RFP 14-060 Page 11 of 11
Request for Proposal
Shawnee Mission Unified SchoolDistrict No. 512
Return sealed envelope to:
Shawnee Mission Unified Schools
Purchasing Department
Becky Collins
7235 Antioch
Shawnee Mission, Kansas 66204FAXED RFP RESPONSES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED / Date: September 12, 2014
Proposal No. 14-060
For: Future Construction Projects
Architectural-Engineering Services
Proposals will be accepted and opened on:
Date: September 30, 2014
Day: Tuesday
Time: 2:00 P.M.
Conditions under which proposals are requested are included. Please review thoroughly.
Refer Inquiries To:
Bob Robinson
Executive Manager of Capital Programs
Telephone: (913) 993-6404
Proposals are due in the SMSD Purchasing Department by no later than 2:00 p.m. September 30, 2014. Proposals received after that date and time will be returned to the offerer unopened.
There will not be a public opening of proposals.
Three (3) copies of your proposal are requested
Request for Proposal
Architectural-Engineering Services
Shawnee Mission Public Schools seeks a proposal for providing programming, schematic design, design development, construction drawings, bidding assistance, construction oversight and administration and commissioning verification for the improvements at numerous Schools.
All school functions will continue through the duration of the project. Scheduling of individual project components and the number of bidding packages are to be determined through pre-construction activities. The architectural-engineering firm shall select and contract with sub-consultants as needed to provide the full scope of services described herein. The district will not provide direction as to which sub-consultants to select.
Please provide information in your response in accordance with the items noted in the Proposal Response Requirements.
The architectural-engineering scope of services requirements for this project are listed as a part of this solicitation. In submitting your response, the school district assumes that the architect will comply with all of the noted requirements, and in accordance with state and federal laws. Any exceptions from the noted requirements in this Request should be clearly identified in your response.
The architect shall provide all services necessary to complete the project in a thorough and timely manner.
Overall Project Construction Budget
An overall construction budget will range from 250,000.00 to 18,000,000.00 This budget does not include costs associated with architectural-engineering design and oversight, and architectural-engineering reimbursable expenses, (including but not limited to geotechnical investigations, site survey, special testing and inspections, production of bidding documents and reproduction services, mailings, etc.). Site development, building development and any associated demolition of the existing building is included.
Timeline and Schedule:
· RFP Issued by District / September 12, 2014· Submission of Proposal Deadline / September 30, 2014
· District completion of proposal evaluation / October 3, 2014
Shawnee Mission Unified Schools seeks to establish a relationship with architectural/engineering firms for the purpose of design and construction administration services for the following matters. Architect/Engineer services shall include, but not be limited to the following:
1. /Preparation of project plans, specifications and bidding package(s). Note that the school district’s modified AIA Documents will be used for bidding and contractual purposes.
2. /Should there be a need, conduct an energy analysis study for major mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems equipment and/or components that will be replaced or added by the project. The analysis will provide a utility consumption comparison for existing equipment and/or components and a number of optional replacement equipment items and components. The comparison study will be used by the School District to make final decisions regarding the selection of the new or replacement equipment and/or components. The study shall include a simple payback analysis for the equipment and/or components.
3. /Facilitate and assist with procurement, by way of competitive bid (a minimum of three), and coordinate services such as site surveys, geotechnical investigations, use of on-line project and document management services, special inspections, etc.
4. /Provide leadership and coordination in the development of programming and specifications for the scope of the project. This process will include information gathering and meetings with District and building administrative staff to formulate a plan unique to the curriculum and services that will be used in this building. In addition, during the design phase, research, analyze, present and recommend secure building hardware options.
5. /Responsibility for assessing existing site conditions and user needs through meetings with school district representatives and site visits. The Architect and their consultants shall examine existing field conditions, take measurements, perform investigations, and make other field assessments as may be required to provide thorough design and construction documents. These examinations shall be documented and reviewed in detail with the School District project manager as part of the schematic design review. These efforts shall be considered essential to ensure proper coordination of demolition and renovation work, and for proper coordination between the Architect and their design consultants.
6. /Coordination of design as required with the Cities, Fire departments and, Kansas Department of Education, the State Fire Marshall, and all other required governing agencies, codes enforcement officials, and affected utility companies.
7. /Preparation of a limited number of alternate bid items as determined by the school district. Additional fee will not be negotiated, unless such alternates involve special consultants not necessarily included in the Scope of Work.
8. /Incorporate materials, products, and equipment and construction methods approved by the school district.
9. /Prepare drawings and cost estimates for the school district’s consideration during formal design/construction review processes: These processes shall include review meetings attended by the Architect and their consultants with the District’s project manager and other pertinent Operations and Maintenance or District staff. Reviews shall be conducted at the conclusion of the following drawing processes:
A. Schematic DesignB. Design Development
C. 70 – 75% construction document completion
D. 90 – 95% construction document completion
10. /
A detailed estimate of probable construction costs for the project at 90-95% completion will formulate the basis for any final changes to the bidding documents and the determination of alternate bid items.
11. /Make recommendations for project budget adjustments as may be determined through the programming and schematic design processes.
12. /Assist the school district in layout, placement, color selection, and aesthetics regarding owner provided equipment and/or furniture.
13. /All construction work will be competitively bid through the General Contractor or Construction Manager at Risk delivery system. The architect’s responsibilities during bidding include, but are not limited to, the following items:
1. Identification of qualified general contractors and subcontractors for solicitation purposes.
2. Responding to questions from contractors concerning information contained in the construction documents.
3. Issuing all clarifications and interpretations which have been requested by any contractor. This information shall be made in the form of written addenda only.
4. Coordinating the issuance of the construction documents with the district’s project manager to prospective contractors and plan houses, and managing and monitoring plan distribution and plan check fees during bidding.
5. Completing the owner’s standard bid tabulation form before and during each bid opening, including the provisions for all addenda, bid security receipt, bid alternates, and unit prices.
6. Assisting the owner with the awarding of the construction contract based on the bids, contractor qualifications, and construction documents.
14. /Review and consult with Shawnee Mission School District regarding substitution requests during bidding.
15. /Attend all project pre-bid, pre-installation, pre-construction, coordination and periodic progress meetings.
16. /Oversight as required to ensure compliance with design and progress in accordance with projected construction timelines. Plan to conduct architectural project visits at a minimum of once per week during construction. If the visit occurs concurrent with the progress meeting, the site inspection is to be performed independently by the architect and a field report generated.
17. /Processing of contractor’s payment applications and review of construction progress schedules as part of the pay application certification in accordance with the school district’s payment schedule.
18. /Review contractor provided construction progress schedules and schedules of value and make recommendations regarding their accuracy and acceptability.
19. /Conducting final inspection and identification of punch lists requirements, re-inspection as needed, and update punch lists to final project acceptance by Shawnee Mission School District.
20. /Perform HVAC systems and special systems start-up verifications to assess and fully document that the systems are functioning in accordance with design intent and criteria. In addition, provide assistance with system start-up of the integrated CCTV and security monitoring system.
21. /Review for Shawnee Mission School District’s acceptance the post construction submittals by the contractor including as-built drawing, operations and maintenance manuals, warranty documents, and other project records and documents to be provided to the owner.
22. /Attend and participate in a scheduled 11-month warranty walk-through as established at project completion.
23. /AIA documents are to be used for managing the project to the fullest extent possible. This includes, but is not limited to change orders, proposal requests, field visits, certificate of occupancy, architects supplemental instructions and the Architect/Owner agreement as modified by the school district.
24. /A log of submittals, change orders, proposal requests, ASI’s and RFI’s is to be established, maintained and monitored by the architect. These logs are to be submitted by the architect, and reviewed at each construction progress meeting.
25. /Architect shall provide a detailed Gantt chart or schedule as part of the programming for the project outlining in detail their proposed “work plan”. The schedule submittal shall include consideration for the following:
A. Start and completion dates for tasks
B. Review periods
C. Jurisdictional submittals and approvals
D. Critical deadlines for District provided information
E. Engineer and consultant information and tasks coordinated with the above architect’s task
26. /Architect shall certify and provide written documentation, that the new construction is not designed with asbestos containing materials.
27. /Architect shall certify that payments have been made to the architect’s consultants/subcontractors.
28. /All consulting services shall be included as basic services. This includes, but is not limited to all engineering disciplines including mechanical, electrical, plumbing, structural, kitchen, civil, traffic, and landscape consultants.
29.30. /
The schedule for existing condition surveys and/or construction may require after hours performance of duties (evenings, Saturday and Sunday). The architect shall provide these services as required to meet the demands of the project and its schedule.
Facilitate and assist with procurement, by way of competitive bid, and coordinate service of a 3rd party HVAC system commissioning agent
The contract will be awarded to the firms submitting the best responsible proposal complying with the requirements of this RFP, provided the proposal is reasonable and in the best interest of the District to accept. The firms selected will be notified at the earliest practical date. The decision regarding the acceptability of the proposal shall remain entirely with the District.
1. Disclaimer of liability: the District will not hold harmless or indemnify any proposer for any liability whatsoever.
2. A contract will serve as the award instrument against this RFP.
3. Purchases made against this RFP are for District use and are exempt from State Sales Tax and Federal Excise Tax. Do not include these taxes in your Proposal.
a. Submission of Proposals:
Hand-carried or proposals via carrier service, including U.S. Postal Service, are to be sealed and delivered to:
Shawnee Mission School District
Attention: Becky Collins
Purchasing Department
7235 Antioch
Shawnee Mission, Kansas 66204
Mark all proposal envelopes with: RFP #14-060 Future Construction
Projects, Architectural-Engineering Services
b. Ownership
Ownership of all data, materials and documentation originated and prepared for the District pursuant to the RFP shall belong exclusively to the District and be subject to public inspection in accordance with the Kansas Public Records Act.
c. Costs
Costs for developing proposals and demonstrations are entirely the responsibility of the Proposer, and are not chargeable to the District and will not be reimbursed by the District.
d. Rights of District
• Reject any and /or all proposals received in response to this RFP.
• Respond to inquiries for clarification purposes only and/or to request clarification, if necessary.
• Waive minor irregularities if the District determines that waiver would be in its best interest and would not result in an unfair advantage for other Proposers and potential Proposers.
• Select a proposal other than that with the lowest cost. The District reserves the right to incorporate terms and conditions it determines to be proper or necessary into any contract negotiated as a result of a proposal submitted in response to this RFP.
Any changes deemed necessary by the District to this RFP will be submitted as an addendum to the RFP. If the District should amend any segment of the RFP after submission of proposals and prior to announcement of the successful Proposer, all responding proposers will be afforded ample opportunity to revise their proposals to accommodate the RFP amendment and the dates for submission of revised proposals announced at the time. Any use or reference of this RFP by the Proposer to promote, solicit, or disseminate information regarding the services being provided is prohibited, unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the District. All proposals shall be valid for a period of sixty (60) days from the opening date of the RFP.
Please provide the following information in your response:
1. / Firm’s Approach to Developing New Facilities, Renovations, and Additions.Describe a project approach regarding your firm’s understanding of the project, its goals, and objectives and describe your planning process.
7. / Firm’s Experience with Planning for the Development of such facilities, Renovations and Additions.
Provide information about your experience on similar planning projects and your overall qualifications to carry out the Project(s). Provide project descriptions, locations photographs of at least five (5) relevant projects completed by the firm.
Firm’s Personnel Assigned to the Project.
Identify the names of any personnel who will be members of the actual project team and identify their level of experience with public school construction projects.
Firm’s References.
Provide references from five (5) recent planning projects of similar scope. Include district, contact names and telephone numbers.
Sub-Consultants that your firm will employ.
Identify all out-of-house sub-consultants that you will use and include individual duties, responsibilities, and a resume for each professional who will work on the project. Include relevant information including Sub-Consultant firms, names, history and profiles, philosophy, specialization, experience, and references.
Include information on Firm’s basic fee structure/range
Include your proposed fee range along with an hourly rate structure for additional services.
Additional Items to Answer:
· Describe your proposed methods to control, monitor and estimate construction costs for the project.
· Describe your proposed method to minimize construction change orders; specifically related to unforeseen conditions, design omissions, and code or jurisdictional authority reviews.
· Describe the construction oversight and commissioning procedures to be used and the specific personnel that will perform these functions.
· Why Should Shawnee Mission Unified Schools use your firm? Please feel free to provide any additional information you would like the District to consider.
RFP 14-060 Page 11 of 11