IUCN WCPA YP Group, Strategic Plan, 2013-2016
[Draft Feb 17, Feb 26, work in progress]
Our Mission is to foster intergenerational partnerships between established and emerging young Protected Area (PA) leaders and professionals to contribute in meaningful ways to the work of WCPA and broader IUCN programme areas [ ‘Valuing and conserving biodiversity, governing nature’s use and sharing its benefits equitably, and deploying nature-based solutions to global challenges’].
Our Goal for 2013 – 2016 is to increase proactive and meaningful participation of emerging young PA leaders and professionals in the priority areas of WCPA, ‘Conserving Nature, Developing Capacity, Achieving Quality, Respecting People, Offering Solutions.’
Our Objectives:
1Increase membership of Young Professionals (YPs) and conservation leaders in the WCPA with greater diversity of membership across regions, indigenous and local communities, and expertise;
2Increase and improve involvement of young members on the Task Forces, Specialist Groups, Projects, Programs, etc. of the WCPA, in collaboration with established Commission Chair, Vice-Chair, leaders and members;
3Contribute towards professional and capacity development for young WCPA members;
4Ensure YPs are active participants and voices heard at global conservation and protected area events;
5Raise awareness of WCPA-IUCN and promote the work of YPs amongyouth-oriented environmental/conservation organizations, networks, universities, and initiatives.
6Greater recognition and implementation of Intergenerational Partnership for Sustainability as an important partnership strategy within the IUCN.
Objectives / Strategy / Actions/Activities1. Increase membership of Young Professionals (YPs) and conservation leaders in the WCPA with greater diversity of membership across regions, indigenous and local communities, and expertise / ●Improve and diversify membership of Young Professionals (YPs) in WCPA.
●Constitute a functional and vibrant WCPA YP Group with active membership. / ●Recruit YP membership based on: (a) regional representation, (b) country representation, (c) indigenous or local community affiliation.
●Recruit YP membership based on areas of expertise (in following with WCPA thematic/specialist groups)
●Approach chairs of other SGs and ask them to encourage participation in the YP of eligible members within their SGs.
●Appoint focal persons according to: (a) country, (b) region, (c) themes, and (d) expertise
●Maintain a database and profiles of YP membership
●Hold regular Skype chat meetings
●Prepare Strategic Plan
●Update YP Group’s Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives (in alignment with WCPA Goals, GPAP and IUCN Programme 2013-2016)
2. Increased and improved involvement of YP members on the Task Forces, Specialist Groups, Projects, Programs, etc. of the WCPA, in collaboration with established Commission Chairs and Vice-Chairs, leaders and members; / ●Promote the group’s skill sets within WCPA, IUCN broadly, and beyond (conservation organizations, academic institutions, PA relevant institutions)
●Engaging and linking YPs in task forces, specialist groups, themes, projects of WCPA/GPAP, IUCN Secretariat and WCPA members. / ●Creation of Working Groups (following WCPA thematic areas)
●Appointment of focal person(s) for Working Groups
●Link focal person(s) with Chairs or Vice-Chairs of the Task Forces, Specialist Groups, Projects, Programs, etc. of the Commission
●Promote participation and contributions by YP members on WCPA projects, programs or publications (where expertise or interests are overlapping)
3. Contribution to professional and capacity development for young WCPA members; / ●Facilitate capacity-building and training sessions for YP members
●Encourage co-learning opportunities between YP members of different skill-sets and between YP-senior members / ●Assess membership forms, identify respective interests and expertise of members
●Partner YP focal person with WCPA Vice-Chairs to facilitate partnerships between YP members and WCPA members of similar interests
●Partner for Young Conservationist Award (WCPA-IRF-GWS)
●Workshops and training sessions for YP members (WHS, KBAs, GreenList, etc.)
●Assist with E-book and online course development (pilot with YP)
●Encourage YP members to share new methodologies or approaches to PAs with fellow YP and WCPA members
4. Ensure YPs are active participants and voices heard at global conservation and protected area events; / ●Highlight and promote works of YPs in relation to PAs worldwide.
●Coordinate YP presence at key international and regional conferences, meetings, workshops relevant to PAs and conservaiton / ●Establish a Strategic Events Working Group
●Identify a focal person for the Working Group
●Engage in the WILD 10 Symposium (YP Mountain Trails at Wild 10, WCPA-YP Side Event)
●Engage in the WIN Conference
●Engage in the IUCN AEL Colloquium (annual event)
●Planning and preparation for WPC 2014 (Youth Stream at WPC 2014)
●Planning and preparation for WCC 2016
●Coordinate YP meetings and events at other international fora
●Report on YP activities in international fora in WCPA Newsletter/YP Newsletter
●Identify resources to support YP participation at events
●Collaborate on funding proposals to support YP participation in meetings
5. Raise awareness of WCPA-IUCN and promote the work of YPs among youth-oriented environmental/conservation organizations, networks, universities, and initiatives. / ●Establish and build a web presence
●Promote YP publications or contributions to WCPA publications
●Empower YP members to represent WCPA-YP within their own work, networks, institutions, etc.
●Forge collaborations with environmental/conservation organizations, networks, universities and initiatives / ●Establish a Communications and Publications Working Group
●Identify a focal person for the Working Group
●Establish and maintain communication mechanisms for the group and broader networking (Google Group, Facebook page, Linkedin)
●Connect with WILD Coalition, IUCN AEL Graduate Student Network, South African Environmental Observation Network’s Graduate Student Network, International Ranger Federation, The Thin Green Line, etc. (in partnership with senior WCPA members)
●Update and maintain WCPA YP section in WCPA webpage, IPS wikispace
●Develop YP Publications:
P1 WCPA-YP Newsletter [half yearly]
P2 PARKS Article(s)
P3 Articles about Youth, young professionals and PAs
P4 Circulate publications by YP members
P5 Produce Flyer/information about WCPA YP Group (to be circulated online or via YP members at Strategic Events, etc.)
6. Greater recognition and implementation of Intergenerational Partnership for Sustainability as an important partnership strategy within the IUCN. / ●Strengthen collaboration with IPS Task Force of IUCN / ●Develop an IPS Task Force Working Group
●Appoint an IPS Task Force focal person
●Develop and implement WCPA-Specific IPS Action Plan
●Collaborate across Commissions to share YP and IPS experience
●Participate in IPS Task Force Skype meetings, programmes and projects
IUCN WCPA Steering Committee Meeting 2013 – Young Professionals Groups Strategic Plan1