Wayne County Soil and Water Conservation District 823 S. Round Barn Rd., Suite 1, Richmond, Indiana 47374

Phone (765) 966-0191 Ext. #3 Fax (855) 391-1922



Board of Supervisors

8:00 a.m., June 7, 2016

Members present: Others Present:

Eric Snyder, Chairperson Brett Stewart, District Coordinator/Treasurer

Steve Hayes, Jr., Secretary LuAnne Holeva, Education Coordinator

Scott McCarty, Member Raquel Baker, District Technician

Pam Earlywine, Member Zach Lee, Watershed Coordinator

Tara Wesseler-Henry, District Support Specialist

Members absent: Brenda Gettinger, ISDA Resource Specialist

Cathy Becker, Vice-Chairperson Tim McConaha, Associate Supervisor

Open Meeting: Eric Snyder, Chairperson, calls the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m.

May Meeting Minutes: Scott McCarty motions to approve the May 2016 meeting minutes, as corrected. Steve Hayes, Jr. seconds the motion. Minutes approved.

Financial Report:

Brett Stewart gives the financial report noting that the District did receive a 319 Grant quarterly reimbursement a couple days ago (approximately $9,500.00), and it would show up on next month’s report. Brett also reviewed the final 2016 Spring Fundraiser Report, noting that the fundraiser netted $243.36 in profit. The Accounts Payable Voucher Register/Claims and Financial Report were submitted for approval. A motion was made by Pam Earlywine and seconded by Scott McCarty and carried; all claims and financial reports approved after correction made to Accounts Payable Voucher Register.

Action Items:

·  Capitalization Policy: Brett Stewart advises the board that he met with the County Auditor and his chief deputy last month to develop a capitalization policy that will fit the needs of the District. The policy remains as presented at a previous board meeting except that it was recommended that the capitalization threshold be increased to $20,000.00 in order to match county policy. Tara Wesseler-Henry confirms that most districts also set their threshold to match their county’s policy. Assets such as computers or vehicles costing less than this amount should still be tracked for insurance purposes, but do not need to be reported in the District’s annual financial report. The board tables signing the policy until a future meeting when all board members are present.

·  Office desk and chair: Raquel Baker requests approval to purchase an office work station/desk and chair. The drafting table is uncomfortable and no longer serves its original purpose. Pam Earlywine motions to approve up to $500.00 to purchase a desk and chair. Steve Hayes, Jr. seconds. Motion approved.

Old Business:

·  Wayne County 4-H Fair: LuAnne Holeva passes around a volunteer schedule for the fair. She has emailed about getting parking passes but hasn't heard back yet, so she will mail parking passes to those attending the fair soon. LuAnne advises that the District has two nest boxes for a drawing but Woody Warehouse is offering a free tree or bush if we advertise Woody Warehouse at the fair. The District would have to go pick up the tree or pay for shipping. The Board wants to know if we can take a rain check and pick up during fall tree sale. LuAnne does not know, but will find out. Tim McConaha has extra bare root trees that he may be able to give away at the fair.

Water Quality · Soil Health & Soil Erosion · Woodlands/Wildlife · Land Use

Minutes – 2

June 7, 2016

Old Business (cont’d):

·  CWI grant projects: The board revisits the ideas discussed last meeting. Tara Wesseler-Henry states that the tire disposal voucher idea would likely not get funded since it does not address the State Soil Conservation Board’s plan for nutrient load reduction in waterways. Tara mentions the grant due date is September 15th at 4 p.m. and suggests selecting a project (and possible partners) so that we can begin working on the application with sufficient time for her to review it and give feedback. The State Recycling Development Board might have money for tire recycling with their grants. Tara will forward on information about these grants when it becomes available. No further action taken on this agenda item.

New Business

·  2017 Budget: Brett Stewart advises that the County Auditor has instructed that departments not make any changes to budget line items for staff salary and benefits. Brett states that based upon recent years’ expenditures, the amounts budgeted for vehicle expenses appear adequate. However, the amount budgeted for Operating Expenses does not cover the District’s obligation for the Education Coordinator salary. LuAnne Holeva suggests Operating Expenses line item include sufficient funding to cover the District’s portion of the Education Intern salary before reimbursement (30% of $10,400.00). The consensus of the board was for Brett Stewart to request sufficient funding to cover these expenses.

·  Tox-A-Way Day grants: Brett Stewart and LuAnne Holeva inform the board that to date the District has been awarded $10,000.00 by the Wayne County Foundation to hold a Tox-A-Way Day event and purchase a groundwater flow simulator. LuAnne states that Georgia Pacific/Color Box has a grant that the District can apply for to provide funding for the event. The board discusses contingency plans for funding if no additional money is received. LuAnne Holeva states that she will check with the WUR SWMD board to see if they want to commit all their funding to advertising or whether the $5,000.00 it has pledged can be used toward disposal costs. LuAnne anticipates that the total cost of disposing of waste from the event will be approximately $20,000.00.

·  River Friendly Farmer Award Nomination: Zach Lee asks board members if they have any nominations for the IASWCD River Friendly Farmer award. Two names are put forward. Zach will get more information on both candidates before submitting the nomination form before June 17th.

·  Fall Tree Sale: LuAnne Holeva states that this year Woody Warehouse is offering Grade A and Grade B trees. She guesses the difference would be between a landscape grade tree and one that has more variation in shape. She will advertise the sale at the Wayne County 4-H Fair. The board discusses possible places for trees to be stored. Steve Hayes, Jr. motions to hold fall tree sale. Scott McCarty seconds. Motion approved.

·  Rain Barrel fundraiser- Zach Lee informs the board that food grade barrels are available from the Jay County SWMD if the District was interested in doing a rain barrel fundraiser. Steve Hayes, Jr. states that it would be more efficient to find an ongoing source of rain barrels locally given the various food suppliers here, rather than continuing to travel to Portland, IN. In addition, more information needs to be obtained regarding the cost of the kits that contain the hardware for the barrels. The board tables the request.

·  Internal Controls Supervisor/Staff training: Brett Stewart advises that he is still in the process of creating a policy that incorporates all the risk mitigating activities the District already employs in regard to fraud and other financial loss. He advises that all supervisors and staff have to take internal controls training approved by the SBOA. A link to a webinar created for this purpose by the SBOA as well as a certification form stating that the training was received can be found of the supervisor’s page of the District’s website. An internal controls policy can be implemented anytime between July 1, 2016 and the spring due date for financial reporting early next year.

Water Quality · Soil Health & Soil Erosion · Woodlands/Wildlife · Land Use

Minutes – 3

June 7, 2016

Monthly Reports:

NRCS Report:

Brett Stewart delivers Colt VanNatta’s written report:

·  The Richmond DC job has once again been advertised for another 7 day period, ending today.

·  NRCS employees are getting ready to complete yearly status reviews. A handful of producers from each county are spot reviewed to make sure they are following Highly Erodible Land (HEL) and wetland compliance.

·  Colt plans on being at the field day at the Bakers farm on June 11th, and to volunteer one day at the SWCD booth at the Wayne County 4-H fair.

District Coordinator’s Report:

Brett Stewart reports:

·  Attended Hoosier Riverwatch training in Lawrenceburg, IN on May 9th.

·  Attended Indiana Conservation Partnership Employee meeting in Danville, IN on May 10th.

·  Program Support Specialist training with Kathy Judd on May 16th.

·  Prepared agenda and supplemental materials for Education Coordinating Committee.

·  Recorded meeting minutes for the Education Coordinating Committee on May 20th.

·  Attended Clean Water Indiana grant and Internal Controls training in Versailles, IN on May 23rd.

·  Assisted Zach Lee with water quality testing in the West Fork Whitewater watershed on May 24th.

·  Ordered SWCD business cards.

·  Prepared agenda for June board meeting and transcribed May board meeting minutes.

·  Prepared monthly claims for payment.

·  Updated SWCD website.

·  Brett advises that all staff besides Raquel Baker will be out on vacation on July 5th, the date of the next board meeting. Brett recommends moving the board meeting to the next Tuesday, July 12th. Pam Earlywine motions to move the July board meeting to July 12th. Scott McCarty seconds, and the motion is approved.

Education Coordinator’s Report:

LuAnne Holeva reports:

·  Picked up NACD materials, which should last the District for the next 3-5 years.

·  No intern this summer. Two applicants-one applied late, and one never filled out Wayne County Government application. Will advertise position again mid-July, and hopefully have someone by mid-August.

·  Education committee meeting update-no changes to the educator position or funding.

·  Finalizing recycling guide.

·  Worked with Zach to present macro-invertebrate field day with Northeastern sixth graders.

·  Two boxes of hand fans have been updated with SWCD Facebook page address and Cambridge City recycling drop off location removed.

Watershed Coordinator’s Report:

Zach Lee reports:

·  Last month’s tasks: finished newsletter and press release, water quality monitoring and data upload. Gave Macroinvertebrate lesson with sixth graders. Still working on implementing bmps with cost share program.

·  Next steering committee meeting on June 15th at Hagerstown High School.

·  Middle Fork clean up on June 25th, 10a-12p.

·  On June 22 at 9:30 a.m. Girls, Inc. volunteering to help apply storm drain labels in Centerville.

·  June 28-July 8 on vacation.

Water Quality · Soil Health & Soil Erosion · Woodlands/Wildlife · Land Use


June 7, 2016

District Technician’s Report

Raquel Baker reports:

·  Full report on website.

·  Wrapped up spring construction. Waiting on tile report and blanket reports to complete certification. Getting design work ready for fall construction.

·  Working on one design for Zach's cost share program.

·  Landfill inspection was May 2nd.

·  Pasture & Livestock field day on June 11th.

·  Have been asked to help do status reviews with NRCS, but not sure exactly when this will be.

A motion is made by Steve Hayes, Jr., seconded by Pam Earlywine and carried, to adjourn the meeting at 9:41 a.m.

Minutes recorded and submitted by Brett Stewart.

Minutes approved: Dated: ______X______



Water Quality · Soil Health & Soil Erosion · Woodlands/Wildlife · Land Use