Real Life
Area of Foreign Languages
Real Life Elementary Teaching Programme
BLOCK 1 – Listening, speaking and conversation
-Ask and answer basic questions to exchange personal information about themselves and others.
-Ask for information
-Ask for time
-Tell the time
-Say the phone numbers
-Understand exercise instructions.
-Talk about their partner
-Greet people
-Ask and talk about their family
BLOCK 2 - Reading and Writing
-Understand basic information in which people present themselves
-Understand introductions
-Understand personal emails
-Understand descriptions about teenagers’ life
-Write an e-mail to a friend
BLOCK 3 – Knowledge of the language
-Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.
-Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit.
-Use of basic spelling and punctuation rules and recognizing their importance.
-Recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.
-Get started on strategies to review and reflect on their own learning and self-evaluation.
BLOCK 4 – Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness
-Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.
-Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language tan their own.
-Show a receptive attitude towards others’ life and people from another countries
-Verb To Be
-Possessive adjectives
-Subject pronouns
-This, that
-These , those
Lexical sets
-School equipment
-The time
-Identify and produce English sounds
Reflection on learning
-Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English Language.
-Organize personal work as a strategy to progress in learning.
-Interest in taking the opportunities for learning created inside and outside of the classroom.
-Active participation in group activities.
-Reflect on strategies to use to improve their oral and written comprehension skills.
-Communication in the mother tongue and in foreign languages: present simple be; there is, there are; a lot of. Interchanging personal information and information about things important to the speaker.Understand personal information including family relationships, nationality, place of work, daily routine, free time activities and possessions, food and common objects.Recognizing and using the present simple and the present continuous, adverbs and expressions
-Mathematical competence: Mathematical competence is the ability to develop and apply mathematical thinking in order to solve a range of problems in everyday situations, with the emphasis being placed on process, activity and knowledge.
-Digital competence involves the confident and critical use of information society technology (IST) and thus basic skills in information and communication technology (ICT);
-Learning to learn is related to learning, the ability to pursue and organize one's own learning, either individually or in groups, in accordance with one's own needs, and awareness of methods and opportunities; to have an active participation in the activities developed in the classroom. To listen to the rest of the classmates and have a positive attitude towards them.
-Social and civic competences. Social competence refers to personal, interpersonal and intercultural competence and all forms of behaviour that equip individuals to participate in an effective and constructive way in social and working life. It is linked to personal and social well-being. An understanding of codes of conduct and customs in the different environments in which individuals operate is essential. Civic competence, and particularly knowledge of social and political concepts and structures (democracy, justice, equality, citizenship and civil rights) equips individuals to engage in active and democratic participation;
-Knowledge and connection with the world and environment It is the foundation for acquiring more specific skills and knowledge needed to interact with the world around. This should include awareness of ethical values and promote good governance.
-Cultural awareness and expression which involves appreciation of the importance of the creative expression of ideas, experiences and emotions in a range of media (music, performing arts, literature, and the visual arts).
-Being autonomous:is the ability to turn ideas into action. It involves creativity, innovation and risk-taking, as well as the ability to plan and manage projects in order to achieve objectives. To have a positive attitude towards the English Language. To improve the four skills studied. To listen to the teacher’s explanations with respect and interest.
Extra-practice and extension activities
Workbook (pages 2-5).
Student’s book.Activestudy 1 page 22
Evaluation Criteria
BLOCK 1 – Listening, speaking and conversation
-To ask and answer basic questions to exchange personal information about themselves and others.
-To listen to phone numbers
-To ask for information
-To ask the time
BLOCK 2 – Reading and writing
-To understand basic information about texts where other people introduce themselves.
-To understand basic information in which people present themselves including the relationships between the people and their interests and daily routine.
-To read and write e-mails to friends
BLOCK 3 – Knowledge of the language
-To find the vocabulary in a photograph
-To put words in the correct groups
-To write descriptions
-To ask and answer questions in present simple with the verb To Be.
-To order words to make sentences which include possessive adjectives and subject pronouns
-To write sentences
-To ask questions
-Appreciate the capacity to apply the acquired knowledge to use the sounds and rhythms and intonation.
Reflect on learning
-To evaluate if they are using basic strategies to favour their learning progress.
BLOCK 4 – Socio-cultural aspects and cultural awareness
-To show interest and curiosity for learning a foreign language and to recognize the linguistic diversity as an opportunity to enrich their lives.
-To identify cultural and geographical characteristics of English speaking countries.
BLOCK 1 – Listening, speaking and conversation
-Ask and answer basic questions to exchange personal information about themselves and others.
-Ask for information
-Understand exercise instructions
-Ask and answer questions about their bedroom
-Tell the class about their partner
-Listen to someone talking about the family
-Talk about the family
-Listen to descriptions
-Talk about someone’s desk
-Listen to a conversation
BLOCK 2 - Reading and Writing
-Understand basic information in which people present themselves
-Understand introductions
-Understand personal emails
-Understand descriptions of their family
-Understand texts about friends
-Write a description about their partner’s bag
BLOCK 3 – Knowledge of the language
-Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.
-Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit.
-Use of basic spelling and punctuation rules and recognizing their importance.
-Recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.
-Get started on strategies to review and reflect on their own learning and self-evaluation.
BLOCK 4 – Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness
-Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.
-Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language tan their own.
-Show a receptive attitude towards others’ life and people from another countries
-Verb have got
-Possessive ‘s
-There is/There are
-Possessive pronouns
Lexical sets
-Describing people
-Identify and produce English sounds
Reflection on learning
-Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English Language.
-Organize personal work as a strategy to progress in learning.
-Interest in taking the opportunities for learning created inside and outside of the classroom.
-Active participation in group activities.
-Reflect on strategies to use to improve their oral and written comprehension skills.
-Communication in the mother tongue and in foreign languages: Interchanging personal information and information about things important to the speaker.Understand personal information including family relationships, nationality, place of work, daily routine, free time activities and possessions, food and common objects.Recognizing and using the Verb have got, Possessive ‘s, There is/There are, Possessive pronouns
-Mathematical competence: Mathematical competence is the ability to develop and apply mathematical thinking in order to solve a range of problems in everyday situations, with the emphasis being placed on process, activity and knowledge.
-Digital competence involves the confident and critical use of information society technology (IST) and thus basic skills in information and communication technology (ICT);
-Learning to learn is related to learning, the ability to pursue and organize one's own learning, either individually or in groups, in accordance with one's own needs, and awareness of methods and opportunities; to have an active participation in the activities developed in the classroom. To listen to the rest of the classmates and have a positive attitude towards them.
-Social and civic competences. Social competence refers to personal, interpersonal and intercultural competence and all forms of behaviour that equip individuals to participate in an effective and constructive way in social and working life. It is linked to personal and social well-being. An understanding of codes of conduct and customs in the different environments in which individuals operate is essential. Civic competence, and particularly knowledge of social and political concepts and structures (democracy, justice, equality, citizenship and civil rights) equips individuals to engage in active and democratic participation;
-Knowledge and connection with the world and environment It is the foundation for acquiring more specific skills and knowledge needed to interact with the world around. This should include awareness of ethical values and promote good governance.
-Cultural awareness and expression which involves appreciation of the importance of the creative expression of ideas, experiences and emotions in a range of media (music, performing arts, literature, and the visual arts).
-Being autonomous:is the ability to turn ideas into action. It involves creativity, innovation and risk-taking, as well as the ability to plan and manage projects in order to achieve objectives. To have a positive attitude towards the English Language. To improve the four skills studied. To listen to the teacher’s explanations with respect and interest.
Extra-practice and extension activities
Workbook (pages 6-13).
Student’s book.Activestudy 1 page 22
Student’s book.Miniworkbook. (pages 104-105).
Evaluation Criteria
BLOCK 1 – Listening, speaking and conversation
-To ask and answer basic questions to exchange personal information about themselves and others.
-To ask for information
-To understand exercise instructions
-To ask and answer questions about their bedroom
-To tell the class about their partner
-To listen to someone talking about the family
-To talk about the family
-To listen to descriptions
-To talk about someone’s desk
-To listen to a conversation
BLOCK 2 – Reading and writing
-To understand basic information about texts where other people introduce themselves.
-To understand basic information in which people present themselves including the relationships between the people and their interests and daily routine.
-To read and write e-mails to friends
-To understand personal emails
-To understand descriptions of their family
-To understand texts about friends
-To write a description about their partner’s bag
BLOCK 3 – Knowledge of the language
-To find the vocabulary in a photograph
-To put words in the correct groups
-To write descriptions
-To ask and answer questions in present simple with the verb To Have.
-To order words to make sentences which include possessive pronouns and there is/are.
-To write sentences
-To ask questions
-Appreciate the capacity to apply the acquired knowledge to use the sounds and rhythms and intonation.
Reflect on learning
-To evaluate if they are using basic strategies to favour their learning progress.
BLOCK 4 – Socio-cultural aspects and cultural awareness
-To show interest and curiosity for learning a foreign language and to recognize the linguistic diversity as an opportunity to enrich their lives.
-To identify cultural and geographical characteristics of English speaking countries.
BLOCK 1 – Listening, speaking and conversation
-Ask and answer basic questions about school
-Listen to a talk about school subjects
-Speak about subjects
-Tell people about their day
-Talk about daily routines
-Listen to dialogues
-Listen to people talking about free time
-Talk about free time
BLOCK 2 - Reading and Writing
-Understand basic information in which people talk about their free time
-Understand basic information about daily routines
-Understand a text about school subjects
-Understand a text about helping hands
-Understand texts about friends
-Read dialogues
-Write sentences
BLOCK 3 – Knowledge of the language
-Understand and apply grammar rules correctly.
-Identify, apply and use the vocabulary of the unit.
-Use of basic spelling and punctuation rules and recognizing their importance.
-Recognize and reproduce sounds, rhythm, accentuation, and intonation.
-Get started on strategies to review and reflect on their own learning and self-evaluation.
BLOCK 4 – Socio-cultural aspects and intercultural awareness
-Recognize and learn basic forms of social interactions in a foreign language.
-Show a receptive attitude towards those who speak a different language tan their own.
-Show a receptive attitude towards others’ life and people from another countries
-Present simple affirmative
-Time expressions
-Present simple negative
-Present simple questions
-Object pronouns
Lexical sets
-School subjects
-School routine
-Free time
-Identify and produce English sounds
-Pronunciation of /s//z//iz/.
Reflection on learning
-Interest and curiosity in widening knowledge related to the English Language.
-Organize personal work as a strategy to progress in learning.
-Interest in taking the opportunities for learning created inside and outside of the classroom.
-Active participation in group activities.
-Reflect on strategies to use to improve their oral and written comprehension skills.
-Communication in the mother tongue and in foreign languages: Interchanging personal information and information about things important to the speaker.Understand personal information including family relationships, nationality, place of work, daily routine, free time activities and possessions, food and common objects.Recognizing and using thepresent simple. To talk about routines.
-Mathematical competence: Mathematical competence is the ability to develop and apply mathematical thinking in order to solve a range of problems in everyday situations, with the emphasis being placed on process, activity and knowledge.
-Digital competence involves the confident and critical use of information society technology (IST) and thus basic skills in information and communication technology (ICT);
-Learning to learn is related to learning, the ability to pursue and organize one's own learning, either individually or in groups, in accordance with one's own needs, and awareness of methods and opportunities; to have an active participation in the activities developed in the classroom. To listen to the rest of the classmates and have a positive attitude towards them.
-Social and civic competences. Social competence refers to personal, interpersonal and intercultural competence and all forms of behaviour that equip individuals to participate in an effective and constructive way in social and working life. It is linked to personal and social well-being. An understanding of codes of conduct and customs in the different environments in which individuals operate is essential. Civic competence, and particularly knowledge of social and political concepts and structures (democracy, justice, equality, citizenship and civil rights) equips individuals to engage in active and democratic participation;
-Knowledge and connection with the world and environment It is the foundation for acquiring more specific skills and knowledge needed to interact with the world around. This should include awareness of ethical values and promote good governance.
-Cultural awareness and expression which involves appreciation of the importance of the creative expression of ideas, experiences and emotions in a range of media (music, performing arts, literature, and the visual arts).
-Being autonomous:is the ability to turn ideas into action. It involves creativity, innovation and risk-taking, as well as the ability to plan and manage projects in order to achieve objectives. To have a positive attitude towards the English Language. To improve the four skills studied. To listen to the teacher’s explanations with respect and interest.
Extra-practice and extension activities
Workbook (pages 14-19).
Student’s book.Activestudy 1 page 22
Student’s book.Miniworkbook. (pages 105-106).
Evaluation Criteria
BLOCK 1 – Listening, speaking and conversation
-To ask and answer basic questions about school
-To listen to a talk about school subjects
-To speak about subjects
-To tell people about their day
-To talk about daily routines
-To listen to dialogues
-To listen to people talking about free time
-To talk about free time
BLOCK 2 – Reading and writing
-To understand basic information in which people talk about their free time
-To understand basic information about daily routines
-To understand a text about school subjects
-To understand a text about helping hands
-To understand texts about friends
-To read dialogues
-To write sentences
BLOCK 3 – Knowledge of the language
-To find the vocabulary in a photograph
-To put words in the correct groups
-To ask and answer questions in present simple with the present simple.
-To write statements in the present simple
-To order words to make sentences which include time expressions and object pronouns
-To write sentences
-To ask questions
-Appreciate the capacity to apply the acquired knowledge to use the sounds and rhythms and intonation.