29+621958.6

04078+6220STF 484EH 1906 2012 9 239 238 45.3 49.7 6.94 10.5 +001+001 N 040749.29+621958.6

04078+6220STF 484EI 1905 2012 16 269 270 54.2 54.2 6.94 9.81 +001+001 N 040749.29+621958.6

04078+6220WSI 20EQ 1906 2007 5 339 336 30.4 29.4 6.94 13.2 +001+001 N 040749.29+621958.6

04078+6220WSI 20FQ 1906 2012 6 337 341 9.1 9.9 11.7 13.2 -002+001 N 040748.03+622016.3

04078+6220STF 484GH 1830 2012 25 132 133 5.4 5.7 9.63 10.5 -010-002 +001+001 N 040742.86+621938.3

04078+6220STF 484GI 1830 2012 22 334 336 22.6 22.8 9.63 9.81 -000+006 N 040742.86+621938.3

04078+6220STF 484HI 1905 2012 14 331 331 28.3 28.1 10.5 9.81 +004-009 N 040743.47+621934.7

04078+6220HZG 2IJ 1906 2007 4 165 156 61.2 60.4 9.81 12.0 -001-001 N 040741.52+621959.1

04078+6220HZG 2JK 1906 2003 3 337 343 9.1 8.8 12.0 13.3 N 040740.72+622050.7

04078+6220HLM 3LM 1902 2011 10 216 217 5.7 5.6 10.4 11.4 -010-002 +001+001 N 040804.64+622018.2

04078+6220HZG 2LO 1906 2007 7 91 93 41.8 42.4 10.4 9.40 N 040804.64+622018.2

04078+6220HZG 2OP 1905 2011 11 230 230 17.9 16.9 9.49 10.69 +000-002 +000-001 N 040810.85+622018.0