COST Action TD1105 -New Sensing Technologies for Air-Pollution Control and Environmental Sustainability -

Third Scientific Meeting, organized by GEBZE and Bahcesehir University, Istanbul, 3-5 December 2014

Invited Talk or Oral/Poster Presentation


N. AuthorA1, N. AuthorB1, N. AuthorC2

1Department of ...... , University of ...... , Address, City; Email

2Institution/Company Affiliation, Address, City; Email


The abstracts submitted for theTHIRDSCIENTIFIC MEETING of COST Action TD1105 on New Sensing Technologies for Indoor Air-PollutionMonitoringas Open Event organized by GEBZE Institute of Technology (Kocaeli, Turkey), co-organized and hosted byBahcesehirUniversity, Besiktas Campus, Istanbul (Turkey),3-5December 2014, must follow the layout and content guidelines given in this document.

Abstracts must be written in English. The length is STRICTLY limited to 1 pages, including text, figures, tables and references. The paper size is A4 i.e. 210 mm (width) by 297 mm (height) with 2.5 cm margins on top, bottom, left and right.

Abstracts should contain motivations and relevance of research, main results, and short interpretation. The motivations and results of the research should be clearly identified and the novelty or progress made compared to the state of the art has to be provided.

References to literature should be inserted in the text as [1], pointing to the numbered reference list at the end of the abstract. Figures and tables can be placed freely in the text.

Figure 1. Figure caption.

To be submitted, abstracts must be converted in Adobe Portable Document Format and saved with the name of the corresponding author (AuthorA.pdf).

Word file as source must be submitted as well.

The Abstracts must be submitted via email to the Action Chair (Dr. Michele Penza, ENEA, Italy;)and the Action Scientific Secretary (Dr. Annamaria Demarinis Loiotile,University of Bari, Italy;) no later than November15, 2014.The Booklet will be distributed to the Meeting participants.

Please, visit the Action webpages for more info on the Meeting(

Registration of the Speaker/Presentermust be done in the e-COST system by means of the e-link received from Grant Holder, after acceptance of the submitted Abstract.

No Conference-fee is requested by COST Action Meeting organization.

All accepted abstracts - Invited Talks, Oral and Posters - will be collected in the Booklet of Abstracts of the THIRD SCIENTIFIC MEETING of the COST Action TD1105EuNetAirand to be published in the Action webpages after event, including presentations (pdf).


  1. N. AuthorA, N. AuthorB, “Paper title”, Journal/Proceedings, Number/Issue (Year), Pages.
  2. E. H. Espinosa, R. Ionescu, C. Bittencourt, A. Felten, R. Erni, G. Van Tenderloo, J.-J. Pireaux, and E. Llobet,“Metal-decorated multi-wall carbon nanotubes for low temperature gas sensing”,Thin Solid Films,515(2007) 8322-8327.
  3. M. Penza, R. Rossi, M. Alvisi, E. Serra,“Metal-modified and vertically aligned carbon nanotube sensors array for landfill gas monitoring applications”,Nanotechnology21(2010) 105501.

GEBZE Institute of Technology and hosted by BahcesehirUniversity, Besiktas Campus, Istanbul, 3-5Dec. 2014