Nova Southeastern University, Shepard Broad College of Law

3305 College Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314

(954) 262-6323 (office telephone); (e-mail) (faculty page)


Nova Southeastern University, Shepard Broad Law Center, Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Juris Doctor, Summa Cum Laude, May 2003

Class Rank: 3 of 233

Honors, Awards and Activities

·  Book Awards in Contracts, Constitutional Law I, Criminal Law, AIDS Law Seminar, & Income Tax

·  Academic Resource Program (ARP) Teaching Assistant for Contracts and Constitutional Law I

·  Editor in Chief, NSU International Citator and Research Guide, Summer-Fall 2002

·  Founding Editor, Staff Member, NSU International Citator and Research Guide, Fall 2001

·  Board of Editors, Member, ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law, Fall 2002

·  Team Best Brief Award, Frederick Douglass Moot Court Regional Competition, 2003

·  Team Competition Winner, Frederick Douglass Moot Court Regional Competition, 2003

·  NSU Shepard Broad Law Center Honor Court Student Justice, 2002-2003

·  NSU Shepard Broad Law Center Student of the Year, 2003

·  B'NAI B'RITH Justice Unit #5207 Constitutional Law Award Winner, 2001

Florida International University, Miami, Florida

Bachelor of Arts, Summa Cum Laude, Sociology and Anthropology, December 1999

GPA: 4.0/4.0

Honors and Awards

·  Honors College Outstanding Student Award, 1999

·  The National Dean’s List, 1997-1998

Broward Community College, Hollywood, Florida

Associate of Arts, High Honors, December 1997

Honors and Awards

·  Who’s Who Among Students in American Junior Colleges, 1997-1998


July 2015-present

Nova Southeastern University, Shepard Broad College of Law, Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Associate Professor of Law

·  Present courses: Legal Research & Writing I & II, Criminal Law, UCC Negotiable Instruments, and Mediation Workshop. Also teach several courses in the Online Master of Science in Health Law and Employment Law programs.

June 2011- June 30, 2015

Nova Southeastern University, Shepard Broad College of Law, Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Assistant Professor of Law

·  Courses: Lawyering Skills & Values I & II, Criminal Law, and Mediation Workshop. Also teach several courses in the Online Master of Science in Health Law and Employment Law programs. Taught a Criminal Law mini-course in Rome, Italy at Roma Tre University under the NSU Law and Roma Tre Dual Law Degree programs in May 2012.

Other Courses Taught at the Shepard Broad College of Law

·  American and Caribbean Law Workshop.

·  Individual Research Project Seminar.

·  Overview of Federal Employment Law, Statutes and Regulations.

·  Law of Patients' Rights and Advocacy.

·  Regulatory Compliance in the Health Care Industry.

Shepard Broad College of Law Service/Activities

·  Co-Faculty Advisor, Moot Court Society, 2010 to present.

·  Faculty Advisor, Puerto Rican Bar Association Moot Court Competition Team, 2014.

·  Co-Coach, Elon University School of Law Billings, Exum & Frye National Moot Court Competition Team, 2011 to present.

·  Co-Coach, John Marshall Law School International Moot Court Competition in Information Technology and Privacy Law Team, 2013.

·  Co-Coach, Thomas Tang National Moot Court Competition Team, 2007-2010.

·  Co-Coach, New York City Bar National Moot Court Competition Team, 2014.

·  Member, Admissions (2011), Governance (2012) and Student Affairs Committees (2013-14).

·  Member, Curriculum Committee, Master of Science in Health Law Program.

·  Organized the Caribbean Law Clinic (CLC) hosted by the Law Center in fall 2007 (approximately 35 students and 10 faculty members from 6 law schools in Florida and the Caribbean attended), and traveled to the Bahamas with 16 students to participate in the CLC hosted by the Eugene Dupuch Law School in winter 2009.

·  Participated in Minority Law Day, 2006 to 2008.

·  Participated in the Mock Marathon Interviews hosted by the Career Development Office.

·  Participated in the Student Bar Association’s Friends and Family Day.

·  Assisted with the Planning of the Public Health Law Summit held in September 2013 at NSU’s Oceanographic Center —sponsored by the Shepard Broad Law Center and NSU’s Health Professions Division, partnering with the Broward Sheriffs’ Office and Judge Ginger Lerner-Wren.

·  Served as a judge in the Leaders In Law Judging Committee, Lifestyle Media Group, Leaders in Law Awards, 2014.

·  Designed, developed and created a Writing Resource Center website for the Law Center’s Lawyering Skills and Values Program.

·  Shepard Broad Law Center’s Faculty liaison for the American Inns of Court, The Stephen R. Booher American Inn of Court, Broward County, Florida, 2013 to present.

June 2005 – June 2011

Nova Southeastern University, Shepard Broad Law Center, Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Critical Skills Instructor, Critical Skills Program, Adjunct Professor, M.S. in Health & Employment Law Programs.

·  Courses taught: Elements of Legal Analysis I & II (ELA I & ELA II) (second year skills courses); select topics in Criminal Law, Evidence, and Constitutional Law for the Advanced Legal Analysis Lab (ALA) course (pre-bar preparation course).

·  Conduct significant research in academic support with emphasis in the areas of bar exam preparation, critical reading, critical thinking, and critical writing for law students, and how to motivate law students in the classroom.

·  Co-designed the curriculum for the ELA I & II courses.

·  Assisted with designing and creating the ALA Lab & Workshop course curricula.

·  Designed the Florida Bar Auxiliary Program (FBAP)-bar exam preparation coaching program) and submitted the initial proposal to establish the FBAP in fall 2006.

·  Served as the coordinator and a coach in the FBAP program since winter 2007 to winter fall 2010.

·  Served as the Editor of the three (3) Newsletters published each semester by the Critical Skills Program from fall 2005 to fall 2006.

·  Manage the administrative duties and serve as the coordinator of the ELA I & II courses.

·  Manage the administrative duties of the ALA courses, and FBAP program.

·  Coordinate statistical analysis for the Law Center’s ABA Annual Report, the ASLO Report, ELA I, ELA II, and ALA courses.

·  Assisted with curriculum design for the Post Graduate Certificate in Florida Law Program.

·  Travel to Tampa twice annually to assist with NSU Bar luncheons for NSU Law students taking the Florida Bar Exam, 2007-2010.

June 2009 – July 2013

BarBri Bar Review, Bar/Bri of Florida, Tallahassee, Florida


·  Taught essay writing workshops to students preparing for the Florida Bar Examination.

·  Coordinate, plan and prepare essay writing workshops with other Bar/Bri lecturers.

September 2003 - May 2005

Ruden, McCloskv, Smith, Schuster, & Russell, P.A., Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Litigation Associate Attorney

·  Practiced in labor, employment, landlord-tenant, commercial contracts, and construction litigation.

·  Conducted extensive research and writing in these practice areas. Also, researched many issues in Maritime and Admiralty Law, Florida and Federal Evidence and Constitutional Law.

·  Drafted and prepared pleadings, litigation and discovery documents, briefs, reply briefs, motions to dismiss, motions for summary judgment, jury instructions, and memoranda of law.

·  Assisted with preparation for bench trials, jury trials, federal arbitrations and mediation conferences.

·  Conducted and defended depositions.

·  Conducted client interviews, and expert witness interviews.

·  Attended Motion Calendar Court hearings including hearings on discovery disputes, motions to dismiss, and motions to compel arbitration.

·  Attended several mediation conferences.

·  Worked significant amount of hours on several pro bono cases.

January 2003 - April 2003

Broad and Cassel, Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Law Clerk, NSU Shepard Broad Law Center Business Clinic

·  Law Clerk in the litigation division as part of the NSU Law Center’s Business Clinic.

·  Conducted research and drafted memoranda of law addressing issues under the Family and Medical Leave Act and Fair Labor Standards Act.

·  Conducted research and writing on issues regarding securities regulations and securities fraud.

September 2002 - October 2002

Berger Singerman, P.A., Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Pro Bono Law Clerk

·  Conducted research on several issues of significant public importance regarding the case styled NAACP, Inc. v. Florida Board of Regents.

·  Assisted with research and also reviewing and editing an appellate brief for said matter.

January 2002 - May 2003

NSU Shepard Broad Law Center, Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Research Assistant

·  Conducted research on criminal appellate practice, and the extraordinary writs of mandamus and prohibition for Professor Steven Wisotsky.

·  Assisted with reviewing and editing Professional Judgment on Appeal, 2002 by Professor Steven Wisotsky.

May 2002 - August 2002

NSU Shepard Broad Law Center, Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Editor in Chief, NSU International Citator and Research Guide

·  Under the direction and leadership of Professors James D. Wilets and Jane E. Cross, supervised and directed a staff of approximately 20 law students.

·  Responsibilities included significant researching, reviewing, and editing submissions for approval for publication.

May 2001 - March 2002

Office of the Attorney General, State of Florida, Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Law Clerk

·  Clerked in the Children's Legal Services Division.

·  Responsibilities included legal research in parental neglect, child abuse, abandonment and termination of parental rights issues.

·  Assisted with preparation for trials for dependency and termination of parental rights cases, assisted with discovery and drafting motions.

January 2002 - April 2002

NSU Shepard Broad Law Center, Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Teaching Assistant, Academic Resource Program (ARP)

·  Served as the ARP Teaching Assistant for Professor William E. Adams, Jr., for Constitutional Law I.

August 2001 - November 2001

NSU Shepard Broad Law Center, Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Teaching Assistant, Academic Resource Program

·  Served as the ARP Teaching Assistant for Professor Florence Shu-Acquaye for Contracts.

January 2000 - July 2000

Office of the President and Provost, Florida International University, Miami, Florida

Research Assistant

·  Assisted with conducting and coordinating research for the Office of the President.

·  Assisted with research that was utilized in the efforts to establish the Florida International University School of Law.

September 1994 - December 1994

Ministry of Education, Georgetown, Guyana, South America

High School Teacher

·  Taught classes in Agricultural Sciences in preparation for the Caribbean Examination Council exam (CXC).


·  The Threat Lives on: How to Exclude Expectant Mothers from Prosecution for Mere Exposure of HIV to Their Fetuses and Infants, 63 Clev. St. L. Rev. 429 (2015).

·  Book chapter titled: Revealing the Truth Behind Law School Admissionsfor the forthcoming (fall 2015) Society of American Law Teachers (SALT) Consumer Guide.


·  Presenter, South Florida Developing Ideas Workshop on: HIV Is Not A Crime: Global Criminalization of HIV Transmission is Bad Policy, June 9, 2015, St. Thomas University School of Law, Miami, Florida.

·  Presenter, Society of American Law Teachers’ (SALT) B.A. to J.D. Pipeline Program, New York Law School, April 18, 2015.

·  Panelist/Presenter, Society of American Law Teachers (SALT) Biennial Teaching Conference, on Integrating Skills in the First Year Curriculum: Risks, Rewards, and Outcomes, October 10, 2014, William S. Boyd School of Law, Las Vegas, Nevada.

·  Panelist/Presenter, “Keep Calm and Carry On.” Time Management Panel Presentation, Shepard Broad Law Center’s Lawyering Skills & Values program, September 18, 2014 at the Shepard Broad Law Center, Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

·  Presenter, Southeastern Association of Law Schools (SEALS), 2014 Annual Conference, New Scholars Colloquia on: The Threat Lives On: Why Expectant Mothers May still be Prosecuted for Mere Exposure of HIV to Their Fetuses and Infants, Amelia Island, Florida, August 5, 2014.

·  Presenter, South Florida Developing Ideas Workshop on reforming Florida’s Stand Your Ground Law, June 3, 2014, St. Thomas University School of Law, Miami, Florida.

·  Panelist/Presenter, “Write Right,” on “Email Etiquette” sponsored by Career Café with the Shepard Broad Law Center’s Career Development Office and Lawyering Skills & Values program, March 11, 2014 at the Shepard Broad Law Center, Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

·  Presenter, Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching, Evidenced Based teaching & Learning, on “Writing Professional Emails for Today’s Employers,” in Bethesda, Maryland, May 31, 2013.

·  Panelist/Presenter, “Write Right,” on “Email Etiquette” sponsored by Career Café with the Shepard Broad Law Center’s Career Development Office and Lawyering Skills & Values program, March 21, 2013 at the Shepard Broad Law Center, Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

·  Panelist/Presenter, Society of American Law Teachers’ (SALT) BA-to-JD Pipeline Program, Opening Doors to the Legal Profession by Strengthening the Diversity Pipeline, March 15, 2013, Santa Clara University Law School, Santa Clara, CA.

·  Panelist/presenter, Legal Writing Institute (LWI), One-Day Workshop, on “Writing Professional Emails for Today’s Employers,” held at Nova Southeastern University, Shepard Broad Law Center, December 7, 2012.

·  Presenter, full-day workshop on “Introduction to the U.S. Legal System and Legal Writing for Foreign Attorneys,” West Palm Beach, Florida, November 2012.

·  Co-Presenter, Cruel and unusual punishment. [Topics: Eight Amendment vs. Principle of proportionality. Global threats and lawful reactions], held at Roma Tre University, Rome, Italy, May 16, 2012.

·  Co-Presenter, Appeals. [Topics: What can be appealed? Appeals on merits, on procedure, on application of substantive law], held at Roma Tre University, Rome, Italy, May 15, 2012.

·  Co-Presenter, The right to a speedy and public trial. The right to assistance of counsel. Trial by jury. [Topics: Sixth Amendment vs. Article 6 of the ECHR. Trial by media], held at Roma Tre University, Rome, Italy, May 14, 2012.

·  Co-Presenter, The privilege against self-incrimination. [Topics: Self-incrimination vs. Nemo tenetur se detegere. Modern declinations: One’s body as evidence. Administrative inquests], held at Roma Tre University, Rome, Italy, May 11, 2012.

·  Co-Presenter, Unreasonable search and seizure. [Topics: What is “search”? What is “seizure”? Fourth Amendment vs. Article 8 of the ECHR], held at Roma Tre University, Rome, Italy, May 9, 2012.

·  Co-Presenter, From procedural guarantees to substantive rights/From substantive rights to procedural guarantees: A trans-Atlantic comparison in criminal law, held at Roma Tre University, Rome, Italy, May 7, 2012.

·  Panelist, “Homophobia in the Caribbean,” A Symposium Exploring Homophobia in the Caribbean presented by theInter-AmericanCenterfor Human Rights held at Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, April 8-10, 2010.