Mr. Fassl
Mr. Krey
Course Description: This introductory course will help you plan your future business electives at MG. This course will expose you to career opportunities in the business world. You will learn how the stock market operates, and how to run your own business. Topics include economics, current events, banking, marketing, accounting and other business activities.
Tentative Course Outline:2013-2014
I. Business (3 weeks) #
- Scarcity
- Economic systems
- Supply and Demand
Business simulations
Entre Connection: Setting Goals
II. Start your own Business (2 weeks)
Business Model Canvass
Forms of ownership
- Adv’s, Disadvantages of each
- Franchising
Entre Connection: Evaluate your idea
III. Personal Finance (2 weeks)
Checking Accts.
Create your own Debit Card
Entre Connection: Planning and Budgeting for your business
IV. Business Communication (2 weeks)
- Business Letters
- Telephone etiquette
- E-mail / Mobile
- International Business Cultures
- Group Presentations!
Entre Connection: Recruit Investors (quick pitch)
V. Investments (3 weeks)
Mutual Funds
Stock Market Simulation
Entre Connection: Cost of Borrowing, getting a loan, ROI)
VI. Accounting (2 weeks)
Recording Transactions
Entre Connection:Prepare Income Statement
VII. Marketing (3 weeks)
4 p’s of Marketing
Product Development
Marketing Project
Entre Connection: Promoting your business
Classroom Expectations:
- All students are expected to be in class and on time daily. You get ONE freebie. You are responsible for any material missed during your tardiness. After 1 tardy you are to make up the time with me. Any additional tardiness will result in 1 hour of after school detention.
- Come to class prepared with a PEN and PENCIL, notebook and binder.
- No food or beverages, unless you bring enough for everyone. Water in a clear bottle is OK.
- Respect for others and good listening skills are greatly appreciated. We will have many interesting discussions, so your cooperation in this matter is very important.
- Respect the school computers and property. (If it’s not yours don’t touch it.)
Class Attendance will follow school policy. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to make up any necessary arrangements for make-up work for excused absences. If you are absent on a TEST DAY and were here for the test material, you will make up the test ON THE DAY YOU RETURN TO CLASS. Remember, grades and attendance have a direct correlation.
IN-CLASS ASSIGNMENTS: if we work on them in class, they are due at the time assigned, no exceptions. If you don’t do it, you will not be allowed to turn it in late. (If you are absent, you have 2 days to complete the assignment for FULL credit)
HOMEWORK: Homework is due at the beginning of class for FULL credit. It will be graded by “effort”; did you try.
If we go through the answers together as a class, there will be no opportunity (NO LATE) to complete the assignment late. (If you are absent the day it was assigned, you have 2 days to complete the assignment for FULL credit)
If I collect the assignment to “grade” for completion based upon measuring your knowledge. I will accept it LATE (50%) the next school day. Once I return the assignments and we discuss them, you will not be allowed to turn it in for credit.
K+S Policy
If you complete a project (to your best ability) ON TIME, and you get a low score that you are unhappy with. See your teacher, we’ll discuss what you could’ve done better and how to improve your grade. You will be allowed to “REDO” your assignment for ½ of the points back.
If you complete your project LATE, you will not be allowed to “REDO” it for additional points. 1-10 days = max 90%, after 10 days= max 59%. You can complete K+S assignments up until 1 week before the end of the semester.
If you have a LOW test or quiz score, See your teacher Show him (within 2 class periods) that you had “studied/prepared” yourself for the test/quiz. He will go through your answers and allow you to “retake” the test/quiz either verbally or actually re-doing the test for additional points.
Unit Learning Objectives and Standards Business
Unit Learning Objective: Students will demonstrate and apply their understanding of basic economic concepts as they relate to business operations.
Pre-assessment:Pre-Test Unit One Exploring business, economic systems
Aligned Standards:
NBEA Economics I. Allocation of Resources:Assess opportunity costs and trade-offs involved in making choices about how to use scarce economic resources.
NBEAEconomcis II. Economic Systems:Explain why societies develop economic systems, identify the basic features of different economic systems, and analyze the major features of the U.S. economic system.
NBEA Economics V. Market StructuresAnalyze the different types of market structures and the effect they have on the price and the quality of the goods and services produced.
NBEA Economics VI. Productivity:Explain the importance of productivity and analyze how specialization, division of labor, investment in physical and human capital, and technological change affect productivity and global trade.
NBEA Economics VII. The Role Of Government:Analyze the role of government in economic systems, especially the role of government in the U.S. economy.
NBEA Economics IX. Aggregate Supply and Aggregate Demand:Analyze how the U.S. economy functions as a whole and describe selected macroeconomic measures of economic activity.
NBEA Entrepreneurship I. Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurial Opportunities: Recognize that entrepreneurs possess unique characteristics and evaluate the degree to which one possesses those characteristics.
NBEA Entrepreneurship III. Economic:Apply economic concepts when making decisions for an entrepreneurial venture.
Reading: MI20-23 Infer the main idea or purpose of straightforward paragraphs in uncomplicated literary narratives
Writing: EJ11-12 Show understanding of the complexity of the issue in the prompt byexamining different perspectives, evaluating implications or complications of the issue
Science ID20-23 Compare or combine data from a simple data presentation (e.g., order or sum data from a table)
II.Start your own Business
Unit Learning Objective: Students will be able to identify and evaluate forms of business ownership and distribution channels that would be appropriate for their business venture.
Aligned Standards:
- NBEA Entrepreneurship VIII. Legal:Analyze how forms of business ownership, government regulations, and business ethics affect entrepreneurial ventures.
- NBEA Business Law: IV. Business OrganizationsDescribe the major types of business organizations, including sole proprietorships, partnerships, corporations, and limited liability companies, operating within the socioeconomic arena of the national and international marketplace.
- NBEA Entrepreneurship: III. Economics: Apply economic concepts when making decisions for an entrepreneurial venture.
- NBA Management: IX. Industry Analysis:Analyze a business organization's competitive position within the industry.
- R.MI.24 Identify a clear main idea or purpose of any paragraph or paragraphs in uncomplicated passages
- W.DP.7 Develop ideas by using some specific reasons, details, and examples. Show some movement between general and specific ideas and examples
- S.ID.24 Compare or combine data from two or more simple data presentations
III.Personal Finance
Unit Learning Objective: Students will be able to understand the value, features, and planning processes associated with savings and budget plans.
Pre-assessment:Bonazai – Financial Literacy Pretest
Aligned Standards:
- NBEA Personal Finance III. Managing Finances and Budgeting:Develop and evaluate a spending/savings plan.
- NBEA Personal Finance IV. Saving and Investing:Evaluate savings and investment options to meet short- and long-term goals.
- NBEA Personal Finance VI. Banking and Financial Institutions:Evaluate services provided by financial deposit institutions to transfer funds.
- NBEA Personal Finance VIII. Protecting Against Risk:Analyze choices available to consumers for protection against risk and financial loss.
- M.N.20 Exhibit knowledge of elementary number concepts including rounding, the ordering of decimals, pattern identification, absolute value, primes, and greatest common factor
- M.B.28 Solve word problems containing several rates, proportions, or percentages
IV.Business Communication
Unit Learning Objective:Identify and apply basic global communication skills in a business environment
Pre-assessment:Learning Business cultures in the US and around the world pretest assessment
Aligned Standards:
- NBEA Communication: I. Foundations of Communication:Communicate in a clear, complete, concise, correct, and courteous manner on personal and professional levels.
- NBEA Communication: II. Societal Communication:Apply basic social communication skills in personal and professional situations.
- NBEA Communication: IV. Technological Communication:Use technology to enhance the effectiveness of communication.
- NBEAInternational businessII. The Global Business Environment:Describe the interrelatedness of the social, cultural, political, legal, and economic factors that shape and impact the global business environment.
- NBEA International business: III. International Business Communication:Apply communication strategies necessary and appropriate for effective and profitable international business relations.
- W.O.7 Provide an adequate but simple organization with logical grouping of ideas in parts of the essay but with little evidence of logical progression of ideas
- R.MI.28 Summarize events and ideas in virtually any passage
- R.SD.28 Locate and interpret minor or subtly stated details in more challenging passages
Unit Learning Objective:Students willDevelop and evaluate a spending/savings plan while evaluating savings and investment options to meet short- and long-term goals.
Pre-assessment:Life map investment goals and objectives
Aligned Standards:
- NBEA Personal Finance III. Managing Finances and Budgeting:Develop and evaluate a spending/savings plan.
- NBEA Personal Finance IV. Saving and Investing:Evaluate savings and investment options to meet short- and long-term goals.
- W. D.12.1.3 Identify and assess various means of building wealth.
- D.12.2.2 Create a model for comparing savings and investment results using a graphing or internet calculator.
- D.12.2.3 Differentiate between various investment products.
- G.12.1.1 Analyze risk vs. benefit in various financial situations.
- B.12.2.2 Describe and calculate interest and fees applied to various forms of spending, debt, and saving.
- M.B.24 Solve multistep arithmetic problems that involve planning or converting units of measure
- M.P. 24Compute straightforward probabilities for common situations
- M.P.28 Interpret and use information from figures, tables, and graphs
Unit Learning Objective: students will be able to understand, interpret, and use accounting information to to record financial transactions
Pre-assessment: Accounting Pre-test
Aligned Standards:
- NBEA Accounting I. The Accounting Profession: Understand the role that accountants play in business and society.Describe career opportunities in the accounting profession.Demonstrate the skills and competencies required to be successful in the accounting profession and/or in an accounting-related career.
- NBEA Accounting II. Financial Reports:Develop an understanding and working knowledge of an annual report and financial statements.
- NBEA Accounting III. Financial Analysis:Assess the financial condition and operating results of a company and analyze and interpret financial statements and information to make informed business decisions.
- NBEA AccountingIV. Accounting Applications:Identify and describe generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), explain how the application of GAAP impacts the recording of financial transactions, and the preparation of financial statements.
- NBEA Accounting V. Accounting Process:Complete the steps in the accounting cycle in order to prepare the financial statements.
- M.B.28-Solve word problems containing several rates, proportions, or percentages
- M.N.33 - Draw conclusions based on a set of conditions
- E.T.28Understand implied or subtly stated cause-effect relationships in more challenging passages
Unit Learning Objective: Students will describe processes and functions involved in providing products that meet consumer’s wants and needs.
Pre-assessment:Marketing Quiz
Aligned Standards:
- NBEA Marketing I. Foundations of Marketing:Recognize the customer-oriented nature of marketing and analyze the impact of marketing activities on the individual, business, and society.
- NBEA MarketingII. Consumers and Their Behavior
Achievement Standard:Analyze the characteristics, motivations, and behaviors of consumers. - NBEA MarketingIV. The Marketing Mix
Achievement Standard:Analyze the elements of the marketing mix, their interrelationships, and how they are used in the marketing process.
- W.D.9 Develop most ideas fully, using some specific and relevant reasons, details, and examples
- R.MI.28 Summarize events and ideas in virtually any passage