WCMMEA Membership Meeting Minutes

January 29, 2011

MMEA, Tan-Tar-A Resort

Drawing Room Terrace

7:45 a.m.

President, Kim Hartley, called the meeting to order and asked for approval of agenda.

Secretary/Treasurer, Stephanie Sekelsky, read the previous meeting minutes. Steve Litwiller moved they be approved as read, Cheryl Lines seconded. Motion carried. Stephanie distributed the treasurers report then announced the current balance at $15649.75. Grant Maledy moved the treasurer’s report be accepted, Stewart Limbrunner seconded. Motion carried.

President Kim Hartley said to do the MMEA survey.


President-Elect Nathan Long said, “The state of the constitution is strong.” Let him know if you think revisions are necessary.

Elementary Choral VP Britt Faaborgthat last year’s event was awesome and that this year’s event is good to go. Supervision should be lined up and the concerts will be at 2:30 and 3:30 p.m. A district employee must be present and either another district staff member or very trusty parent should be present for crowd control. The clinicians are (5th) Amy Kroenky and (6th) Christy Elsner. The 2012 clinicians are (5th) Melissa Straw and (6th) Carla Oliver.

Junior High Choral VP Shea Twenter announced as cost saving maneuvers that they would go to a 2 room use instead of the current 3 or 4 and they will be eliminating the cookie/drink break that was provided by Sodexo. The concert will remain at 3 p.m. on November 5, 2011. They will try to use some of the past literature and keep SAB (simpler than before) or more challenging 2-part. Brian Bellof will be the 2011 clinician. Christy Elsner may be the 2012 clinician.

Choral VP Charity Johnson announced that Odessa will still host auditions September 10 and Sedalia the concert on October 8. Please send special requests for audition times if you need to be accommodated for the ACT. Stacy Shoemaker will be the women’s choir clinician. The Honor Choir clinician is to be determined.

Band VP Bryant Knapp said the event went very well and that he would be working on some budget ideas. Dillon Jarrett, Honor Band Coordinator, said, “Ditto.”

Junior High Band VP Jon West said that the event went very well. Next year’s event will be held at Sedalia’s ninth grade building (the old high school).

Jazz VP Adam Twenter also said that the event went well. Next year will still be in conjunction with the Jr. High Honor Band. Jazz band will perform first. Encourage your students to audition!

Contact John Rutland with any orchestral needs.

MIOSM Coordinator Kathie Appleton said to go to the MENC website and download the free music. It is good stuff!

Contact Steve Litwiller with any mentoring needs. Let him know of new people in the district.

Give Stephanie Sekelsky any information that you’d like to have on the website.

Old Business:

The picnic last September went well. We will seek a date for the 2nd Annual WCMMEA picnic.

VPs will send out information for events early! Full contact information will be placed on letters as well.

Make sure there is a director sign-in at the events and then sign in.

New Business:

Scott Harvey will be the new 9/10 Coordinator.

If you are interested in serving in office for WCMMEA let us know!

Congratulations to the performers from WCMMEA performing here at MMEA. Plus Kudos went out to Steve Litwiller, Kevin Lines, and Grant Maledy for their awesomeness within the realm of music education.

For the good of the cause:

Keep ears open for MSIP 5 plan. Contact Deb Fischer at for more information. Be sure you are receiving trustworthy information. Check DESE site as well for more information.

Carla Maltas announced upcoming events at UCM. Check for more information. Future music educators event, the Kodaly workshops, the new Master’s program, etc. are a few of the things mentioned.

Cheryl Lines said to check out the KC Symphony. Tickets are $2 for open rehearsals.

Kim Hartley said to check the MMEA book for schedules for the summer conferences.

Grant Maledy invited bands to the Odessa festival that will be held on October 22.

Give Kim Hartley any requests for dates for State Festival so she can start building the schedule.

Adam Twenter announced that Lee’s Summit HS will be hosting MO Day of Percussion on February 12th. It is $15 for non-PAS members, but will be well worth it for the clinicians presenting that day (including WCMMEA’s own Michael Sekelsky!)

Blue River Community College is offering an Academy for the Arts summer program for students.

MBA grants are available for summer convention for 1-3 year teachers. Convention will be held June 19-22.

Grant Maledy moved we adjourn. Kathie Appleton and several others seconded. We just kind of got up and left…